
Monday, November 7, 2011

Erasmus Mundus (MARIHE) Scholarships


Programme: Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education - MARIHE (Erasmus Mundus Masters Course). In Europe as well as in other regions of the world fundamental transition processes are taking place in the systems of research, innovation and tertiary education: from regulation to deregulation and competition, from steering to market, from administration to management. Institutions involved as higher education (HE) and research institutions are largely affected by these changes.

They need highly trained experts who are able to understand and analyse these new contexts, who can link system change with institutional change and who have developed management skills to deal with the changing environment inside HE and research institutions. The Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE), a four semester master programme delivered in English language, is designed to meet these standards.

In the master course “Research and Innovation in Higher Education” (MARIHE), students will develop a sound understanding of the change processes and how these link to education systems and labour markets in general. Thus, the curriculum reflects on three perspectives to the change logics involved:

- first, on “systems in transition” – focusing on general developments and regional contexts (i.e.
Europe, Africa, Asia, globalization, regionalization);
- second, the perspective on interactions between “system – institution” (i.e. funding of research and innovation); and
- third, from the institutional perspective (i.e. “change management”). Importance is also given to transferable skills (i.e. research methods, languages, leadership).

Partner Universities

Danube University Krems / Austria
University of Tampere / Finland
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück / Germany
Beijing Normal University / China


All students of MARIHE will have the same mobility track in first three semesters:

  • 1st Semester: Danube University Krems / Austria
  • 2nd Semester: University of Tampere / Finland
  • Internship: between 2nd and 3rd semester, see explanation below
  • 3rd Semester: Beijing Normal University / China

For the 4th semester students in MARIHE will have to decide wether they want to specialize in

  • the field of management of research and innovation in higher education.
    In this case they will follow the management track and spent their 4th semester at University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück / Germany
  • the field of research and analysis of research and innvovation in higher education.
    In this case they will follow the research and analysis track and spent their 4th semester at either Danube University Krems / Austria or University of Tampere / Finland.

For the internship between the 2nd and the 3rd semester, students will be with an institution related to research and innovation in higher education. Here, internship placements will be provided by associated partner organisations. In addition, there will also be the possibility for students to come up with own ideas for their internship placement.

1st Semester

2nd Semester


3rd Semester

4th Semester



















Through the mobility scheme in MARIHE, students have:

  • access to a variety of expertise (higher education management, policy analysis and higher education consultancy, strong regional expertise in the field of higher education)
  • access to different types of institutions of higher education in Europe and Asia (university of applied sciences, traditional university, university for continuing education), which will serve on its own as perfect contextualization for students
  • excellent possibilities for internships linked to the field of research and innovation
  • authentic contact with different national and cultural contexts, including China
  • the possibility to learn a variety of languages (major and small languages)


Graduates of MARIHE will be awarded a joint degree Master of Science (MSc).

For students following the research and analysis track, the consortium partners awarding the joint degree are the University of Tampere and Danube University Krems.

For students following the management track, the consortium partners awarding the joint degree are the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück and Danube University Krems.

Applicants to the MARIHE programme

  • must hold a first university degree
    This should be at least a Bachelor degree issued by a university, quantified as three years of studies corresponding to 180 ECTS (information on ECTS).
    Or, if ECTS is not used in the country where first degree was acquired: proof of a successfully completed period of study at higher education level considered comparable with a Bachelor’s degree. The decision on this will be made by the MARIHE Consortium.
    Please notice that an application will only be accepted if the university degree has been finished (meaning that the degree has already been awarded to the applicant and that the applicant can proof this with a university degree diploma).

  • show a strong motivation and interest
    to learn and work in the field of development and management of research and innovation in higher education.
  • have sufficient knowledge of English for academic purposes
    This is to be proved by one of the following certificates:
    1) certificate from TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with test scores of at least score 575 (written paper test) or score 232 (if computer based) or score 90 (if internet based test / IBT)
    2) certificate from IELTS (International English Language Testing System). with test scores at least IELTS 6.5 with no individual score below 5.5
    3) certificate CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) with minimum grade C.

    Please note:
    - The English language certificate (TOEFL, IELTS or CPE) is a required application document, because English language skills is one of the criteria to be assessed in the review process. To be able to treat and assess all applications equally we have to ask all applicants for a valid English language test. We cannot make any exception from this rule.
    - A test you have taken in the past may have expired (usually after two years). We kindly advise you to check on your certificate.

Please note: Work experience is not an admission requirement. However, work experience can be a strong advantage for an application, especially if it has been acquired working for (higher) education institutions. To have work experience acknowledged, applicants should clearly state it in their CV and hand in a confirmation of their employer with their electronic application. This confirmation should preferably describe the type of work experience (function and responsibilities) and include a judgement of the applicant's skills.


All applications to MARIHE will be reviewed by members of the MARIHE Consortium partners. The reviewers will assess:

  • the applicant’s academic quality, judged primarily from the results of prior university studies.
  • the applicant’s motivation and justification of the application in relation to prior studies, work experience (if applicable) and future career plans towards the aims of MARIHE, judged from the letter of motivation in combination with CV and the two letters of recommendation.
  • the applicant’s personal skills, judged from the results of prior studies and the letters of recommendation.
  • the applicant's English language skills, judged from the certificate provided.

Eligibility for Scholarships

The Erasmus Mundus Programme offers two categories of scholarships for an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course (EMMC):

Category A scholarships can be awarded to third-country masters students who

1) come from a country other than a European country and
2) who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these European countries.

Category B scholarships can be awarded to masters students who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.

European countries are defined as the 27 member states of the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Students fulfilling the eligibility criteria for both Category A and B – e.g. students with a double nationality – must select the category of their choice. As a result, they are entitled to apply only to one of the two categories of scholarship at a time.

For both categories the following eligibility criteria apply:

  • Applicants for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship may apply to a maximum of three different joint Erasmus Mundus programmes (at the same time).
  • Applicants that have already benefited from a scholarship for an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course (EMMC) are not eligible for a second scholarship in order to follow the same or another EMMC.
  • Students benefiting from an EMMC scholarship cannot benefit from another EU grant while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus masters studies.

Amount of Scholarships

MARIHE is a four semester (two years) Erasmus Mundus Masters Course. Its mobility scheme includes a mandatory mobility period to a third country full partner, as all students in MARIHE spend their 3rd semester at consortium partner Beijing Normal University (BNU) in China. Therefore for MARIHE the scholarship scheme is the following:

Category A scholarships

Category B scholarships


Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs

€ 4 000 / year

€ 3 000
(because mobility period to third country full partner BNU is mandatory)

(will be paid in preparation for 3rd semester)


Contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage)

€ 3 000 / semester

€ 2 000 / semester


Monthly allowance

€ 1 000 / month

€ 500 / month

The following application documents are needed:

1. Application Form
- Download the form (PDF format)
- Fill in the form using Adobe Reader X

2. Letter of Motivation (LoM)
- Download the template (Word format)

3. Curriculum Vitae (CV), in Europass format (English)
- Download the Europass template (Word format)
- Find instructions on how to fill out the Europass template here

4. Final diploma of secondary education
- Secondary education meaning the school education that allowed you to enroll at a university
- If original is not in English, please provide original plus translation (see information below)

5. Final degree university diploma
- If original is not in English, please provide original plus translation (see information below)
- Notice: in the application database you will have the possibility to upload more than one university degree diploma if you have completed more than one university studies.

6. Transcripts of records of all higher education studies
- If original is not in English, please provide original plus translation (see information below)

7. Copy of passport / personal identification card
- Notice: Translation into English may be needed (see information below)

8. Recent photograph

9. Proof of proficiency in English language (certificate and scores from TOEFL / IELTS / CPE)
- Find out more on requirements for test certificates

10. Two letters of recommendation
Download the information to give to the referees (PDF)

Application for Participation with an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

Application for participation in MARIHE with an Erasmus Mundus scholarship is now open. The application period closes

20 December 2011 at 12:00 (Central European Time).

Please submitt your application electronically via the MARIHE application database:

Contact us

Marihe Secretariat

E-Mail: marihe(at)

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator