
Friday, March 4, 2011

•Australian National University Humanities Research Centre Visiting Fellowship


The Humanities Research Centre was established in 1972 as a national and international centre for excellence in the Humanities and a catalyst for innovative Humanities scholarship and research within the Australian National University.

The Humanities Research Centre is part of the RSHA, in the College of Arts and Social Sciences. Its Visiting Fellowship program will provide funding (travel to Canberra and accommodation for up to 12 weeks) to support scholars to work within the larger Research School environment. Our nominated theme for 2012 is Ecological Enlightenment. A description of the theme appears below. We encourage scholars working on this theme, especially in the fields of literature, philosophy, art history, music, history and critical theory, to apply for fellowships. A few non-thematic fellowships will also be considered of which 1-2 fellowships will be funded by the Freilich Foundation.

The HRC offers the following:

• Visiting Fellowships (with grant). The standard period of tenure for an HRC Visiting Fellowships is twelve weeks. The grant covers travel and accommodation. The maximum contribution for travel is $3,000 AUD. Accommodation is in a one bedroom self-contained apartment on the university campus. This financial assistance for travel and accommodation expenses is not a salary replacement. No stipend for living allowance is attached to this fellowship. Visitors are expected to vacate their residence if they are away for 7 days or more during their fellowships.
• Visiting Fellowships (with partial grant). These are intended for scholars within Australia and New Zealand who wish to undertake research at the HRC. These grants are to assist with travel expenses.
• Visiting Fellow (without grant). Academic staff from the Australian National University, other universities and cultural institutions may apply to use the facilities at the HRC and contribute to its intellectual life during their periods of research leave (e.g. sabbatical). These awards do not provide financial assistance, and are dependent on the availability of office space in the Centre.
• Visiting Fellow Freilich Foundation (with grant). The standard period of tenure for Freilich Visiting Fellowships is twelve weeks. The grant covers travel and accommodation. The maximum contribution for travel is $3,000 AUD. Accommodation is in a one bedroom self contained apartment on the university campus. This financial assistance for travel and accommodation expenses is not a salary replacement. No stipend for living allowance is attached to this fellowship.


Applicants for fellowships must generally have at least a higher degree or equivalent professional experience, research and publications. Students working to complete a higher degree are not eligible to apply. International applicants are strongly encouraged. Visa documents, if required are the responsibility of the applicant.

Visiting Fellows are expected to participate in the programs of the Centre and the School, meet regularly with other fellows, make public presentations of their research (HRC Seminar Program), possibly offer a graduate seminar/Master Class and avail themselves of other opportunities for interchange. Visitors must be in residence for at least 75% of their appointment.

Assessment Process:

The criteria for assessing nominations include academic distinction demonstrated by the standard measures of level and place of appointment, record of publication, honours and awards; relevance of the proposed research to the Annual Theme; potential or identified links with researchers and programs and activities in other parts of the University, and especially in the College of Arts and Social Sciences.
Selection of visitors for the 2012 program will be announced by April 2011. The HRC strives, in its selection process, to have a mixture of early career scholars as well as more established researchers, and to achieve a gender balance. Whilst most fellowships will be awarded to those whose work is relevant to the 2012 Annual Theme, fellowships may be awarded to scholars working in the broad field of Humanities.

Further information in relation to the programs of the Humanities Research Centre and the RSHA, staff and facilities is contained on our Website at the following address:

Application procedures:

1. Application Form:

Applicants should submit a completed application form, together with a CV and list of publications and/or professional activities. The application form, may be downloaded from our Website address

2. Project Proposal

Applicants should provide a one to two page description and the title of their planned research project.

3. Referees Comment:

Applicants need to provide the names of three referees who will support this application. Referees should submit their confidential comments separately to the Head of HRC on the form provided. These comments should reach us no later than 15 March 2011. The referees' comments form may be downloaded from our Website address

The deadline for applications and comments is 15 March 2011. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applications should be posted to:

Dr Debjani Ganguly
Head, Humanities Research Centre
Research School of Humanities and the Arts
Sir Roland Wilson Building #120
McCoy Circuit
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT, 0200

Or faxed to:
F: +61 2 6125 1380
Leena Messina, Programs Manager

Or emailed to:

E :

If you require any further information about your application or this program, please contact our Programs Manager, Ms Leena Messina, telephone: +61 2 6125 4357, facsimile: +61 6125 1380 or e-mail:

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator