
Friday, April 1, 2011

Canadian Government Scholarships for Foreign Nationals


The Government of Canada offers scholarships to Canadian publicly funded universities or colleges as part of the Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program (CCSP) and Government of Canada Awards (GCA).

The Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program (CCSP) is celebrating 50 years! Since the plan’s inception in 1959, the Government of Canada has provided scholarships of excellence to all member countries of the Commonwealth. The CCSP goal is to promote Canadian values and identity around the world and to help meet the human capital needs of developing countries.

Canada also played a leadership role in the establishment of the international Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan and is the largest contributor to this program after the United Kingdom.

Scholarship Types

Scholarships are for student and research exchanges at the graduate level.

Scholarship Duration and Value

- $7,500 CAD for graduate students for a period of 4 months
- $10,000 CAD for graduate students for a period of 5-6 months

Mandatory and Eligible Expenses

Canadian institutions will receive cheques for the full amount of the scholarships stated in the signed agreements between their institution and CBIE. Canadian institutions will provide the amount to the recipient on a monthly basis or by lump sum. Canadian institutions can take up to $300 dollars to cover administration fees once the recipient arrives to Canada. Funds must be returned completely to CBIE if the recipient does not take up his/her scholarship. The scholarship amount must cover:

- Visa expenses
- Economy, round-trip airfare
- Monthly living allowance
- Required books, supplies, and equipment – not computers

Who can apply?

Publicly funded Canadian institutions must submit applications on behalf of candidate. CBIE does not accept applications submitted directly by candidate or partner institutions (foreign institutions).

N.B. Canadian faculty members who are submitting applications should notify the international relations department of their respective institutions. By doing so, this will assist with central coordination by the institution in the event that multiple applications need to be prioritized.

Eligible Countries

  • Asia-Pacific: Bangladesh, India, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives, Nauru, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
  • Africa: Botswana, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia

Eligible Themes/Fields

Open to all disciplines including interdisciplinary programs. Projects with a scientific research component will be prioritized.


  • Candidates must be citizens of one of the eligible countries. Anyone who has obtained Canadian citizenship, who has applied or is planning to apply for permanent residency in Canada is not eligible for this scholarship.
  • Candidates must be enrolled full-time at a foreign institution in an eligible country and paying tuition fees at their home institution for the full duration of the exchange.
  • Candidates already participating in an exchange program in Canada are not eligible.
  • Candidates already enrolled to a degree program at a Canadian university or college are not eligible.
  • Candidates should be proficient in either English or French.

Terms and Conditions

  • The publicly funded Canadian institution must apply on behalf of the international candidate.
  • An inter-institutional exchange agreement between the Canadian institution and the candidate’s home university or college MUST be in place at the time of application for an undergraduate student.
  • While not compulsory, an inter-institutional agreement is desirable when applying for a graduate student. However, if there is no existing graduate exchange, graduate research applications which involve a new or established collaboration between professors from a Canadian and foreign university will be considered.
  • More than one exchange program at a given university or college may apply.
  • Applications submitted directly by the applicant will not be accepted nor redirected.
  • A recipient cannot normally hold any other major scholarships granted by the government of Canada.
  • Priority will be given to candidates who have not previously studied in Canada under a Canadian government scholarship.
  • Graduate students can arrive to Canada between August 2011 and March 1, 2012.
  • Failure to arrive by March 1, 2012 will result in the cancellation of the offer or agreement.

Role of the Canadian institution

Application process

  • Submit the on-line application form on behalf of the candidate. Upon completion, verify data prior to submitting. To obtain a hard copy, prior to submitting, use the print function on your browser.
  • Check the declaration and permission boxes.
  • Enter the information directly into the field or copy and paste it from another source. Do not use the tab keys when entering the information directly. Certain web-based special characters such as HTML tags may also cause unpredictable results in the text, or prevent from successfully applying. The information will appear as plain text.
  • Submit the supporting documents. The supporting documentation indicated below must be submitted as attached documents in a *.doc, *.jpeg or *.pdf format with the online form prior to the application deadline. Do not send these documents by regular mail:
    • Proof of citizenship (copy of passport or national identity document with valid dates)
    • A short letter in English or French from the department or university, on letterhead, dated in the last 6 months stating that the student is currently enrolled in a full-time degree program and will continue to be enrolled upon his/her return to his/her home country. Copy of transcripts, student card and letter of admission to the program are not acceptable.
    • Letter of intent from candidate explaining reasons for applying and how the scholarship program will contribute to the student’s study or research
    • Letter of support from student’s professor or the International Director at home institution explaining the nature of studies and how the student and the home institution will benefit from this scholarship program.
    • Letter of invitation from Canadian supervisor indicating willingness to support and mentor the visiting student. This document is required only for graduate-level students.
    • Copy of signed agreement with international institution. This document is mandatory for college and undergraduate-level students. For graduate-level students, if the exchange is made under a signed agreement, it is strongly suggested to submit it on the application form. Please also answer to application form’s history section.

The following document must be dowloaded, filled in and attached to the online application form.

IMPORTANT: Please provide the home institution official name in its national language. For example:

  • University of the West Indies at Mona (not Université des West Indies à Mona
  • Universidad de Chile (not University of Chile or Université du Chili)
  • Universidade de São Paulo (not University of Sao Paulo or Université de Sao Paulo)

Illegible, incomplete or late applications will not be considered.


CBIE will notify Canadian institutions of their successful and unsuccessful candidates by email. For successful candidates, CBIE will send a Grant Agreement to the Canadian institution detailing the value and conditions of the scholarship. This document should be signed and returned to CBIE within 30 days.

CBIE expects to announce results by the end of June 2011.

Payment procedure

The scholarship will be paid by cheque in one installment to the Canadian institution, not to the recipient, following receipt of these supporting documents:

  • Signed grant agreement by the Canadian institution AND
  • Proof of entry into Canada (copy of passport page with entry stamp, study permit or work permit) AND
  • Proof of international or national medical coverage for the entire duration of the recipient’s stay in Canada.

These documents should be sent to and include on the subject line the name of the program in the subject line.

The cheque will be sent to the contact person responsible for the scholarship program specified on the application form.

Please note that CBIE requires up to 2 weeks to process payments.

Please note: If you encounter any problems while submitting the application form or attachments, please contact CBIE and indicate in your email subject the name of the program you are submitting an application.


Telephone: (613) 237-4820

Facsimile: (613) 237-1073


Canadian Bureau for International Education
DFAIT Canadian and International Scholarship Programs
220 Laurier Ave West, Suite 1550
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1P 5Z9

Online Application

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator