
Friday, January 29, 2010

New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) for Indonesia 2010/2011


Indonesia is NZAID’s largest bilateral development programme in South East Asia. New Zealand has carefully reconsidered its approach and is now finalizing its 10-year country programme strategy (2009-2019) that identifies an overarching goal of ‘Economic development through improved governance for a peaceful, just and prosperous Indonesia’. This goal would be pursued through three integrated priority areas: rural economic development, education for economic opportunity and peace to underpin development. Scholarships applications will need to align to this new direction and in particular to the three new priority areas.

Type, level and number of scholarships

NZDS-Public and NZDS-Open scholarships are available to public servants, lecturers from academic institutions, and also to members of non-government organisations, private sector and other agencies, (preferably organisations and agencies that are working in partnership with NZAID). The NZDS scholarships are for postgraduate study only, primarily for Masters level qualifications, though a small number of scholarships for Doctorate (PhD) level by research are also available. Applications for PhD level need to demonstrate particularly strong developmental relevance.
There are two categories of New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS):

The NZDS-Public category is primarily intended to strengthen public sector capacity. Applicants from the public sector may apply to the New Zealand Embassy in Jakarta and shortlisted candidates are endorsed by the Government of Indonesia. Up to eleven (11) NZDS Public scholarships are available for each academic year.

The NZDS-Open category is available to individuals who independently apply for a scholarship. Applicants apply directly to a participating New Zealand education institution (see Annex 1). Up to four (4) NZDS Open scholarships are available for each academic year. In the event of insufficient NZDS-Public applications that meet the criteria, a correspondingly greater number of NZDS-Open places will be made available.

Priority sectors

New Zealand Development Scholarships will be awarded in areas recognised by the Government of Indonesia (BAPPENAS/SEKNEG).

Key Priority sectors

Rural economic development – in areas that aligned to improvements in rural livelihoods.

Education for economic opportunity – in areas that aligned to the development of vocational education opportunities.

Peace to underpin development – in areas that aligned to development and monitoring of policies or frameworks that promote cultural tolerance or encourage interfaith dialogue.

Secondary Priority sectors

Governance; Human Rights; Environment; and Disaster Risk Reduction/Mitigation.
Applicants seeking study in subject areas which aim to strengthen other developmental aspects related to the above areas but are not specified here may also be considered.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must meet the following NZDS eligibility criteria before their applications will be considered against the selection criteria. Applicants must:
• be a citizen of Indonesia (i.e. permanent residents are not eligible to apply);
• be residing in Indonesia for at least two years prior to application;
• not have citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand or Australia or another country;
• not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds, or who is eligible to hold, citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand, Australia or another developed country1;
• be no more than 40 years of age at the time of application;
• be applying to commence a new qualification and not seeking funding for one already commenced in New Zealand or another country2;
• not have completed, or nearly completed, a qualification at a similar level (i.e. applicants must apply for a higher level qualification than any previously attained), unless strong developmental relevance is demonstrated;
• hold a recognised undergraduate degree if applying for a Masters Degree, or a recognised Masters Degree if applying for a PhD. The applicant must have a GPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.0 or equivalent for their highest qualification attained to date. If a different grading system was used, the applicant must submit a certified translated explanation of the grade;
• have academic background that is relevant to the field of study proposed for study in New Zealand and be able to clearly demonstrate the developmental relevance and applicability of their proposed study programme to the human resource development training needs of their country/institution;
• have been working in their home country, for at least two years prior to application, including since completion of their highest tertiary qualification gained to date;
• be able to clearly demonstrate their links and commitment to Indonesia (e.g. services to their community, ability to influence change in a key development sector etc), supported by the statements from their referees. The proposed study programme must be relevant to:
• recent paid and/or unpaid (volunteer) work experiences;
• the training needs of the employing organisation; and
• identified employment opportunities upon completion of their study.
• be able to take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered;
• satisfy the admission requirements of the New Zealand education institution at which the qualification is to be undertaken, including English language criteria (IELTS score at the minimum of 6.5);
• satisfy all the admission requirements of New Zealand Immigration.

NZDS-Public selection process

Candidates of NZDS-Public will be selected by a committee consisting of representatives of the New Zealand Embassy in Jakarta.

Selection will be made against the above criteria and based on the principles of merit and equity. Selection will be made in several stages:

• Expressions of Interest (EOI) will be called for and assessed by the Embassy against the criteria set out in this information sheet. Deadline to submit the EOI is 15 February 2010.
• The most promising candidates will be identified and asked to complete a full NZDS application form. At this stage, applicants should provide full supporting documentation, including official endorsement from the applicant’s employer. Applications must be signed and witnessed in front of a public notary, or an officer of the New Zealand Embassy. Deadline to submit the application form is 16 April 2010.
• Following an assessment of the applications, selected candidates will be required to sit an additional IELTS test and attend an interview in Jakarta. NZDS-Public applicants must have a minimum overall IELTS score of 5.5 or higher, with no band below 5.0, to be shortlisted.
• On the basis of these test results and interviews, a shortlist will be determined and forwarded to the State Secretariat RI for endorsement. Following endorsement, applications are sent to NZAID in New Zealand for placement at the appropriate New Zealand institutions.

The State Secretariat will continue to act as the Nominating Authority and contact point for NZAID and the nominating agencies of individual students for communications on placement, academic progress, course change or extension, deferral requests and terminations.

Further information can be found at:

Applicants of NZDS-Public will be notified by the New Zealand Embassy regarding the success of their applications.

Address for further information
Development Programme Administrator
New Zealand Embassy
Sentral Senayan II, 10th Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8 Jakarta 10270
Tel: (+62-21) 29955800
Email address:

Please kindly mention when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator