
Friday, January 29, 2010

Greek: Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation Fellowship/Scholarship


The Foundation announces the sixteenth (16th) annual Programme of research grants and educational scholarships starting on October 1st, 2010 which is addressed to non Greeks, full Members of National Academies, University Professors of all levels (Ph.D. holders), postdoctoral researchers (Ph.D. holders), artists, elementary and secondary school teachers of the Greek language as a foreign one, post-graduate students and Ph.D. candidates.

Fields/Sections of Research or Study

The Programme covers the following fields only:
 Humanities: Philology, Literature, Linguistics, Theology, History, Archaeology, Philosophy,
Educational Studies, Psychology
 Political Science: Sociology, International Relations
 Arts: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Photography, Film Studies

General Conditions of Participation

The grants and scholarships offered within the framework of this Programme cover scholarly research, posteducational training in the teaching of the Greek language and culture and/or artistic creation in Greece only and in the fields stated in the above paragraph only. In principle, only persons of non Greek descent are eligible to participate in the Programme. As an exception to this rule, Cypriot citizens are also eligible to apply for category AI and AII grants only, provided they are permanently residing and working outside Greece.

Application Form

Copies of the Announcement and the relevant nomination/application forms are available from ARIONA HELLAS S.A., Representative of the Onassis Foundation in Greece:
 Monday to Friday, 10:00-15:00 hrs. at the Foreigners’ Fellowships Department, 7 Aeschinou Street, 105 58 Plaka, Athens
 by regular mail to the interested parties, upon their request and after written indication of the relevant address. Please contact the Foreigners’ Fellowships Department by post, fax (0030210 3713013) or e-mail:, to request this material.
 by e-mail, as attachments (please write to
 at the Foundation’s web site: In case you ask for the form by mail, please indicate clearly a) the category of grant/scholarship you are interested in and b) your complete postal or e-mail address

Deadline: January 31 2010

The application form can be sent online. In this case, see the requirements and the deadline stated on the online document. In case the application form is sent by surface mail, it must imperatively be accompanied by all supporting documents and post-marked no later than JANUARY 31, 2010. Application files can either be sent online or by registered mail at the Foundation’s offices or handed in at the Foundation’s Foreigners’ Fellowships Department (address above) in person or by representative, from Monday to Friday 10:00-15:00 hrs.

Applications sent after the above-mentioned deadline will not be accepted. Applications or supporting documents sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Applicants will be informed of the results by regular mail by the end of July 2010.

Further details about this fellowship can be found here


Please contact the Department of Programmes for Scholarships for Foreigners:

Address: 7, Aeschinou str, 105 58 Athens
Tel.: 0030 210 37 13 000
Fax: 0030 210 37 13 013
E- mail:

Please kindly mention when applying for this fellowship/scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator