
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

USA: Third Annual Open Enterprise Solutions to Poverty Request for Proposals


SEVEN (Social Equity Venture Fund) is a virtual non-profit entity run by entrepreneurs whose strategy is to markedly increase the rate of innovation and diffusion of Enterprise-based Solutions to Poverty. It does this by targeted investment that fosters thought leadership through books, films and websites supporting role models - whether they are entrepreneurs or innovative firms - in developing nations and shaping a new discourse in government, the press and the academy around private sector innovation, prosperity and progressive human values.

The SEVEN Fund today published its annual open “Enterprise-based Solutions to Poverty” request for proposals (RFP). The competition will award up to two (2) research grants of no more than $100,000 each. Submission deadline for the Initial Letters of Interest (LOIs) is October 15, 2010.

The aim of SEVEN Fund sponsored research is to challenge the prevailing state of mind in this field. We want to answer the question of whether wealth-creation may be the most effective solution to alleviate poverty. We invest our efforts and resources to find, research, and document examples where entrepreneurial success is shown to have led to poverty alleviation. In the process, we will seek to inspire entrepreneurs in developing countries with advice, investments, role models, and services.

At SEVEN, we believe that enterprise solutions to poverty already exist, but are not sufficiently studied, analyzed, and exhibited as examples. There are specific questions that have no formulated answers – it is our aim to sponsor research to explore and find these answers. For example:

1.What are the most significant qualities of a successful entrepreneur, especially in the uncertain environment of a developing economy?
2.Can entrepreneurship be taught, inspired, and diffused through a society?
3.Could support for the entrepreneurial spirit serve as role models of sustainable solutions to poverty?
4.What is the relationship between prosperity and progressive human values?
5.How can enterprises contribute to making stronger societies?

Evaluation Criteria & Project Eligibility

In this RFP competition, SEVEN will award grants of varying value (no single grant will exceed $100,000 and twelve months) to exceptional research proposals meeting the criteria. Researchers in academic and other institutions may apply for projects up to one year in duration, beginning March 15, 2011. Grant applications will be subject to a competitive process of confidential expert review similar to that employed by similar grant funding agencies.

Application Process

Applications will be accepted electronically through a standard form on our website, and evaluated in a two-part process, as follows:

Initial Proposal - Due October 15, 2010 - Must include:

•A 500-word project summary, explicitly addressing why it is topical, foundational and unconventional;
•A draft budget description not exceeding 200 words, including an approximate total cost over the life of the award and explanation of how funds would be spent;
•A Curriculum Vitae for the Principal Investigator, which MUST be in PDF format, including:
◦Education and employment history;
◦Full publication list.
•Four expert references on the PI or the project team as a whole.

S.E.VEN Fund
1770 Massachusetts Avenue, 247
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States of America
General Inquiries: info(at)

Further information could be found at:

Please kindly mention when applying for this opportunity

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