
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) for Indonesians


Scholarships have played a significant role in Australia's development cooperation program in Indonesia, with around 11,000 scholarships provided over more than 50 years. ADS continues to be a major component of the program with up to 400 scholarships offered in 2011.

The off-shore component of the ADS Program is managed by IDP through an IDP established ADS Project Office in Jakarta to ensure efficient end effective administration of the ADS scheme in Indonesia.

Each year, the Australian Government sponsors people from a number of developing countries to study in Australia through Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). The Australian Development Scholarship program in Indonesia aims to promote private and public sector human resource development in areas of agreed development priority.

This is achieved by providing post-graduate scholarships for Indonesians to study in Australia and by working in close cooperation with the Indonesian Government to deliver a program which is flexible to Indonesia's human resource development needs.

Consistent with the principles of AusAID's education and training policy (August 1996), the ADS program is implemented to ensure : quality (of project personnel, fellows and procedures); transparency (of selection); equity and merit (in the awarding of fellowships); access (of beneficiaries to scholarship documentation and information); and consistency (in award administration).

The Main Objectives of the ADS Program are:

- To assist Indonesian public and private institutions meet identified institutional objectives and training needs through the provision of postgraduate education to selected staff;
- To assist individuals to increase their capacity to contribute to Indonesian institutions and professions by the provision of postgraduate study opportunities in Australia;
- To assist alumni of the ADS scheme to maintain and update their academic and professional skills;
- To promote Indonesia and Australia's equity in development policies;
- To deliver training that complements the human resource development goals outlined in AusAID's Indonesian Country Program Strategy; and
- To select high quality candidates with the ability to succeed at tertiary study in Australia, with minimal extensions and with the abiliity contribute to Indonesia's development.

ADS Categories

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) provide opportunities for Indonesians to study in Australia at POSTGRADUATE (S2/S3) level. Four hundred scholarships are expected to be awarded in 2012 for commencement in 2012/2013. Candidates must undertake study in one of the four areas of development priority (see homepage). In Indonesia, the Australian Development Scholarship program is offered in 2 main categories: "Public" and "Open".

Public Sector Category
Public sector applicants are employees from Government organizations, state universities and state owned enterprises. Their applications must be approved by training or foreign cooperation bureaus (BKLN) of their local or central agencies before being submitted to the ADS Program Office. Public sector candidates from government agencies outside Jakarta may apply directly to the ADS Program Office with the approval of their relevant Kakanwil or Kadinas. Public Sector applications must identify in writing on the application form the agency’s reason for nominating the applicant in terms of the agency’s human resource development needs, the anticipated benefit of the applicant’s proposed study to the agency, a proposed strategy for utilizing the applicant’s knowledge, skills and qualification gained and commitment to adopting the strategy and supporting the applicant.
Calon Pegawai Negeri (CPNS) are not allowed to apply.

Open Category
Open Category applicants are from private organisations and universities and this category is also open to recent university graduates.
No prior Government approval is required for people applying in the Open Category, and applications are to be submitted directly to the ADS Program Office. They require, where relevant, the endorsement of the agency, institution or private university in which the applicant is working or studying. Applications are submitted directly to the ADS Office. Applications must identify in writing the anticipated benefit of the applicant’s proposed study to the agency, where relevant, and include, in such cases, a proposed strategy for utilizing the applicant’s knowledge, skills and qualifications.
Public servants (Pegawai Negeri) cannot apply in the Open category.

Targeted Category
A third category exists for candidates who are identified by their organisations in consultation with the ADS Program. Candidates within this category must be identified by their home organization and must not apply to the ADS Program independently of their employer.
‘Targeted Category’ candidates are employed by organisations which are identified by the Government of Indonesia and Government of Australia (through AusAID) as being strategically aligned with the Development priorities of the Government of Indonesia. Candidates within this category may also be employed by government organizations, state owned enterprises, non-government organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs) and key state and private higher education institutions which service the training needs of these organizations.


In General, Candidates must :

  • Be an Indonesian citizen and not have permanent residence in Australia or New Zealand;
  • Not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence status, at any stage of application, selection, mobilisation processes or while on-scholarship in Australian;
  • Satisfy Australian Government requirements for international student entry to Australia (health, character, etc);
  • Not hold or have held a Government of Australia Scholarship to study outside Indonesia in the 24 months preceding the application -- 24 months to be calculated from the of arrival back in Indonesia to the ADS application closing date;
  • Be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking support through ADS for a course already commenced in Australia;
  • Be able to take up the scholarship in the year for which it is offered;
  • Be able to satisfy all requirements of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) for an AusAID student visa; and
  • Be able to satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian university at which the scholarship is to be undertaken.

Specifically, Candidates must :

  • Be applying for courses that fall within the four areas of development priority (see Background);
  • Be not older than 42 years old at the time of application.
  • Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9 (on a scale of maximum 4.0) and an English language proficiency of at least 5.0 in IELTS (or 500 in Institutional TOEFL by ETS or 39 in Internet-based TOEFL). The IELTS or TOEFL result must be current (a test result obtained in 2010 or 2011 will be considered current). No other English language test (including TOEFL prediction test) results will be accepted;
  • Already hold an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Masters;
  • Already have a Masters, if applying for a Doctorate;
  • Apply for a degree at a level higher than their current highest qualification;
  • If applying for a Doctorate, applicants will be restricted to staff of universities, higher education institutions, research institutes, key policy makers and targeted candidates in other agencies associated with AusAID activities. It is highly desirable for Doctorate applicants to have a letter of support from an Australian university for their proposed field of study;
  • Answer all relevant questions on the application form; and
  • Be willing and available to take full-time (Monday - Friday, 08.00 - 16.00) English for Academic Purposes (EAP) training in Indonesia prior to studying in Australia, if offered a scholarship.

Number of Awards and Study Options

The number of ADS awards each year will depend on Australian government budget appropriations. In the 2011/2012 ADS cycle, 400 ADS scholarships are available for commencement in 2012/2013. The scholarships are allocated as follows:

  • 2/3 of all awards will be offered to applicants from the 'Public Sector' category;
  • 1/3 of all awards will be offered to applicants from the 'Open' category;
  • Up to 50% of awards will be offered in the 'Targeted Sector' category;
  • Up to 30% of all awards will be offered to applicants from Geographic Focus Areas.The geographic focus will include East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua, West Papua, and Aceh;;
  • 90% of all awards will be offered at Masters level and 10% of all awards will be offered at PhD level; and
  • An equal number of awards will be offered to males and females

Length of Study and Course Options

Scholarships will be available for full-time study of an Australian post-graduate qualification for the minimum period required to complete the award through the relevant Australian university, selected from AusAID contracted universities (normally a maximum of 2 years for Masters and 4 years for Doctorate).

Areas Of Development Priority

Candidates must apply to study courses which fall within the Australia Indonesia Partnership priority academic areas . An indicative list of the areas for study follows. This list is subject to continuous review through the six monthly Program Coordination Committee process.

Australia Indonesia PartnershipPriority Development Areas (PDA)

Sustainable Growth and Economic Management

Democracy Justice and Good Governance

Investing in People

Safety and Peace

Description of PDA

Improving economic policy and management, reducing constraints to growth in infrastructure and productivity, and improving natural resource management, environmental governance and response to climate change.

Strengthening the capacity, accountability and responsiveness of legal, democratic and oversight institutions, and improving local government and public financial management.

Better quality, access and governance in education, and better health access and systems

Improving responses to humanitarian needs, emergencies and vulnerability to disasters, and improving capacity to ensure transport security and to counter threats from transnational crime.

Australia Indonesia Partnership Priority Fields of Study
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Agriculture
  • Aquaculture/fisheries
  • Forestry
  • Climate Change
  • Economics
  • Infrastructure Planning
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Rural Growth
  • Small and medium enterprise development
  • Law, legal and judicial systems
  • Political Science and Government
  • Public administration
  • Public expenditure management
  • Public Sector Reform
  • Environmental Law
  • Anti-corruption
  • Decentralisation
  • Communicable Disease Prevention
  • Health Management
  • Health Services
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Women and Gender Studies
  • Disabilitiy Services
  • Public Health
  • Education and Training
  • Education Management
  • Human Resource Development
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Disaster Prevention and Management
  • Transport Safety
  • Transnation Crime Prevention
  • Development Studies
  • International Studies

NB: If your study area is not listed here, you may still apply for a field of study related to the description of PDA. For more information on PDA, please visit AusAID website at:

Candidates considering study for particular professions should note that ADS does not include the practical training period required for professional registration, e.g. medical internships, legal articles etc. Successful awardees are expected to complete such training in Indonesia.

Selection Process

All applicants are considered by an independent Joint Selection Committee comprised of Australian and Indonesian academics. Only those shortlisted will be interviewed. The interview will assess candidates’ academic ability, clarity of study goals, cultural adaptability. A critical consideration will be how well the ADS applicant is able to explain the relevance of their proposed study area to the development of Indonesia. The interview will be accompanied by an IELTS test of English language proficiency. Final selection is objective and based on the principles of merit and equity.

Notification Of The Selection Result

All applicants will be advised whether or not they have been shortlisted for an interview. All interviewed applicants will be notified whether or not they have been awarded an ADS. The agencies of Public sector nominees will also be notified. The result is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Notification will include details of pre-departure training (English, academic skills, cultural preparation). This training is compulsory and full-time.


Contact Us

The ADS Office is open from Monday to Friday between the hours of 08.00 - 16.00.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact our office through the address below.
Wira Usaha Building 7th floor.
JL. H.R. Rasuna Said kav.C-5 Kuningan,
South Jakarta 12940

Phone number : +62 21 527 7648
Fax number : +62 21 527 7649

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator