In accordance with the bilateral and trilateral intergovernmental and interministerial agreements on co-operation in education and science, the State Education Development Agency (VIAA) offers scholarships to students, researchers and teaching staff of several countries for studies and research work in Latvian higher education institutions (HEIs), as well as for participation in summer schools organized by HEIs. For more detailed information about summer schools see: Scholarships » Summer Schools
Only citizens from countries which have signed an agreement on co-operation in education and science can apply for the Latvian government scholarships. These countries are: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium (Flanders Community and French Community of Belgium), Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Greece, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Israel, Cyprus, China, Great Britain, Lithuania, Mexico, Mongolia, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Finland, Spain, Turkey, Hungary, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Germany, Vietnam.
The agreements you can find on the following web-sites:
- http://izm.izm.gov.lv/starptautiska-sadarbiba/starpvaldibu-ligumi.html
- http://izm.izm.gov.lv/starptautiska-sadarbiba/starpresoru-ligumi.html
Study and Research Stay
Tuition language in Latvian higher education institutions is Latvian; individual study programmes and subjects are taught also in English or other foreign languages.
The scholarship is valid only for full-time studies in Latvia. It is not valid for on-the-job studies, part-time studies and correspondence courses.
Scholarships are granted for the time period up to 10 months.
If a student wants to continue his/her studies in Latvia for one extra year, he/she has to apply for the Latvian scholarship again.
Application procedure
The following documents are necessary to apply for the Latvian scholarship for study and research stay:
1) Application form
2) Curriculum Vitae;
3) Motivation letter;
4) Certified photocopies of HEI-Diploma, including transcripts, or transcript of records, if studies have not been finished yet;
5) Two recommendation letters (written within the past six months), at least one of them should be from the HEI lecturer/professor (for students). One recommendation letter for researchers;
6) Invitation letter from the proposed Latvian HEI (please contact the selected HEI directly);
7) Detailed study or research plan;
8) Certificate of language proficiency required for studies (for students, may be issued by the HEI professor);
9) Medical certificate (only for non-EU nationals).
All documents that are not in Latvian, shall be translated into English. All translations must be officially certified.
Curriculum vitae, Motivation letter and Study or research plan shall be dated and signed.
Application form and all the enclosed documents shall be completed in two sets.
Incomplete applications or applications handed in after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
Documents sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.
Application documents will not be returned.
Application dossiers and nomination letters for scholarships for studies and research in Latvian HEIs have to be sent to VIAA by the competent authorities of eligible countries. Additional information on the scholarship can be obtained in these institutions. Although VIAA accepts applications from these countries submitted directly to VIAA, please note that the applications evaluated and forwarded by the home country authorities always take precedence.
Application deadline for study and research stay is May 2, 2011.
All applications will be evaluated and the final decision on granting scholarships will be made by the evaluation committee of VIAA.
The list of accepted candidates will be published on the website of VIAA (English version) at the end of June 2011.
All candidates will be informed about the results in an official letter or e-mail.
Financial provisions
The amount of the Latvian scholarship is*:
a) for bachelor and master students – LVL 350 per month;
b) for PhD students – LVL 470 per month;
c) for short visits of researchers and lecturers – LVL 20 per day and max. LVL 120 for accommodation per month.
*the support for Lithuanian and Estonian students, teachers and researchers is according to the Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Estonia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania on exchange of students, researchers and teaching staff.
For studies in state financed study programmes the scholarship holder does not pay tuition fee. Majority of these study programmes are taught in Latvian. If he/she has chosen a programme taught in English, the student can be asked to pay the tuition fee.
Accommodation costs of bachelor, master and Phd students are to be covered from the scholarship. Upon request, the host HEI provides the scholarship holder with a place in a dormitory or a guesthouse. Requests for accommodation in the international student dormitories shall be submitted well in advance before arrival. Alternatively, foreign students and researchers may consider renting an apartment in the city.
In the month in which the foreign student is present in the territory of Latvia for less than 15 calendar days no scholarship is provided.
The Latvian scholarship cannot be awarded concurrently with other scholarships.
The scholarship is meant to cover the living expenses of one person only.
Travel expenses to the Latvian HEI and back to the country of origin are not covered by the Latvian scholarship.
Scholarship holders are required to make their own arrangements for insurance coverage.
Contact address:
State Education Development Agency
Valnu iela 1
Rīga LV-1050
Posted in scholarization.blogspot.com
Important web pages:
- list of higher education institutions and study programmes taught in English: http://www.aiknc.lv/lv/list.php; www.studyinlatvia.lv;
- information on the education system of the Republic of Latvia, on education related regulatory enactments, higher education institutions and recognition of foreign diplomas in Latvia can be found at the home page of the Latvian Academic Information Centre: http://www.aic.lv;
- information on receiving residence permits is available at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs home page:http://www.ocma.gov.lv/en/;
- information on foreign embassies in Latvia: http://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/ministry/mission
Contact persons:
Ms Antra Brunere, Head of the International Cooperation Programme Unit, telephone: 67785469; e-mail: antra.brunere@viaa.gov.lv
Ms Aija Jakovica, Senior Specialist of the International Cooperation Programme Unit, telephone: 67814331, e-mail:aija.jakovica@viaa.gov.lv
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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