
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Republic of Austria's Scholarships for Undergraduates, Graduates and Postgraduates


Scholarship of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria for Undergraduates, Graduates and Postgraduates

Country of origin: all (except Austria)
Target Country: Austria
Area of study or research | Natural Sciences
Technical Sciences
Agriculture and Forestry, Veterinary Medicine
Social Sciences, Law and Economics
Humanities and Theology
Fine Arts

Type of grant: Grants
Detailed type of grant: research grant
Funding: national
Target Group: undergraduate students,graduates and postgraduates.

| Authority awarding grant | Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria

Duration: 4 months
Quota: max. 100 scholarships; the quota depends on the budget
Grant benefit paid:

1)monthly scholarship instalment:

for doctoral students: € 1040.--
for students enrolled in a master or diploma programme: € 940

2) accident and health insurance, accommodation
a) If necessary, the OeAD (Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research) will effect an accident and health insurance.
b) The OeAD provides scholarship holders with accommodation (student dormitory or apartment). Monthly costs: € 220 to € 470 (depending on the level of comfort requested by the scholarship holder). The scholarship holder has to pay an administrative fee of € 18.— per month to the OeAD for the provision of accommodation. The costs for insurance and accommodation have to be covered by the scholarship holder from the scholarship.

Applicants from countries which are neither members of the EU nor members of EFTA, EEA or OECD can be granted a travel allowance of up to max. € 500.-- in addition to the scholarship.

Closing date for applications

01. 03. 2011

01. 03. 2011 Bis auf Widerruf 1. März und 1. September jeden Jahres.

| Where to submit your application | online at
As of the deadline September 1, 2010 an award is only possible once per category. A renewal is not possible!

Application form

online at

Advice on how to apply

Research scholarships in 2 categories for students
- who are descendants of forced labourers
- or who come from countries that have exceptionally suffered from the Nazi regime, especially from the recruitment of forced labourers.

category 1: research scholarships for diploma or master theses
category 2: research scholarships for doctoral students

All scholarships are based on competition. This means that even when all scholarship requirements are met there is no legal claim to a scholarship. As of the closing date September 1, 2010 an award is only possible once per category, a renewal is not possible.

Scholarships are also awarded for research periods at scientific research institutions in Austria (e.g. universities, Austrian Academy of Sciences, National Library, National Archive). As for article 1 of the Austrian Data Protection Act, BGBl. Nr. 165/1999 in the present version, the applicant is aware of the fact and fully agrees that personal data contained in the application and its enclosures may be forwarded for statistical purposes and in order to ensure that the application can be properly processed.

Applicants wishing to apply for admission at an Austrian university have to contact the university they would like to attend directly.

A confirmation of supervision by a supervisor of the chosen Austrian host institution is necessary.

Applications that are incomplete at the time of submission or that do not meet the scholarship requirements will not be taken into consideration! It is not possible to hand in any documents after the deadline.

If a scholarship is awarded due to incorrect data or if there is a case of double financing, the full scholarship will have to be paid back.

ATTENTION: No scholarships are awarded for summer courses, language courses, clinical traineeships or internships..

I Application documents

- Fully completed on-line application form “Application for a Scholarship of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria” including a CV and a project plan for the study or research stay in Austria which describes what is planned to be done in Austria and which preparatory work has already been completed.

- Two letters of recommendation from teaching staff of the home university which confirm the necessity of the stay in Austria and provide information about the scientific qualification of the applicant as well as about his/her qualification for the stay in Austria. The letters of recommendation have to be scanned as PDF files and attached to the online application.

- Good knowledge of German or English has to be proved, depending on the language in which the project is to be carried out in Austria. The respective certificate of the test in German or English has to be scanned as PDF file and attached to the online application.

- The applicant is required to forward his/her study or research project plan and the two letters of recommendation as well as the form “confirmation of supervision” to the person they would like to become their supervisor. The written confirmation of the supervisor of the Austrian host institution (fully completed and signed on-line form “confirmation of supervision”) has to be scanned as PDF file and attached to the on-line application.

- Without a letter of confirmation of a supervisor of an Austrian institution a scholarship will not be awarded.

- For descendants of forced labourers: processing number or photocopy of the letter of information or other relevant proofs (to be scanned as PDF files and attached to the on-line application).

II Selection criteria

A committee of experts examines and evaluates the applications according to the following criteria:

Why is it necessary for you to study or to do research in Austria?
What exactly will you do in Austria in the framework of your scholarship stay?
How do you plan to carry out your project? Which scientific methods/which methodology will you apply?
What is the objective of your study or research project in Austria?
Which steps have you planned to achieve your planned study/research objective (participation in courses, research in archives, interviews . . .)?
Have you already completed preparatory work to achieve your study/research objective? If yes, which?
Where do you want to carry out your project (library, archive, institute . . .)?
Academic background, list of publications, etc.

Age limit:
Doctoral students: 40 years at the time of submission of the application (for the application deadline March1, 2011: born on or after March1, 1971)
for other students: 35 years at the time of submission of the application (for the application deadline March1, 2011: born on or after March1, 1976)

III Application deadline and procedure

The application deadline absolutely needs to be kept and the application has to be submitted ON-LINE by 23.59.59 Central European Time on March1 / September1. Applications which are submitted in a different way or after the deadline will not be taken into consideration!

Please bear in mind that you have to fulfill the following requirements:

Students working on a research project in a master or diploma programme or doctoral students
- who are descendants of forced labourers or come from countries that have exceptionally suffered from the Nazi regime, especially from the recruitment of forced labourers,
- i.e. students enrolled outside Austria working on their diploma or master thesis or students enrolled in doctoral programmes/doctoral studies outside Austria are eligible to apply.
Applicants without a doctoral degree have to attach a letter of confirmation of their home university/faculty regarding their course (diploma or master programme or doctoral programme/doctoral studies) (to be scanned as PDF file and attached to the on-line application).

Contact person:
Heike Kernbauer (

Selection procedure

The OeAD will award the scholarships on behalf of the Scholarship Council.

Further information

For information regarding study and research in Austria see also:

Please kindly mention when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator