
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ph.D. Studentship: Phenotypic engineering of higher plants


The Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) is a part of the Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences. The research within the institute is focused on chemical questions in its widest sense. The Solid-state NMR group (SSNMR) within LIC focuses on developing and applying magnetic resonance (solid state NMR Photo-CIDNP and microimaging) methods to target our research at the interface between the materials sciences and the life sciences for photosynthetic solar energy conversion.

We offer a position for a:

Ph.D. Studentship “Phenotypic engineering of higher plants: Developing a new paradigm for improving photosynthetic efficiency” (38 hours a week)
Vacancy number: 11-072

Project description and tasks

Plants with enhanced photosynthetic efficiency are essential to meet future food and energy demands. However, current technologies have limitations in quality and quantity of phenotype changes necessary for bringing drastic improvement in photosynthesis. To dramatically speed up natural evolutionary pathways of plants, a genome wide re-programming with zinc finger based artificial transcription factors and establishment of plants with high photosynthetic efficiency is being done in collaboration with Institute of biology (Dr. B.van der Zaal and Prof. P.J.J. Hooykaas).

For this Ph.D. position, the student will optimize and apply latest fluorescence and high resolution NMR and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based techniques to guide and underpinned the screening of extreemophiles with high photosynthetic efficiency. In addition, solid state NMR in conjunction with isotope labeling will be applied to get inside into the mechanism behind improved efficiency. The project is funded by FOM/ALW within the theme “BioSolar Cells”.


You must have a recent M.Sc. degree in Life Sciences, (Bio)chemistry and/or (Bio)physics and interest in NMR/MRI. Furthermore you must have excellent communications skills in English, both written and verbal.

We offer:

The employment will be for a period of 4 years (first one year with an extension of three years after positive evaluation of capabilities and compatibility) and must lead to the completion of a PhD thesis. Appointment will be under the terms of the CAO of Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten). The gross monthly salary is set on € 2.042,- in the first year up to € 2612,- in year four. An appointment with Leiden University includes a pension build-up and facilitates other benefits such as an annual holiday premium of 8% and an end-of-year premium of 8.3%.

All our PhD students are embedded in the Leiden University Graduate School of Science . Our graduate school offers several PhD training courses at three levels: professional courses, skills training and personal effectiveness. In addition, advanced courses to deepen scientific knowledge are offered by the research school.

Further information:

For more information please contact Dr. Alia ( ) Tel: 0031-71-5274623; or Prof Dr. H.J.M. de Groot ( ). Additionally, you can visit our website


Do you identify with the profile above and do you aspire to have a career in research? Please apply by sending your written application before July 31 , 2011, using the vacancy number, including a full Curriculum Vitae and names and phone numbers of two references to:

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator