
Sunday, June 26, 2011

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Master Scholarship in Tourism Destination Management


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), through the UNWTO.Themis Foundation, is granting scholarships for the Master in Tourism Destination Management to officials from National Tourism Administrations of UNWTO Member States who wish to strengthen their skills and gain practical experience on key areas of their responsibilities.

This blended Master course (starting 10 October 2011) will provide Senior Officials from National Tourism Administrations and Tourist Destination Managers with strategic guidance and practical tools to enhance the competitive edge of destinations and prepare them for responsible growth.

This course boasts the participation of professors from Cornell, Dartmouth, George Washington University, London Metropolitan College, University of California at Berkeley and, in order to best meet the needs and tight professional schedules of participants, 3 periods will be given on campus (2 in Granada, Spain and 1 in Amman, Jordan), and 2 will be online.

To reinforce the general management and leadership skills acquired in this program, world-class 3-day executive education courses have been organized in collaboration with IESE - Harvard in Madrid and INSEAD in Abu Dhabi. Though not a requirement for receiving the master degree, these courses play an important role in preparing students for a successful career in the highest levels of management, and will be taught on-campus in Madrid and Abu-Dhabi.

The UNWTO.Themis Foundation and the Euro-Arab Institute Foundation will be granting 17 scholarships (2 full grants and 15 partial (50%) grants) for this Master course that will commence on 10 October 2011 and will be taught entirely in English. Deadline for scholarship applications: 22 July 2011.

Candidate Profile

To be a highly qualified official occupying a management post with decision-making responsibilities in the NTA of a UNWTO Member State (or, in the case of a decentralized Administration, to be a regional tourism officer, duly recommended by both the Regional Government and Central Government).

To have held this post in the NTA for a minimum of one year and have at least 5 years of experience in the field.

To have completed university education validated by a diploma (at least Bachelor’s degree) 1.

To have an excellent command of English.

Required Materials:

University diploma or degree (minimum of a bachelor’s degree) 1

Official transcripts from all universities and colleges attended 2

Certificate or diploma of advanced knowledge in English. Proof of proficiency is waived under the following circumstances:
  1. Native speakers or candidates with extensive work experience or studies in an English speaking country.
  2. Other circumstances may warrant the wavering of the proof of proficiency. In this case, applicants must submit a 200 word essay explaining their circumstances and demonstrate advanced knowledge of English during an online interview.

Letter of recommendation from a current or recent direct supervisor.

Letter of motivation indicating why you wish to participate in this program and how you think it can benefit your professional development (500 words or less).

Current Curriculum Vitae.

Passport showing picture and passport number.

¹ A certified copy of the diploma may be requested

² Study abroad transcripts are not required provided the credits were recognized by the primary institution and appear on the official transcripts.Those interested are to fill out the application form and send a letter of motivation in English requesting the grant and a letter of nomination in English from the highest National Tourism Administration authority to before 22 July 2011.INSTEA's Master/UNWTO Scholarships in Tourism Destination Management

Further information please visit

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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business travel companies on June 30, 2011 at 7:07 PM said...

It is good that they offer such course just like this. I will tell this to my friend who wants to pursue a career in travel.

Abu Dhabi Tourism on November 16, 2012 at 9:52 PM said...

Wow great news for the students who are planing t take their master degree in Tourism ......

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