
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

VIB International Postdoc in Integrative Biology Program OMICS@VIB


VIB offers international fellowships to integrative biology postdocs who have advanced skills in omics technologies.

The omics at VIB postdoc program offers a highly stimulating and multicultural environment. Embedded in excellent research groups, you will be working on breakthrough science, with access to cutting-edge technologies, three year secured funding and personal career assistance.

List of omics@vib project topics

For the current omics@VIB call, VIB provides 10 positions for integrative biology postdocs. Many VIB laboratories are suggesting an integrative biologytopic for this program as indicated in the list below. You are free to select the topic of your own choice from the list and to design a 3 years postdoctoral project addressing this topic. More information on the laboratory of your choice as well as on the contact information is available through the links provided below. Please contact the group leader(s) in charge of this topic before submitting your final application.

Download the project overview in pdf

Admission requirements


VIB International Postdoc program “OMICS@vib” is open to applicants from all nationalities. Applicants should not have been carrying out research in Belgium for more than 12 months during the last 3 years before the deadline of the program on 31/8/2011.
Postdocs selected for this program should be able to start their postdoc project before 1/6/2012.

University degree

Applicants must hold a PhD degree before the start of the fellowship, but not necessarily when applying.

Publication record

Applicants must have a proven record of research accomplishments and at least one original first author publication (including joint authorship), either published in or accepted by an international peer-reviewed journal with high recognition in the field.


Candidates should not have more than 5 years of postdoc experience at the moment of the deadline, 31 August 2011.


English is used in all VIB laboratories for spoken and written scientific communication. Candidates must deliver proof of a solid English knowledge. Adding TOEFL test results in your cv is recommended.

How to apply

Please follow carefully the different steps during the preparation stage and final submission stage of your project application.
All stages of this application should be submitted in English.

Step 1

Step 2

Select the topic of your interest from the list of omics@vib topics.

Step 3

Enter your contact details and download the Application Form here

Step 4

Get in touch with the group leader(s) of interest to discuss your project ideas. It is extremely important at this stage to prepare an excellent project concept in order to convince the group leader(s) that you are the ideal candidate for this project!

Step 5

Prepare your project in accordance to the Detailed Application Guidelines.

  • Make sure all required paragraphs are included and do not exceed the indicated page limits.
  • Save the document in PDF, titled “your name – VIB 2011”.
  • Use this title also as the footer on each page of this document and add page numbers.
  • Collect the signature of your VIB group leader on the pdf document before you upload it.

Step 6

Upload your project proposal and the other documents here. Success!

Contact detail

VIB International Postdoc Program - Omics @ VIB

Rijvisschestraat 120
9052 GENT
phone: +32 9 244 66 11
fax: +32 9 244 66 10​

Please quote on your application when applying for this position.

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator