
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

IARC Senior Visiting Scientist Award, France


The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is the specialized cancer Agency of the World Health Organization (WHO). Situated in Lyon, France, the IARC houses both epidemiology and laboratory Groups allowing it to fulfil its mission: to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, to elucidate the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and to develop scientific strategies for cancer control.

The Agency is offering the exciting opportunity of an IARC Senior Visiting Scientist Award. This Award is for a qualified and experienced senior investigator with recent publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals who wishes to spend from six to twelve months at the IARC working on a collaborative project in a research area related to the Agency's programmes. The major areas of activity are focused on understanding cancer etiology (including infections, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, radiation, genetics), developing strategies for cancer prevention (primary prevention, screening) and elucidating the underlying mechanisms of carcinogenesis through studies of molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics and molecular pathology. The Agency also has strong programmes dedicated to describing the global cancer burden and to the evaluation of carcinogenicity through its Monographs Programme. There is an emphasis on interdisciplinary work in the Agency's research activities.

Candidates are requested to contact the relevant Scientific Groups in order to set up a collaborative project. For details on scientific programmes and research groups please consult the IARC Web site:, or contact the IARC at the address below.Applicants must belong to the staff of a university or a research institution and should provide written assurance of a post to return to at the end of the period of award.Deadline for receipt of applications is: 30 November 2011. Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of April 2012. There will be an annual remuneration of up to US$80,000, which will take into account the on-going salary of the visiting scientist plus the cost of travel. The Award should be taken up no later than 30 November 2012.

Applications can be downloaded in either PDF or Word6 Format.

Fellowship application forms and more detailed information are available from:Fellowship ProgrammeINTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER150 cours Albert-Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, FranceTel: +33 (0)472 73 84 48; Fax: +33 (0)472 73 80 80; E-mail:


Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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