- The Hardiman Scholarship programme does not accept applications from persons currently registered as PhD candidates.
- Successful applicants will be expected to have a first or upper second class honours primary degree or equivalent. For students with undergraduate results expressed in GPA ("Grade Point Average") or QCA form, in the Irish university system a first corresponds to a 3.6 or above and an upper second corresponds to a 3.2 or above (but less than a 3.6).
All applicants will be requested to
- complete an application form (including a personal statement),
- provide a 3 page curriculum vitae and
- provide the names of up to three proposed supervisor(s) and two referees in their application form.
Potential Research Supervisors
View the list of potential research supervisors in our priority research areas- References will not be accepted from any proposed supervisors.
- You must have two independent referees, who have recent knowledge of your achievements to act on your behalf.
- References supplied by referees are supplied confidentially and are not made available to applicants at any stage during or after the competition.
Personal Statement
In section 7 of the application form, you must provide a personal statement on your interest and commitment to research and the reasons why you have selected your potential supervisor(s) and research topic. The following questions may guide you in your approach to developing your research statement.
- Why do you wish to pursue a higher degree by research?
- Why have you selected this research topic?
- What are your particular strengths?
- What projects, essays or other relevant research experience do you have?
- Why have you selected this particular research supervisor?
- Why have you selected NUI Galway as compared to other institutions available?
- What are your longer term career plans and how would a Hardiman scholarship help you in achieving your goals?
Give any other details which might assist the panel in assessing your application.
Assessment Process
All applications will be assessed by a panel of evaluators. The panel will consist of a number of assessors with experience of similar review processes. All applications will be assessed by at least 3 assessors from different backgrounds within each stream.
The applications will be assessed under four main headings which reflect the main sections of the application process. Assessors will consider all four elements of the application and allocate scores as follows:
- Personal Research Statement (max. 40 points)
- Academic Qualifications (max. 30 points)
- Referees’ report (max. 20 points)
- Prior Research Experience (max. 10 points)
Applications and all materials relating to applications must be submitted by email and be received before the closing date and time advertised. Applications will not be assessed if they are incomplete or have been received after the advertised closing date. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by two members of the assessment panel.
Application Procedure
The deadline for receipt of applications is 5 pm, on Sunday June 19, 2011.
To Apply
Applicants should submit the following to hrscholarnuigalway.ie by 5pm, Sunday June 19, 2011:
- Completed application form
- Curriculum Vitae (max. 3 page)
Academic References
We require two references that indicate your academic suitability and potential to undertake postgraduate research. Potential supervisors may not act as referees.
- Please provide the names and contact details, including email address, for each of your referees in the relevant section on the application form.
- Download the Academic Reference Form
- Fill out Section A in two copies of the Academic Reference Form and provide these to your referees.
- Each of your referees should then complete Section B of the Academic Reference Form and return by email to hrscholar
nuigalway.ie , to be received by 5pm Sunday, June 19, 2011.
Selection Process
Shortlisting of applicants will be undertaken by a panel. All shortlisted candidates will be interviewed. An indicative timescale is given below. Successful candidates will register for a structured PhD in one of the five Colleges.
Read more about structured PhD programmes
May 30, 2011 | Applications open |
June 19, 2011 | Applications close |
June 23-30, 2011 | Interviews (skype may be used) |
September, 2011 | Scholarship begins |
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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