
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ARIT Research Fellowship Program for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Research in Humanities and Social Sciences


American Research Institute in Turkey / National Endowment for the Humanities Advanced Fellowships for Research in Turkey, 2012-2013.

ARIT/NEH Advanced Fellowships cover all fields of the humanities, including prehistory, history, art, archaeology, literature, and linguistics as well as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural history for applicants who have completed their academic training. The fellowships may be held for terms ranging from four months to a full year. Stipends range from $16,800 to 50,400.

ARIT Fellowships for Research in Turkey, 2012-2013.

ARIT Fellowships are offered for research in ancient, medieval, or modern times, in any field of the humanities and social sciences. Post-doctoral and advanced doctoral fellowships may be held for various terms, from one to three months up to terms of a year. Stipends range from $4,000 to $16,000.

Kenan T. Erim Fellowship, 2013.

The Erim fellowship will support excavation or field study of excavated material remains at Aphrodisias during the summer 2011, $2375, pending funding

Applications for ARIT fellowships must be submitted to ARIT before November 1, 2011. The fellowship committee will notify applicants by late January, 2012.


ARIT – Princeton Summer Fellowships for Intensive Advanced Turkish Language at Bogazici University, Istanbul. The program supports intensive study of advanced Turkish language at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, including air fare, tuition, and stipend. The application deadline is February 1.


Critical Language Scholarship Institutes in Turkish Language. The program provides support for intensive study of Turkish language at all levels, including air fare, tuition, and stipend. Courses are held in several locations in Turkey. The competition is administered by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. For more information, please see the program website at The application deadline is around November 1 – exact date to be announced.

Nancy Leinwand
American Research Institute in Turkey tel 215 898 3474
University of Pennsylvania Museum fax 215 898 0657
3260 South Street
Philadelphia PA 19104-6324

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Joseph T. Keen on October 27, 2018 at 7:38 AM said...

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