
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Italy: CICOPS scholarships for Developing Countries


In order to promote international co-operation, particularly with developing countries, the University of Pavia and EDiSU (Institute for the Right to University Studies) are offering, for the year 2012, seven scholarships for visiting scholars for a period of stay of 4 to 10 weeks. Each CICOPS Scholar will receive 200.00 Euros per week (gross) and travel (economy class1), board and lodging expenses will be covered.

Eligible Countries (Developing Countries)

Afghanistan, Dominica, Lithuania, Senegal,
Albania, Dominican Republic, Macedonia, FYR Serbia,
Algeria, Ecuador, Madagascar, Seychelles
American Samoa, Egypt, Arab Rep., Malawi, Sierra Leone
Angola, El Salvador, Malaysia, Solomon, Islands
Antigua and Barbuda, Eritrea, Maldives, Somalia
Argentina, Ethiopia, Mali, South Africa
Armenia, Fiji, Marshall, Islands, Sri Lanka
Azerbaijan, Gabon, Mauritania, St. Kitts and Nevis
Bangladesh Gambia, The Mauritius St. Lucia
Belarus, Georgia, Mayotte, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Belize, Ghana, Mexico, Sudan
Benin, Grenada, Micronesia, Fed. Sts Suriname
Bhutan, Guatemala, Moldova, Swaziland
Bolivia, Guinea, Mongolia, Syrian, Arab Republic
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Guinea-Bissau, Montenegro, Tajikistan
Botswana, Guyana, Morocco, Tanzania
Brazil, Haiti, Mozambique, Thailand
Bulgaria, Honduras, Myanmar, Timor-Leste
Burkina, Faso, India, Namibia, Togo
Burundi, Indonesia, Nepal, Tonga
Cambodia, Iran, Islamic Rep. Nicaragua, Tunisia
Cameroon, Iraq, Niger, Turkey
Cape Verde Jamaica, Nigeria, Turkmenistan
Central African, Republic Jordan, Pakistan, Tuvalu
Chad, Kazakhstan, Palau, Uganda
Chile, Kenya, Panama, Ukraine
China Kiribati Papua New Guinea Uruguay
Colombia, Korea, Dem. Rep. Paraguay, Uzbekistan
Comoros, Kosovo, Peru, Vanuatu
Congo, Dem. Rep. Kyrgyz Republic Philippines, Venezuela, RB
Congo, Rep Lao PDR, Romania, Vietnam
Costa Rica, Lebanon, Russian Federation, West Bank and Gaza
Côte d'Ivoire, Lesotho, Rwanda Yemen, Rep.
Cuba, Liberia, Samoa, Zambia,
Djibouti, Libya, São Tomé and Principe Zimbabwe

Eligibility Criteria

Scholarships are designed for both junior and senior members of universities in developing countries (see above) or members of major research centres and international organisations or institutions with specific interests in the field of development studies. Applicants must have at least two years of either teaching experience or activity in international organisations and institutions.


In order to encourage contacts with staff and students, the period of stay should take place within the following dates: January 7th 2013 – December 20th 2013 (excluding July 15th – September 16th)

Each scholar will be asked to be available for contacts with staff and students, including research students.

Each applicant should submit the following:

Completed application form

Curriculum vitae with a list of publications

An invitation letter from the professor or researcher with whom she/he intends to collaborate


Applications must be sent by post and emailed to CICOPS no later than June 30th 2012.
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Corso Strada Nuova 65 – 27100 Pavia – ITALY

Evaluation and selection

A decision will be taken by a Committee composed of the President of the Scientific and Technical Committee of CICOPS and by two members designated by the University Rector by July 20th 2011. The Committee will rank the candidates and the scholarships will be assigned according to a principle of rotation among the Departments/Faculties.

Terms and conditions

The scholarships will be assigned according to the following conditions:

a) Selected scholars must confirm acceptance of the scholarship and of its conditions within 20 days of receipt of the written communication of their successful applications. If the candidates fail to confirm acceptance, they will lose the right to the scholarship and the next scholar in the ranking will be contacted.

b) Scholars will sign a declaration of acceptance of the scholarship indicating the precise period of stay and providing all required information for scholarship payment.

c) Once the declaration of acceptance of the scholarship has been received, the University will:
- pay the scholarship in a single instalment upon the scholar’s arrival in Pavia
- cover costs associated with travel, board and lodging and permits of stay
- indicate the University College for the period of residence;
- provide a card for meals at a University canteen;
- guarantee access to all the necessary facilities during the period of stay – libraries, computer facilities etc. – including all services of the Department/Faculty to which the scholar is associated.

The University will provide insurance against accidents, but the scholars will have to take care of their own health insurance before leaving their country of origin.

About CICOPS scholarships

In 1996, the Technical-Scientific Committee of CICOPS approved a scholarship project aimed at fostering research collaboration between academics from developing countries and the University of Pavia. The scholarships were designed for both junior and senior members of universities in developing countries or members of major research centres and international organizations with specific interests in the field of development studies. Since 1998, the University of Pavia and the Institute for University Studies (EDiSU) have offered about ten scholarships yearly for a four to ten week stay in Pavia, during which time the scholars carry out joint research with professors in the department that hosts them and often hold seminars. As of 2011, about 150 scholarships had been awarded to academics from 40 different countries to carry out research in Pavia.


For further information please contact:

University of Pavia – CICOPS Office
Laura Danieli
Stefania Ferrari
Tel: +39 0382 984241
Fax: +39 0382 984092

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator