
Sunday, February 12, 2012

SCG ASEAN Foundation Scholarships for International Students


The SCG Foundation (Siam Cement Group Foundation), the ASEAN Foundation and the Master of Arts in International Development Studies (MAIDS) programme is pleased to grant up to 4 full scholarships for individuals wishing to study at the Master of Arts Program in International Development Studies at the Faculty of Political Science at Chulalongkorn University.

3 scholarships are open to government or non-profit sector employees from each of the following three Southeast Asian countries: (1) Cambodia (2) Indonesia (3) Vietnam.

1 scholarship is open to a Thai government or non-profit sector employee who lives in the far South of Thailand or would like to conduct his or her thesis on peace and development in that area.

The International Development Studies programme is the first of its kind at Chulalongkorn University and unique in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. The programme offers a one-year Master of Arts degree with multidisciplinary training in international development, integrating academic, technical, managerial, and
professional training, with a particular focus on policy.

MAIDS Program Requirements

• Bachelor degree in the Social Sciences or in related field, minimum Grade PointAverage (GPA) of 3.0;
• 2 years work experiences in a development field.
• English Proficiency: TOEFL score minimum 550, IELTS score 6 or CU-TEP score
550 (English tests must be less than two years old at the time of application).
• Strong commitment to return to their community or in any ASEAN country aftercompleting the program

Please note that these scores, although a minimum requirement for admission, donot guarantee successful admission or completion of the programme. The candidateshould feel comfortable writing graduate-level academic essays and participating inclass discussions in English.

Application procedure

There are two stages in the application process: 1) written application and 2) admission.

Required Materials

Students applying for the Master of Arts in International Development Studies must
submit the following materials:

• Application Forms: The application form can be downloaded here. Please completethe form, either by typing or writing clearly in block letters.Please contact the MAIDS office if you are unable to download the form on this website.
• Transcripts: Applicants must submit an original or certified copy of their transcript from the college or university previously attended. Transcripts that are not in Thai or English must be translated and certified in the English language.
• Photocopy of previous degree(s)
• English language test scores (if applicable): The programme accepts photocopies of English test scores (TOEFL, IELTS, CU-TEP) for the application process. Please note, however, that the admitted students will have to present the original score record to Chulalongkorn University at the beginning of the academic year.
Alternatively, the student can have ETS, the company that administers TOEFL, sendthe score directly to the programme. Chulalongkorn University 's TOEFL institutionalcode is 0227. The MAIDS programme does not have a departmental code registeredwith ETS, so make sure to write clearly “M.A. in International Development Studies,Faculty of Political Science” on the score report request form.
• Letters of recommendation: Applicants are required to ask two instructors or employers familiar with their work to send sealed letters of recommendation with letterhead and original signatures. Please also provide the following reference form to your referees and ask them to fill it out.

Please provide your referees with the form and ask for a confidential reference to bereturned to you in a signed and sealed envelope. Please return the unopened envelope to the MAIDS Office with the application form. The referee also has the option of sending the reference directly to the MAIDS Office.

• Curriculum Vitae/Resume: The resume must provide information on current and past employment, academic awards and scholarships, international travel, publications, and extracurricular activities, including volunteer work.
• Statement of Purpose:
- The statement of purpose should be between 600 and 1000 words, and include the following elements:
- Describe your most valued experience or accomplishment.
- Describe your research interests, and outline a tentative topic for your M.A. thesis.
- Describe your career expectations (personal and professional objectives), and explain how the M.A. in International Development Studies at Chulalongkorn will help you achieve these goals.

• Writing Sample: The MAIDS programme requires all applicants to submit a sample of their critical or analytical writing. This may be a paper written for an undergraduatecourse, a published academic or journalistic article, or another appropriate writing sample. Applicants should briefly explain - using a separate document - the context in which the sample was originally written, including information on the nature of the
publication in which it appeared, and the date of publication.The objective of the sample writing is to assess the applicants' analytical and writingskills. The ability to write clearly in English – both for native and non-native speakers – is essential to fulfill the written requirements for this M.A. programme in
International Development Studies.

• Photocopy of ID Card (for Thai applicants) or passport (for non-Thai applicant) .
• Two photographs: Applicants must submit two recent one inch photographs.
• Application fee: There is a non-refundable application fee of 800 Thai baht.

The fees can be paid in cash at the MAIDS office, or deposited directly in the programme's bank account (see details below). If the money is transferred to the programme's account the applicant must submit a photocopy of the bank transfer receipt with the application. Applicants who are not in Thailand must pay the fee in one of the two following ways:

- By sending us a Bank Draft of 950 Baht total (800 Baht application fee plus 150 Baht bank charge)
- By completing a SWIFT or Telegraphic Transfer of 1,100 Baht total (800 Baht application fee plus 300 Baht bank charge)

Account Details

Account Name : M.A. in International Development Studies
Account No : 045-2-90843-0 (Saving Account)
Bank Name : The Siam Commercial Bank (SWIFT CODE: SICOTHBK)
Bank Branch : 1873 Henri Dunant Road , Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 THAILAND
Bank Tel : 02-254-1555

Applicant Interviews

The SCG-AF-MAIDS admissions team may decide to interview short-listed applicants in person. The purpose of the interview is usually to ensure that students have an adequate understanding of development issues combined with an appropriate level of English language proficiency to complete their M.A. degree
within the prescribed 12-month period.

Please note that the admissions team will inform those students requiring after theapplication deadline.

MAIDS Pre-Session

Accepted students to the programme following their interview may also be required to participate in a four-week intensive introductory session in Bangkok prior to the beginning of classes in October. This session will include classes in the following areas: Academic English, Research Methods and Development Theory.

Application Form

Download application form
Download student reference form


When complete, please sign, date and return the form enclosing all necessary
documents to:
M.A. in International Development Studies
Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University
Henry-Dunant Road, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330 , THAILAND
Tel: (+66) 2-218-7313
Fax: (+66) 2-252-6277

Candidate can send the online application documents and must follow by the hard
copy by post.

Chulalongkorn University will not return application documents to candidates once they have been processed.

Admission decision release date

The application review process begins when we receive your application. We create a file for your application and send you an Acknowledgment Notice. As the documents supporting your application (transcripts, etc.) are received, they are added to your file.

Please remember that you are responsible for completing your application and that the MAIDS programme is not responsible for sending you a reminder of outstanding items to complete your file.

The selection committee begins to release short list on 31 st March 2012, and releases the last admission decisions on 15th May 2012.

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator