Qualified applicants are invited to submit applications throughout the whole year. Admission rounds will take place once every month and are scheduled for 21 July, 25 Aug, 6 Oct 2011.As per 1 Sep 2009 all applicants to HBIGS have to submit their application before (!) the start of their PhD project. Students who have already started their PhD project in the research group of an HBIGS PI are not eligible to apply (The starting date of your PhD is usually identical to the starting date of your contract)._____________________________________________________________________________________________________6 PhD fellowships available!In the framework of the Cooperative Graduate Program "Regulation of Cell Division" 6 PhD fellowships (max. duration 3 years) will be awarded to outstanding PhD candidates.Deadline for application: 31 Aug 2011Interviews will provisionally be held 21 Sep 2011 in Heidelberg.Earliest start of PhD project: 01 Oct 2011
(Download Announcement)The following projects are on offer (read more...):Syvia Erhardt (ZMBH): Functional analysis of CENP-A loading to centromeric chromatinOliver Gruß (ZMBH): The role of SSX2IP in centrosome functionFrauke Melchior/Oliver Gruß (ZMBH): SUMOylation in MitosisGislene Pereira (DKFZ): Regulation of the cell cycle through checkpointsElmar Schiebel (ZMBH): In vivo and in vitro analysis of molecular mechanisms of chromosome segregationJochen Wittbrodt (COS): Regulating the function of SSX2IP in centrosome organisation and spindle positioning during early vertebrate development.Students who wish to become a member of HBIGS may apply via one of two tracks:1. The Fast Track
The Fast Track is only (!) to be used by MSc students of Heidelberg University- who are enrolled either in the Molecular Biosciences or Molecular Biotechnology program and- who are already accepted as a prospective PhD student by a member of the HBIGS faculty.Applicants who will continue their PhD thesis in the lab where the MSc thesis was done are to apply to HBIGSbefore finishing the MSc thesis (the MSc thesis is finished with the passing of the oral defense).-> Read Application & Admission Requirements for the Fast TrackAll other applicants are invited to apply via the Regular Track.2. The Regular Track
The Regular Track is to be used by:a) Applicants who are not yet accepted as prospective PhD student by a member of the HBIGS faculty. These students - either coming from Heidelberg University or from outside Heidelberg - are invited to submit their applications to advertised PhD positions and/or to submit an unsolicited application.Applications to advertised PhD projectsStudents may apply to up to three advertised PhD positions within the deadlines set for the respective projects. Students applying to advertised PhD positions are expected to receive their final degree before the start of the respective PhD projects.Please note that projects are removed from the website even before the deadline is reached when an appropriate applicant is found. We, therefore, recommend to apply as early as possible to announced projects.-> Read advertised PhD projects
Unsolicited applications
Students who do not find an advertised research project of their interest but have a general interest in a research area or a research group may submit an unsolicited application. Accordingly, a pool of applicants is generated whose applications will be kept for up to 6 months, with the possibility of reiterate extension if no match between an applicant and a principal investigator is found in due time. In order to help applicants in finding proper matches, it is strongly recommended to name the PIs in whose work they are interested in.
b) Applicants who
- did not obtain their final degree at Heidelberg University or
- obtained their final degree at Heidelberg University (except MSc Fast track)
and who are already accepted as prospective PhD student in the research group of an HBIGS faculty member. Diploma students from Heidelberg university who will continue their PhD project in the lab where the Diploma thesis was done are requested to submit their application to HBIGS before the date of graduation (the date of graduation is given on the Diploma certificate).
-> Read Application & Admission Requirements for the Regular Track
Please note: Only applications submitted via the online application system will be considered. Applications sent by e-mail or mail will be discarded without further notice.
Contact Detail
The Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (HBIGS)
Heidelberg University
Im Neuenheimer Feld 501 (HBIGS Center), 1st floor
69120 Heidelberg
T: +49 6221-546720
F: +49 6221-546718
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