
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ORNL Postdoctoral Research Associates and Post-Master’s Research Participation Programs


Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is the largest of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) multiprogram, nonweapons national laboratories with a staff of 4,000 scientists, engineers, and other professional, technical, and support personnel.

In support of its primary missions in energy and the environment, ORNL maintains a strong commitment to both basic and applied science and their engineering applications. This research advances fundamental knowledge while providing a foundation for the major scientific and technological development efforts that are carried out for DOE and other federal and nonfederal sponsors.

To extend the nation’s capabilities in key areas of science and technology, ORNL concentrates on the following research areas:

■Neutron Science
■Biological Systems
■High Performance Computing
■Advanced Materials
■National Security

Program Description and Goals

The ORNL Postdoctoral Research Associates and Post-Master’s Research Participation Program are highly selective programs and offer challenging opportunities to recent recipients of doctoral and master’s degrees to conduct research in areas that support ORNL missions in the basic and applied sciences, energy, and environment. Appointments are available in all current research and development programs at the laboratory.


Postdoctoral Research Associates Program

■Applicants should be recent doctoral degree recipients or expect to complete all requirements before starting their appointments.

Post-Master’s Research Participation Program

■Applicants should be recent master’s degree recipients or expect to complete all requirements before starting their appointments.

Both programs are open to all qualified U.S. and non-U.S. citizens without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or disabled veteran.

Applicants who do not meet the minimum qualifications as listed in the position posting, will be not be considered.


Research participants in the postdoctoral and post-master’s programs are considered full-time temporary employees of Oak Ridge Associated Universities, and as such are entitled to the following employee benefits:

Contributory Health Insurance from Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Tennessee (PPO)

■Prescription drug
■Specialty Pharmacy Program
■24/7 Health Focus Coaching on Demand
■Pre-natal Counseling Program “Precious Cargo”

Employee Assistance Program

■LifeSynch is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) designed to provide assistance with such issues as family problems, marital discord, stress, depression, financial issues and substance abuse. Available to employee participants and their families.

Basic Life Insurance

■Company paid one times base annual salary
■Dependent coverage available

Travel Accident Insurance

■Company paid three times annual base salary
■$50,000 minimum for death, dismemberment or loss of sight

Flexible Benefit 125 Accounts

■Premium conversion plan pays health insurance premiums with pre-tax dollars
■Medical Spending Account
■Dependent Care Account

Supplemental Retirement Plan — 403(b)

■Employee pre-tax contributions through VALIC

Leave Benefits

■Annual leave accrual up to 112 hours per year
■Medical leave, up to 80 hours per year
■Personal leave for emergency situations, up to 80 hours per year
■Jury duty leave
■Ten paid holidays per year

Professional Membership Program

■Paid membership in professional organization - May be available depending upon availability of funds and management approval

Educational Assistance

■May be available depending upon availability of funds and management approval

Application Procedure

To be considered for the Postdoctoral Research Associates Program or Post-Master’s Research Participation Program, applicants must apply to one or more specific positions. Available opportunities for post-master’s and postdoctoral candidates are listed on the ORNL Postdoctoral Research Associates and Post-Master’s Research Participation Program page. The list of open positions is also available within the electronic application.

The electronic application can be completed all at once or completed and saved in parts. However, once you are finished, you must click the “Submit” button in order to officially file the application. Once you have hit the “Submit” button, you will be able to view your application, but you will no longer be able to change it. Read all instructions before attempting to complete the application.

Application can be made online through scholarization

Components of a Complete Application

A complete application consists of:

■A completed electronic application form which includes the submission of:
■Publication List
■Statement of Research
■Three references from persons familiar with your professional qualifications; include your dissertation advisor as one of the three. The mechanism for notifying your references is included in the application itself.
■Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts. All transcripts must be certified and translated into English. You should arrange for transcripts to be sent directly from your academic institutions to:


Marisa Moazen
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Building 5100, MS-6173
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6173
Phone: 865-576-2311
Fax: 865-576-0287


Please kindly mention when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator