
Saturday, July 23, 2011

GRDC Industry Development Awards (IDAs)


The GRDC Industry Development Awards (IDAs) are specifically targeted at Australian grain growers or groups working directly with growers for study tours, travel or other forms of training approved by the GRDC. The aim is to develop new skills, build relationships and acquire new information that will contribute to building a sustainable and profitable grains industry.

The GRDC invites and assesses Industry Development Awards twice a year. Application closing dates are the first Wednesday of April and the last Wednesday of October in each calendar year.


The GRDC invites and assesses Industry Development Awards twice a year. The application closing date (regardless of the date the proposed travel is to take place) is the first Wednesday of April and the last Wednesday of October in each calendar year.

The closing dates for 2011-12 are: Wednesday 26 October 2011 and Wednesday 4 April 2012.

Applicants will be notified of the decision within six weeks of the application closing date.


Industry Development Awards are awarded for study tours or training within Australia or overseas. Support will be for up to six months and will not exceed $15,000 (exc GST) per award.

SELECTION CRITERIAThe main criteria used in evaluating IDA Applications include:• The quality of the project and its relevance to the Australian grains industry needs• The track record of the group/applicant• Scope of the learning objectives, and• Scope of the proposed communication plan to disseminate learning’s to a wider audience.

APPLYINGApplicants are required to complete the GRDC’s Industry Development Award Application form available from the GRDC website.

Once completed, an electronic copy of the application should be emailed. The name of the emailed documents should incorporate the applicant’s name.

In addition, the GRDC also requires a signed paper copy of the application to be submitted. This should be addressed to:

By Post By CourierContracts Coordinator Contracts CoordinatorGrains Research & Development Corporation Grains Research & Development CorporationPO Box 5367 Level 1, 40 Blackall StreetKINGSTON ACT 2604 BARTON ACT 2600

BOTH THE ELECTRONIC AND PAPER COPIES MUST REACH THE GRDC BY 5PM ON THE CLOSING DATE.Please note: No late or Out of Session applications will be accepted.

Applicants will be notified of the decision within six weeks of the application closing date.

REPORTING REQUIREMENTSIf successful, a list of confirmed participants must be provided to the GRDC no later than two weeks before the activities described in the application commence. If the number of confirmed participants is less than that proposed in the original application, the GRDC may require part of the award to be returned.

Within six weeks of completing the IDA, successful applicants must also submit a Final Report. The template for the report can be downloaded from the GRDC’s website.

As part of the Final Report, individuals/ organisations will be required to submit a Form C. The form is a statement of expenditure of the funds certified to be true and correct by a representative of your organisation who is authorised to sign financial statements (the template for this statement can be downloaded from the GRDC’s website).

An electronic copy of Final Report including any attachments should be emailed and should include the associated GRDC reference number in the subject of the email. In addition a paper copy should be sent to:

Contracts CoordinatorGrains Research & Development CorporationPO Box 5367KINGSTON ACT 2604

Failure to meet reporting requirements may impact on future funding opportunities provided by the GRDC.


Successful applicants will receive 75% of the approved funding up front upon return of the signed contract. The remaining 25% will only be paid once all reporting requirements have been met and approved by the GRDC, including the submission and approval of a Final Report and Form C.

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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