The JIRCAS Visiting Research Fellowship Program aims at the promotion of international collaborative research to address various problems confronting the countries in developing regions on a global scale, including the critical situation of food production, the progression of desertification and the gradual disappearance of genetic resources.
This fellowship program has two components: (1) Tsukuba-Okinawa (2) Project Site. Under the Tsukuba-Okinawa fellowship program, JIRCAS invites qualified researchers from research institutes in developing countries to carry out collaborative research for the rapid and sustainable development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries compatible with the preservation of the natural environment. This year, however, the call for applications for the former type is open only for Tsukuba. Researches will be conducted at the JIRCAS Headquarters in Tsukuba.
Upon return to their home countries, the fellows are expected to play a major role in the activities of their institutes, and work towards the achievement of the fellowship program’s goals.
Slots available
- A round-trip airline ticket (economy class) (not available for dependents)
- Living allowance : \7,700 per day (excluding housing allowance)
- Housing:
- Allowance:Rate based on the regulations for government housing facilities
- Facility:Tsukuba International House
2-1-9, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8601
- Insurance:Overseas travel accident insurance package for injury, sickness and damage (dependents not covered)
- Be a national of a developing country.
- Be currently employed in a research organization or university in the applicant’s home country where he/she is actively engaged in research relating to agriculture, forestry and fisheries. After the completion of the Fellowship, he/she must be willing to return to his/her country to continue to carry out research at the same research institute or university.
- Should be endorsed by the authority of the institution where the applicant is employed.
- Hold at least a Master’s degree in a field relating to socio-economics, natural sciences or technology.
- Should be in good health.
- Have an adequate command of English and/or Japanese language.
Application Procedure
- Application form [Word(64KB),
- Copy of publications (three most relevant only)
- Curriculum vitae [maximum of four pages; do not attach any certificate(s) /diploma(s)]
Mr. Takahiro Sato
Head, Research Coordination Section
Research Support Office
Research Planning and Coordination Division
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
1-1, Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686, JAPAN
Note: Application by Fax and Email will not be accepted.Deadline for Application
Notification of Results
For inquiries, contact us through the inquiry form provided in the JIRCAS web site. Inquiries relating to research themes will NOT be answered.
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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