
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Greek Government Scholarships


Scholarships are granted by the Greek Government (Hellenic Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs) to foreign nationals who wish to attend undergraduate or postgraduate studies in Greek Universities or conduct a research study in Greek Universities or Centers of Scientific Research the academic year 2012-2013, as well as a summer seminar of Greek Language and Civilization for the summer of 2012.

The Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs has announced scholarships for foreign citizens of 27 countries. Greek Government Scholarships are open to citizens of the following countries:

Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Israel, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, Netherlands, Hungary, Ukraine, Peru, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Syria, Turkey and Czech Republic.

Financial allowances to undergraduate and postgraduate students/scholars

a) Monthly allowance:

• 400€, for scholarship holders carrying out undergraduate studies and
• 450€, for scholarship holders carrying out postgraduate studies or research.

b) One-off allowance for settlement expenses:

• 500€, for those who shall settle in Athens and
• 550€, for those who shall settle in the province.

The scholarship holders whose scholarship is being renewed are not entitled to this amount.
c) One-off amount of 150€ annually for covering transportation expenses within the country for postgraduate students or researchers who are obliged to move from their place of residence, in order to carry out the research program approved by our Office and as long as there is a justified proposal by their supervisor.
d) Exemption from tuition fees only for undergraduate studies.
e) It is clarified that scholarship holders for postgraduate studies or research who wish to follow the Greek language courses as well, shall not be exempted from tuition fees. Additionally, they should select the postgraduate programs offered without tuition fees from the list they will find at under the indication "State Budget". In case their choice is not included in the free programs they should cover tuition fees on their own.
f) Free medical treatment in case of an emergency, only in Public Hospitals.

Scholarship Terms

1. In General
Interested persons should address the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Education of their country of origin- in very few cases the Greek embassy in their country- which are competent for collecting the applications, selecting the proposed candidates and forwarding the files to our Office.

The proposals made by each country’s competent authorities, along with the files of the proposed candidates should arrive to our Office no later than April 30th 2012. However, it is noted that each country shall determine by itself the closing dates for application submission which do not coincide to the final closing date of file consignment to Greece and interested persons should address the services of their own country. All available information regarding the initial submission service abroad can be found to the Ministry's website under scholarships to foreign
nationals within the framework of Bilateral Educational Programs.

Our Office shall notify the competent authorities with the scholarship approval decision for the proposed persons no later than May 31st 2012 for summer seminars and no later than June 31st 2012 for undergraduate and postgraduate studies (on the condition that candidates’ files are complete).

Scholarship holders who have been accepted should immediately upon their arrival in Greece present themselves to our Office in order for their scholarship to commence, and- if they reside in the province- they should inform about their arrival, their address and their telephone number in Greece. Additionally, they should contact our Office either by phone or by e-mail ( at least one (1) month prior to their arrival and inform about the specific date of their arrival.

We stress that allowance payment starts from the day that scholarship holders present themselves to our Office and not retrospectively.

Our Office has every right to interrupt a scholarship or not to renew it in case its terms are not met.

It is not permitted to grant a scholarship to two brothers at the same time and to candidates receiving a scholarship from another public Greek agency or/and from the European Union.
Candidates who have already received a scholarship from the Greek Government within the framework of Bilateral Educational Programs are not entitled to apply for a new scholarship.

Age limit

a) As regards undergraduate studies, all candidates should be born after 1.1.1986
b) As regards postgraduate studies or research or summer seminar, candidates should be born after 1.1.1971.

2. Scholarship terms for postgraduate studies and research

These scholarships are intended for graduates of Higher Education Institutions who wish to attend postgraduate studies or research in Public Greek Universities or Greek Research Centres.
Scholarship holders can use the scholarship only for the period of the specific academic year for which the scholarship is granted.

The above scholarships cannot be renewed for a period longer than one (1) year for the same scholar, for postgraduate studies, and for a period longer than two (2) years for the award of a PhD diploma.

A scholarship is renewed upon application of the interested person to his/her country, which is competent to propose the renewal for the above mentioned scholarship holder to our Office in due time. A renewal application should be submitted to our Office by the interested person as well.
Each scholarship holder is obliged, throughout the scholarship program, to be in Greece and be exclusively devoted to carrying out the program of studies submitted by him/her and approved by our Office.

After the end of the scholarship, each scholarship holder must submit to our Office a detailed report about the studies or research he/she realized, as well as a certificate by his/her supervisor about the research.
Candidates for postgraduate studies in Greece should
• in any case know the Greek language (unless the postgraduate program is taught in English) and be accepted to a postgraduate studies program

Candidates for research should know Greek or English or French to a sufficient level. The term "research" includes preparation of a doctorate or post doctorate thesis, as well as any other form of scientific research except medical specialization. It is necessary to consult the supervising professor as regards the working language.

3. Scholarship terms for undergraduate studies

For scholarship holders who are about to follow a full course of undergraduate studies in Greece, a scholarship is initially granted for one (1) academic year in order for them to follow Greek language courses (if they do not have a language certificate). In case they fail in the language exams, scholarship is interrupted. In case they succeed, a scholarship is granted for a full course of undergraduate studies and shall be renewed every year.

Each scholarship holder is obliged, throughout the scholarship program, to be in Greece and be exclusively devoted to carrying out the program of studies submitted by him/her and approved by our Office. Absence is justified for two (2) consecutive months (during summer) and in case the scholarship holder is absent for more than 2 months, then he/she should inform our Office.

During the first year of his/her staying in Greece, the scholarship holder is admitted to a Department of a Higher Education Institution according to the preference list he/she has submitted in his/her scholarship application (see (a) supporting documents for undergraduate studies). The application is equivalent to a solemn declaration. Any change of Department is allowed upon application of the scholarship holder only during the 1st year of Greek language learning.

It is emphasized that after the first year of successful attendance of Greek language courses, the scholarship holder shall submit in person the necessary supporting documents for his/her enrolment in the department of his/her choice, therefore he/she should have under his/her possession certified copies of all original and translated supporting documents which he/she shall submit to our Office.

A scholarship for undergraduate studies shall be granted for a period of time equal to the one required according to the program of studies of the school of attendance, as minimum duration for the award of the degree. The scholarship holder may apply for an extension of his/her scholarship beyond the provided time limit of attendance and for a maximum period of one year beyond the period of compulsory attendance. This application is filed annually from May till the end of June directly to our Office, which decides for the approval or dismissal of the application for renewal.
Our office grants the scholarship until the month of oath taking in case the scholar completes his/her studies in time during the compulsory duration of studies. If the student goes over the compulsory years, the scholarship shall be granted only until the date of completion of his/her obligations and not until the oath taking.

Each scholar student is obliged to file to our Office, after the end of each exam period, a detailed certificate of studies ("transcript of records") certifying that the student has passed a sufficient number of courses, in accordance with the program of studies of the department that he/she attends. In case of non-satisfactory progress his/her scholarship shall not be renewed. More particularly, as satisfactory performance is meant the successful examination in at least 50% of the compulsory or elective subjects required by the curriculum of Studies of the Department or Faculty of Attendance. The scholar student is obliged to participate in all exam periods of his/her faculty as long as he/she has subjects to pass.

4. Scholarships for summer seminars in Language and Civilization

a. The place and time of the seminar shall be notified by April 30th 2012 by a new document of our Office.
b. The scholarship covers all expenses (tuition fees, accommodation, food, participation in cultural events), except for travelling expenses to and from the country which are paid by the scholarship holders themselves or by their country.

5. Supporting Documents

All supporting documents are submitted officially translated into Greek, French or English in two (2) certified copies. In case of submission of false certificates, simple photocopies, or supporting documents insufficiently completed, candidacy shall be rejected without notice by our Office.

Application Deadline:

The deadline for applications is 30 April 2012.

You can apply here.

Scholarships granted by the Greek Government to foreign nationals for academic year 2012-2013
Click here for details of the notice 
Click here for the application form
Click here Bourses du Gouvernement grec
Click here for the postgraduate program (in English)
Click here and here for the postgraduate program (in French)
Click here for Information about International Hellenic University
For Imformation about where to apply click here

Contact us

You can contact the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs, in any of the following ways:

Via snail-mail, to the following address:
Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs
Website Support Group: Yiannakos B., Kalemis G., Meintanis S., Iliadou V., Roussos A., Perifanos E., Michok K., Latifis K
General Secretary's Office
Andrea Papandreou 37
Marousi 15180 Greece

Official website:

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Engineering Scholarships In India on March 26, 2012 at 10:45 PM said...


A scholarship is an award of financial aid to a student to further their education. It is awarded on various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Thanks a lot....

soumya on December 13, 2022 at 1:59 AM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator