
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

PhD Scholarships in Biomolecular Sciences, University of Trento


The University of Trento announces the 27th cycle of the PhD School in Biomolecular Sciences.

The selection for 12 doctoral positions is announced. 9 positions will be assigned scholarships.

The scholarships are funded as follows:
n. 3 scholarships funded by the University of Trento.
The research activity will be carried out at the laboratories of CIBIO – Centre for Integrative Biology.
To get more info about the labs please visit the webpage:

n. 1 scholarship funded by CIBIO – Centre for Integrative Biology (University of Trento) directed to the following research subject: “p53-directed post-transcriptional translational control of gene expression: decoding the translatome within the p53 response network.”
Principal Investigator: Prof. Alberto Inga.
To get more info about the laboratory please visit the webpage:

n. 1 scholarship funded by the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), directed to the following research subject: “Development of microdevices for 3D cell micro-culture and for purification and analysis of nucleic acids, i.e. materials and structures aimed at the isolation of miRNA, small RNA and mutated DNA from cell fluids deriving 3D cell cultures.” The PhD will be carried out at the “Biofunctional Surfaces and Interfaces” unit of the Materials and Microsystems Center at FBK which mainly works on the functionalization of surfaces for bio-applications. The focus of the research will be the development of functional surfaces to be possibly included in micro-devices with the aim to isolate and specifically detect small RNAs, such as microRNAs. Through the collaboration with hospitals it will be possible to assess if microRNAs could be used as novel circulating biomarkers for cancer diagnostics.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Cecilia Pederzolli.

To get more info about the laboratory please visit the webpage:

Reserved Scholarships: the assignment of these grants requires a specific suitability to be evaluated during the oral exam:

n. 1 scholarship funded by The Microsoft Research – University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI), reserved for the research project: “Mechanistic modeling of genetic and signaling networks connecting diet and diseases relying on mouse models of human disease.” The candidate is expected to build an algorithmic model (see of the folate cycle or other mechanisms that are related to obesity, relying on experimental data. The design and realization of the model will be done at COSBI within the molecular nutrition activities (see The candidate is expected to perform his/her experimental work at ISB (Institute for Systems Biology) – Seattle in Nadeau’s Lab (see A master in bioinformatics or bioengineering with knowledge of programming and data manipulation procedures is requested.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Attila Csikasz-Nagy.
To get more info about the laboratory please visit the webpage:

n. 1 scholarship funded by The Microsoft Research – University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI), reserved for the research project: “Modeling of human disease from multi-source data for supporting P4 medicine”. The candidate is expected to build an algorithmic model (see of a human disease (it could be either heart disease or a neuro-degenerative disease), relying on experimental data. The design and realization of the model will be done at COSBI (see The candidate is expected to perform his/her experimental work at ISB (Institute for Systems Biology) – Seattle in Hood’s Lab (see A master in bioinformatics or bioengineering with knowledge of programming and data manipulation procedures is requested.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Attila Csikasz-Nagy.

n. 1 scholarship funded by The Microsoft Research – University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI), reserved for the research project: “Understanding the molecular details of microtubule dynamical instability by computational modeling”. The candidate is expected to build an algorithmic model (see of the molecular events that cause dynamical instability. Our software tool will be used to fit experimental data. A master’s degree in bioinformatics, bioengineering or biophysics with basic knowledge of programming a mathematics is requested.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Attila Csikasz-Nagy.

n. 1 scholarship funded by the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), reserved for the research project “Computational Functional Genomics”. The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in developing an interdisciplinary expertise in computational methods for high-throughput functional genomics, with special attention to next generation sequencing. Some basic knowledge of the mechanisms of regulation at DNA, RNA (miRNA), and protein levels and of standard DNA/RNA sequencing concepts is required. Intermediate or higher IT skills are expected in algorithmics for bioinformatics, programming languages (Python and C as baseline), competence in the use of *nix O.S., in interacting with databases, use of standard bioinformatics tools, knowledge of the R statistical and visualization environment. Basic mathematics competence should cover calculus linear algebra. Bases of statistical machine learning are also required. Preference will be given to a candidate with a Master degree (Laurea magistrale/specialistica or equivalent) in Mathematics, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics or Bioengineering.

Scientific areas:

BIO/06 – Comparative Anatomy and Cytology
BIO/10 – Biochemistry
BIO/11 – Molecular Biology
BIO/12 – Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology
BIO/13 – Applied Biology
BIO/18 – Genetics
BIO/19 – Microbiology
CHIM/06 – Organic Chemistry
INF/01 – Informatics

Research areas:

1. Biochemistry
2. Bioinformatics
3. Computational Biology
4. Developmental Biology
5. Genetics
6. Lipidomics and Biomembranes
7. Metabolomics and Metabolic Imaging
8. Microbial Genomics
9. Molecular and Cellular Biology
10. Molecular Vaccinology
11. Molecular Virology
12. Nanobiotecnology
13. Neurobiology
14. Organic Chemistry
15. Structural Biology
16. Systems Biology
17. Synthetic Biology


Applications for the doctoral positions are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who have an Italian “laurea specialistica” or “laurea magistrale” in compliance with Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3.11.1999 as amended, an university degree of the previously enforced Italian regulations, or an equivalent academic degree obtained abroad. Any degree in scientific areas will be a preferential title.

Applicants holding an Italian degree must submit the degree certificate together with the list of exams and grades obtained.

Applicants holding a foreign degree not officially recognized as equivalent to the Italian “laurea specialistica”, must explicitly request recognition of equivalence in their application by including:
- degree certificate (EU citizens may present a self-declaration of the possession of a degree, according to Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.2000).
- the English translation of the degree certificate (if in a different language) with passed exams, grades obtained and short description of a given academic qualification awarded by an institution located in a foreign country and belonging to an educational system different from the Italian one (i.e. Diploma Supplement, if available), signed under their own responsibility, to enable the PhD School Committee to declare its equivalence, valid solely for the purpose of admission to the selection process.

Applications are also accepted from students who expect to complete their degree by the 18th of October 2011. In this case, the candidates need to present, together with their application, an enrolment certificate with passed exams and grade obtained together with a statement from the University Registrar’s Office declaring that the student is expected to obtain the degree by deadline stated above. In such cases admission is “conditional” and applicants must present the degree certificate, or a declaration that the degree has been conferred (according to Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.2000 applicable only to EU citizens) to the: Secretary of the Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences (Address: Via Sommarive, 14 – 38123 POVO -Trento, Italy; Fax: +39 0461 283937) within the 21st of October 2011 or they will be excluded.


The application, together with all the attachments required, must arrive at the University of Trento by the 4th of October 2011 in one of the following ways:
a) on-line application at the following website: by the 4th of October 2011, at 4:00 p.m. Italian time;
b) hand-delivered to the University of Trento – Ufficio Protocollo Centrale, Via Belenzani 12 – 38122 Trento (ITALY) (please write “Selection for Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences- 27th cycle” on the envelope) from 10:00 am to 12:00 a.m., Monday to Friday;
c) by mail to the following address: Al Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Trento, Via Belenzani 12 – 38122 Trento (ITALY) (please write “Selection for Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences”-27th cycle” on the envelope);

The University of Trento does not accept responsibility for mishandling of applications by mail or courier services, or for applications sent to an incorrect address.

In accordance with Art. 71 and amendments of D.P.R. no. 445 of 28 December 2000, the University of Trento may seek to verify the documents sent at any time. Candidates whose applications do not conform to the admission requirements set out in the present call, may be excluded from the selection process by written notice at any time.

Applications arriving after the 4th of October 2011 will be disregarded, even if sent before the deadline.

Application must include:

Attachment 1: Photocopy of the applicant’s ID (for EU citizens) or passport, specifically the pages showing the photo, personal data, the ID number, place and date the document was released. No other form of identification will be accepted.
Attachment 2: Degree certificate or equivalent certification, as stated in Art. 2 of this announcement.
Attachment 3: Curriculum vitae et studiorum in English.
Attachment 4: Summary of the degree thesis written in English explaining the reasons for the choice of the subject, the research methodology and the results obtained (max 3000 characters including spaces, 12 font, single space).
Attachment 5: English language certification ascertaining a minimum level of B11, if the candidate is not English mother tongue or if the candidate did not attend a Bachelor’s or Master’s level course entirely in English.

In the application the candidate must indicate two choices among the 17 research areas and specify the order of preference as well. The candidate interested in obtaining also the suitability for one or more reserved scholarships must indicate the interest. The suitability of the candidate for these fellowships will be evaluated during the oral exam.

Application may include:

· List of publications;
· any additional qualifications such as international examinations (GRE or equivalent);
· any additional qualifications useful for assessing the applicant’s skills (e.g. prizes, study and postgraduate activities of research, etc.);
· a brief document describing the applicant’s motivations for pursuing this particular doctorate programme (Motivation Letter);
· a brief research project (1000 characters maximum, including spaces) describing the applicant’s research interests (Statement of Research Interest).
· Two reference letters2 in English by experts of Universities, National or International Research Institutes in the doctoral research areas. The letters must be addressed to: prof. Paolo Macchi, Coordinator of the PhD Program in Biomolecular Sciences, University of Trento and should preferably contain the following information:
1. When and in which occasion the referee knows the candidate.
2. Strengths and weaknesses of the candidate.
3. Brief description of the candidate’s contribution on research performed in the laboratory.
4. If the applicant’s native language is not English, the referee should report on his/her abilities in English.

The letters must be sent by the referees by choosing one of the following ways:

- By email to: (Please indicate the subject: “Letter of presentation of the candidate’s full name / PhD in Biomolecular Sciences”).
- By fax to the number: +39 0461 283937;
- By mail to the following address:
prof. Paolo Macchi
Coordinator of the PhD School in Biomolecular Sciences,
Ufficio Protocollo, via Belenzani 12, 38122 – Trento, Italy.

The candidates should check with their referees that the letters are sent by the date of the titles evaluation.

All the requested documentation must be either in Italian or in English.

If, subsequently to the submission of the application, the applicant needs to add further information, the documents must reach the University’s offices within the 4th of October 2011, by using the attached form B through one of the ways listed in the letter b) or c) of this article. The applicant must specify on the envelop: name, Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences and “Integrazione domanda”. Please notice that it is NOT possible to add further information using the application online once it has been definitely closed.

The University of Trento has the right to check, even to spot check, declarations and documents provided by the candidates, according of art. 71 and following articles of the Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28th of December 2000. Candidates whose applications do not conform to the admission requirements set out in the present call may be excluded from the selection process by written notice at any time.

University of Trento
Direzione Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti
Ufficio Dottorati ed Esami di Stato
Via Inama 5
38122 Trento (ITALY)

Further information, please visit:

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator