
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Switzerland: Calling Young Researchers - Health systems research: towards universal health coverage


The First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, The Global Forum for Health Research and The Lancet, announce an essay competition on the theme,

The First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (organized by WHO and collaborating partners), The Global Forum for Health Research and The Lancet are pleased to announce an essay competition for young researchers. The theme of this year’s competition is Health Systems Research: towards universal health coverage.

Health Systems Research (HSR) – the purposeful generation of knowledge that enables societies to organize themselves to improve health outcomes and health services – is rapidly emerging as one of the most dynamic and complex areas of research for health. The Symposium is dedicated to improving the scientific evidence needed by health policy-makers and health professionals to inform their decisions related to accelerating universal health coverage.

Young professionals working in or interested in the wide spectrum of health systems research are invited to submit essays covering one or more of the following areas of inquiry:

Political economy of universal coverage: historic analysis; social, political and economic context; policies, processes and power relationships

Health system financing: different financing mechanisms and their implications for universal health coverage and health equity

Scale-up of health services: proven technical and managerial practices to scale up access to effective interventions and services at primary, secondary or tertiary levels

Knowledge translation: translating health systems research into policy and practice

Each submitted essay should reflect the young researcher’s unique perspective on a particular aspect(s) of health systems research. It should include structured arguments and critical analysis based on original quantitative and/or qualitative research, with the intent to demonstrate impact on health and health equity. The essay should be less technical and more provocative, idealistic and inspirational. It should demonstrate the “human face” of health systems research.

Aim of the Call

The aim of the call is to identify and encourage young researchers at the early stage of their career and inspire many to action through provocative, idealistic and passionate ideas.


• Authors must have been born on or after 1 January 1980.
• Authors must have at least one of the following:
(i) a master’s degree in health or a health-related field;
(ii) be enrolled in a doctoral-level programme in health or a health-related field;
(iii) at least two years’ work or research experience in public health or development.

Note: Staff members of the Global Forum and The Lancet as well as Symposium partners or their immediate families are ineligible to enter the competition.

Submission Rules

• Each author may submit one essay only.
• Essays may be submitted in English or French and should not exceed 1500 words (excluding title and references).
• All submissions must be 12pt Times New Roman (single spaced) in a .doc file.
• Essays must not have been previously published.
• Essays should be individual (i.e., the work of a single author).

• All references should be in Harvard Style. Click here for a citing and referencing guide

The deadline for submissions is 17 May 2010


Evaluation of the essays will be conducted by members of the Symposium Scientific Committee, Editors of The Lancet and the Global Forum Programme Committee. The essays will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

• Relevance to the theme of the competition.
• Originality and quality of the essay (clarity, coherence, style and organization).
• Demonstration of the impact of the research referred to in the essay on health
and health equity.


• A selection of shortlisted essays will be published in an anthology as well as on the Global Forum and Lancet websites. The anthology will be launched on the occasion of the First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research.
• Winners will be invited to take part (with all expenses paid) in the Symposium, which will take place in Montreux, Switzerland, from 16 to 19 November 2010.

Call Schedule

• The deadline for receipt of entries is 17 May 2010.
• A shortlist will be announced by the end of June.
• Shortlisted authors will be asked to provide a print-quality photograph of themselves along with a biosketch and to confirm original authorship, date of birth and other eligibility criteria.
• The winners will be notified during August 2010.

Please click here to complete your submission form and send it to us along with your essay to


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