VIB is offering eight PhD scholarships for international life sciences students. VIB is a life sciences research institute in Flanders, Belgium. With more than 1200 scientists from over 60 countries, we perform basic research into the molecular foundations of life.
VIB is an excellence-based entrepreneurial institute that focuses on translating basic scientific results into pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications. VIB works in close partnership with four universities − UGent, K.U.Leuven, University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is funded by the Flemish government. VIB develops and disseminates a wide range of science-based information about all aspects of biotechnology.
Apply now to kick-start your scientific career in a centre of excellence in the heart of Europe, backed by first class research facilities and training in our multidisciplinary, international scientific community. VIB scientists work at the frontlines of molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, structural biology, plant systems biology, genetics, biochemistry and microbiology.
Selected candidates will be fully funded with a yearly net salary of €23.500 and are expected to start in October 2012.
Admission requirements and conditions VIB International PhD Program
Before applying for a scholarship in the VIB International PhD Program, make sure you are eligible for the program. The admission requirements are listed below.
The VIB International Ph.D. Program is aimed towards all non-Belgians, currently living abroad.
University degrees
Candidates should hold a university degree, or satisfy equivalent requirements, which is sufficient to start a doctoral program at a Flemish university. This means that applicants must hold a 5-year University degree, or equivalent, in life sciences (e.g. biology, biochemistry, biotechnology), physics, engineering, chemistry, or related fields. In general, this implies that the applicant has a Masters degree. Applicants, who have not yet received their degree at the time of the application deadline, can also apply, but a final certificate of the degree is needed no later than 2 months after the selection interviews, which will take place in May 2010.
Medical students who wish to obtain a Ph.D. degree can also apply after completion of their M.D. exams.
Passing the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a plus (and you should definitely indicate on your application whether you took the GRE), but the test is not required for your application. Please note that VIB does not yet have a GRE Institutional code. If you take the GRE-test specifically to enter our Ph.D. Program, please use the GRE codes of either the University of Antwerp, Brussels, Leuven or Ghent.
Applicants are preferentially not older than 28 years at the application deadline.
English is used in all VIB laboratories for scientific communication. Therefore, candidates must have an excellent command of English. A language test for English, such as the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is not necessary for the application but nonetheless highly recommended. Please note that VIB does not yet have a TOEFL Institutional code. If you take the TOEFL-test specifically to enter our Ph.D. Program, please use the TOEFL codes of either Ghent University, the K.U.Leuven, the University of Antwerp or the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Research projects
Below you find the list of Ph.D. research projects that are selected for the VIB International Ph.D. Program 2012. Don't forget to mention the correct project number on your application form.
How to apply
Step 1 - Requirements
Step 2 - Select your projects
Step 3 - Download and complete the Application Form
according to the
Step 4 - Submit the Application Form and scans of degrees and certificates
- Completed Application Form
- Bachelor degree
- Masters degree (if applicable)
- English language certificate (if applicable)
- GRE certificate (if applicable)
- Transcript of marks (academic records)
Step 5 - Collect recommendations
- complete the Candidate Evaluation Letter
- write a letter of recommendation for your application
- send both documents to the VIB International PhD Program Committee
VIBProgram Committee VIB International Ph.D. Program
Rijvisschestraat 120, B-9052 Ghent
FAX: +3292446610
Email: internationalphd@vib.be
Please note that we will not be able to process your application without the letters of recommendation.
International PhD Program
VIB International Ph.D. Program
Rijvisschestraat 1209052 GENT
phone: +32 9 244 66 11
fax: +32 9 244 66 10
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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