For over 27 years, Chevening has provided more than 30,000 scholarships at higher education institutions in the UK for postgraduate students or researchers from countries across the world.
Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), the scholarship scheme also receives significant contributions from higher education institutions and other organisations in the UK, and from a wide range of overseas sponsors including governmental and private sector bodies.
Chevening Scholarships are for talented people who have been identified as potential future leaders across a wide range of fields including politics, business, the media, civil society, religion and academia.
Awards are made for one year's formal study for a Master's qualification or for a shorter period of not less than three months to pursue private study or research at a university or similar institution in the UK.
Who should apply?
Chevening Scholarships are for high-calibre graduates with the personal, intellectual and interpersonal qualities necessary for leadership. Applicants should be:
- Motivated to make a career that will take then to positions of leadership in their own country within ten years of their scholarship
- Able to use their studies and experience in the UK to benfit themselves, their countries and the UK
- Natural influencers and talented communicators, with energy and ambition
- People who value networking and who can demonstrate the value of networks to their studies, and to bringing about change on a global level
- Intelligent, with demonstrable academic potential
- Strong characters with intergroty, drive, and the ability to self manage and work independently.
Applicants must:
- Have good English language skills with and should check what IELTS score or equivalent is required for admission to postgraduate courses (for non-native speakers of English.
- Meet the academic requirements for their courses of study
Applicants cannot be:
- A UK or EU national
- An employee of the FCO (including British Embassies and High Commissions), the British Council, a co-sponsor or sponsoring UK university, or their relatives, or former employee who left such employment within the past two years
- People who have already recieved financial benefit from a UK Government Funded award.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office priorities are likely to be considered during selection.
What does the scholarship include?
Awards are to be made for full, part or fees only scholarships.
A full scholarship includes:
- Return econonmy airfare to the UK from any Australian city
- All compulsory academic fees
-Monthly stipend
- Book allowance
- Thesis allowance
The FCO makes the final decision on applications for Chevening scholarships. Candidates are assessed on academic merit, achievements to date both in and outside of the academic and workplace areas, refrees' letters, proposed area of study, clear leadership potential and potential to further strengthen the UK-Australia bilateral relationship.
You must indicate which courses and institutions you would like to attend on your application form. You are strongly advised to apply to those institutions before receiving an award, as places in popular courses fill early.
Interviews will be held in Canberra in early March 2012. Applicants who have not been successful in obtaining an interview will be informed by email at the end of February 2012.
How to apply
Important information for all applicants:
- Applicants for Chevening Scholarships for study in the 2012/2013 academic year open on Monday 31 October, 2011. The application deadline is 11:59:59, Sunday December, 2011.
- Applications will ONLY be accepted via the online application tooleChevening.
- No late applications will be accepted.
- In your application you will be asked to list contact details for two referees. Note: referees should be professional and/or academic. Written references and academic transcripts are only required at the interview stage.
- A Medical Form is only required once an award has been made.
For further information, please visit the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening website or visit the Chevening Facebook page for up-to-the-minute news.
Commonwealth Scholarships for students to study in the United Kingdom in 2011 have now closed.
Awards are for full time doctoral or split-site doctoral studies only. Split-site scholars are supported to undertake one year of study in the UK as part of a doctorate being taken in their home country.
Applicants may only study at UK universities that are in the Commonwealth’s list at www.cscuk.org.uk/. This is updated regularly.
How to apply
There is a nominating agency for Commonwealth Scholarships in each country. All applications should be made through a candidate's local agency in their home country. Candidates must check with their local agency before submitting an application, for specific advice on how to apply and deadlines for applications.
Applications in Australia are managed by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). All enquiries should be directed to:
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
GPO Box 9880
ACT 2601
Email: outboundmobility@deewr.gov.au
Applications Scots Australian Scolarships are now closed. Information on the next round of scholarships will be available on our website from December 2011.
Scots Australian Council scholarships are awarded in partnership with Scottish business and industry. The aim of the programme is to develop lasting links between young Scots and Australians by offering outstanding graduates and young professionals an opportunity to study at a Scottish university.
The scholarships are tenable for one year only and are designed to facilitate a postgraduate course in any discipline, but with a general preference for the humanities. Candidates must be Australian citizens who are recent graduates and who have an informed interest in Scotland as well as the intention of returning to work in Australia.
How to apply
All enquiries should be directed to:
The Secretary
The Scots Australian Council
19 Dean Terrace
Edinburgh EH4 1NL
e-mail: applications@scotsoz.org
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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