The “KINS-KAIST International Nuclear Safety Master’s Degree Program” is designed to educate and train high-caliber students, through which they can grow to be nuclear safety leaders in their countries. The ultimate goal of the program is to raise high-level policy makers to develop legal and governmental infrastructure, nuclear regulators to conduct regulatory activities, and safety experts to deal with technical safety matters.
The program is being organized through the cooperation of Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and technology (KAIST). As a regulatory expert organization in Korea with the top-level capabilities and experience in nuclear safety regulation, KINS is responsible for delivering curricula on safety regulation and on-the-job-training courses. KAIST, internationally well known for excellent education and research achievements in science and technology, undertakes courses on nuclear technology and fundamental research methods. The close location of KINS to KAIST provides the participants of this program with more convenience.
KINS awards full scholarships for one and a half years to admitted students. The coverage of the scholarship includes tuition, stipend, round trip air ticket and other costs essential for studying. The scholarship coverage is as follows;
-Ÿ Application fee (USD 100)
-Ÿ Tuitions for one and a half years
-Ÿ Stipend (700,000~900,000 Korean Won/month): to be paid monthly on 10th of each month during stay in Korea
-Ÿ The economy-class round-trip airfare between the nearest airport of the originating country and Incheon International Airport of Korea
-Ÿ Medical insurance fee of approximately 40,000 Korean Won/month
-Ÿ Tuition for Korean culture and language course (if a student wants to attend it)
Eligibility Requirements
This program is open to any countries, particularly member countries of IAEA Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN), having high interests in bringing up nuclear safety experts and regulators. To apply for the scholarship of International Nuclear Safety Master’s Degree Program, applicants must:
- hold a Bachelor’s degree (or its equivalents),
- work for government or nuclear related institutions, and
- be recommended by his/her government or current institution.
Documents for Submission
The following documents must accompany each application. The forms can be downloaded from the INSS homepage (http://inss.kins.re.kr).
1. Admission Application Form for KINS-KAIST International Nuclear Safety
Master’s Degree Program
• All information on this form will be used to contact the applicant; thus, full attention should be given to the correctness.
• E-mail address and telephone should be kept operational. Messages will be sent via e-mail. Sometimes, interview may be made through phone.
2. Statement of Purpose
• Information shall be conveyed on this form about yourself and your accomplishments, your purpose and objective in pursuing your study, and any work and/or academic experience related to nuclear safety regulation.
3. Statement of Financial Resources
• On this form, only Section I with signature and date shall be filled in.
4. Two Letters of Recommendation in format made by KAIST
• Two recommendations are required from teachers or professors of the educational institute where the applicant attended for BA or MS degree.
• Letters in private format are not accepted.
• Letters should be signed and sealed, and either be included in the application package or be sent directly to KINS by the recommender.
5. A Letter of Recommendation in format made by KINS from the applicant’s current employer
• Letters in private format are not accepted.
• Recommendation by head of the applicant’s organization will be highly taken into account.
6. Graduation, degree and/or diploma certificates from all the colleges attended
• Original or certified copies are required
• Certificate for expected graduation by August 2011, which is issued by the university, is accepted.
7. Transcripts of academic records from all the colleges attended
• Original transcripts or certified copies are required
8. Certificate of Official English Proficiency
• Original or certified copies are required
• Only scores of regular session of TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS or TEPS tests are accepted.
• The test date on the certificates should not be older than 2 years as from the deadline of submission of documents.
• Applicants whose mother tongue is English are exempted from submitting
the certificate.
• Applicants studied more than 2 years in the institution where language of instruction is English can replace the certificate by an attestation issued by the institution authority. The attestation form can be downloaded in INSS homepage.
9. Curriculum Vitae
• Free style personal resume
10. Copy of Passport
• It should be checked that the passport have enough period of validity.
• In case of not obtaining passport by the deadline, a copy of national ID is usable.
11. Optional: Any material demonstrating applicant's scholastic ability
• Awards, honors, prizes, merits, distinction, or decoration
• School profile and credit rating system.
Application deadline: 31 March 2011
Complete application should be sent to:
Dr. Yun-Hyung CHUNG
KINS-KAIST Master’s Degree Program Coordinator
Department of Global Human Resource Development
International Nuclear Safety School
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS)
P.O. BOX 114, Yuseong, Daejeon
305-600 Republic of Korea
For questions about the program, scholarship, eligibility, qualification, etc.,
please contact:
-Program Coordinator of KINS, Dr. Yun-Hyung CHUNG
• E-mail: yhchung@kins.re.kr
• Telephone: +82-42-868-0245
• Cellular phone: +82-10-6584-5884
• Facsimile: +82-42-861-4046
-Program Assistant of KINS, Ms. Sung-hee KWON
• E-mail: k347ksh@kins.re.kr
• Telephone: +82-42-868-0496
• Cellular phone: +82-10-7738-0496
For KINS and INSS, visit http://www.kins.re.kr and http://inss.kins.re.kr.
For KAIST and NQE, visit http://www.kaist.edu/english and
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
The “KINS-KAIST International Nuclear Safety Master’s Degree Program” is designed to educate and train high-caliber students, through which they can grow to be nuclear safety leaders in their countries. The ultimate goal of the program is to raise high-level policy makers to develop legal and governmental infrastructure, nuclear regulators to conduct regulatory activities, and safety experts to deal with technical safety matters.
The program is being organized through the cooperation of Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and technology (KAIST). As a regulatory expert organization in Korea with the top-level capabilities and experience in nuclear safety regulation, KINS is responsible for delivering curricula on safety regulation and on-the-job-training courses. KAIST, internationally well known for excellent education and research achievements in science and technology, undertakes courses on nuclear technology and fundamental research methods. The close location of KINS to KAIST provides the participants of this program with more convenience.
KINS awards full scholarships for one and a half years to admitted students. The coverage of the scholarship includes tuition, stipend, round trip air ticket and other costs essential for studying. The scholarship coverage is as follows;
-Ÿ Application fee (USD 100)
-Ÿ Tuitions for one and a half years
-Ÿ Stipend (700,000~900,000 Korean Won/month): to be paid monthly on 10th of each month during stay in Korea
-Ÿ The economy-class round-trip airfare between the nearest airport of the originating country and Incheon International Airport of Korea
-Ÿ Medical insurance fee of approximately 40,000 Korean Won/month
-Ÿ Tuition for Korean culture and language course (if a student wants to attend it)
Eligibility Requirements
This program is open to any countries, particularly member countries of IAEA Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN), having high interests in bringing up nuclear safety experts and regulators. To apply for the scholarship of International Nuclear Safety Master’s Degree Program, applicants must:
- hold a Bachelor’s degree (or its equivalents),
- work for government or nuclear related institutions, and
- be recommended by his/her government or current institution.
Documents for Submission
The following documents must accompany each application. The forms can be downloaded from the INSS homepage (http://inss.kins.re.kr).
1. Admission Application Form for KINS-KAIST International Nuclear Safety
Master’s Degree Program
• All information on this form will be used to contact the applicant; thus, full attention should be given to the correctness.
• E-mail address and telephone should be kept operational. Messages will be sent via e-mail. Sometimes, interview may be made through phone.
2. Statement of Purpose
• Information shall be conveyed on this form about yourself and your accomplishments, your purpose and objective in pursuing your study, and any work and/or academic experience related to nuclear safety regulation.
3. Statement of Financial Resources
• On this form, only Section I with signature and date shall be filled in.
4. Two Letters of Recommendation in format made by KAIST
• Two recommendations are required from teachers or professors of the educational institute where the applicant attended for BA or MS degree.
• Letters in private format are not accepted.
• Letters should be signed and sealed, and either be included in the application package or be sent directly to KINS by the recommender.
5. A Letter of Recommendation in format made by KINS from the applicant’s current employer
• Letters in private format are not accepted.
• Recommendation by head of the applicant’s organization will be highly taken into account.
6. Graduation, degree and/or diploma certificates from all the colleges attended
• Original or certified copies are required
• Certificate for expected graduation by August 2011, which is issued by the university, is accepted.
7. Transcripts of academic records from all the colleges attended
• Original transcripts or certified copies are required
8. Certificate of Official English Proficiency
• Original or certified copies are required
• Only scores of regular session of TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS or TEPS tests are accepted.
• The test date on the certificates should not be older than 2 years as from the deadline of submission of documents.
• Applicants whose mother tongue is English are exempted from submitting
the certificate.
• Applicants studied more than 2 years in the institution where language of instruction is English can replace the certificate by an attestation issued by the institution authority. The attestation form can be downloaded in INSS homepage.
9. Curriculum Vitae
• Free style personal resume
10. Copy of Passport
• It should be checked that the passport have enough period of validity.
• In case of not obtaining passport by the deadline, a copy of national ID is usable.
11. Optional: Any material demonstrating applicant's scholastic ability
• Awards, honors, prizes, merits, distinction, or decoration
• School profile and credit rating system.
Application deadline: 31 March 2011
Complete application should be sent to:
Dr. Yun-Hyung CHUNG
KINS-KAIST Master’s Degree Program Coordinator
Department of Global Human Resource Development
International Nuclear Safety School
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS)
P.O. BOX 114, Yuseong, Daejeon
305-600 Republic of Korea
For questions about the program, scholarship, eligibility, qualification, etc.,
please contact:
-Program Coordinator of KINS, Dr. Yun-Hyung CHUNG
• E-mail: yhchung@kins.re.kr
• Telephone: +82-42-868-0245
• Cellular phone: +82-10-6584-5884
• Facsimile: +82-42-861-4046
-Program Assistant of KINS, Ms. Sung-hee KWON
• E-mail: k347ksh@kins.re.kr
• Telephone: +82-42-868-0496
• Cellular phone: +82-10-7738-0496
For KINS and INSS, visit http://www.kins.re.kr and http://inss.kins.re.kr.
For KAIST and NQE, visit http://www.kaist.edu/english and
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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