
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Government of Ireland Scholarships in Science, Engineering and Technology


The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) ‘EMBARK’ Initiative and the Enterprise Partnership Scheme (EPS) offer opportunities for suitably qualified
individuals to pursue a postgraduate degree by research. The Scheme supports basic research in
the broad areas of Science, Engineering and Technology.

The online application system opens on Wednesday 12th January 2011 for individuals hoping to begin postgraduate research in the Republic of Ireland in 2011. Individuals awarded under the scheme must maintain their principal residence in the Republic of Ireland during the term of the Scholarship. Scholarships must be held at a recognised Higher Education Institution within the Republic of Ireland. Individuals wishing to carry out postgraduate research by registering in Higher Education Institutions outside the Republic of Ireland are not eligible to apply for funding.

While a majority of postgraduate Scholarships awarded by the Council are offered to European Union (EU) citizens, or to those who are ordinarily resident within a member state of the EU, a proportion of awards are also offered to exceptional candidates who are ordinarily resident in non EU member states Scholarships are awarded only to those who will engage full-time in research during the period of the award. Applications for funding under the scheme are accepted by an online application system available at our website from Wednesday 12 th of January, 2011. The strict deadline for applicants to submit applications is Wednesday 16 th February at 5.00 pm (GMT/UTC) 2011.


IRCSET’s schemes support basic research in the broad areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. Research which is deemed not to fall within this remit is not eligible for funding. Under this scheme IRCSET offers opportunities for suitably qualified individuals to pursue a postgraduate degree by research in a recognised third-level institution.

The IRCSET postgraduate competition does not accept applications from:

a. Those currently registered as Ph.D. candidates
b. Those currently registered for a Masters degree (by research) with the exception of:
i. Individuals in the Institute of Technology (IOT) sector in receipt of Strand 1 funding wishing to transfer to the Ph.D. register (in this case, IRCSET will support these individuals for up to a maximum of 2 years i.e. total postgraduate funded research including strand 1 funding cannot exceed 3 years)
ii. Individuals registered for a Masters degree (by research) intending to complete and submit for this award and begin a significantly new research proposal to Ph.D. level Successful applicants are selected in accordance with IRCSET’s postgraduate Scholarship application process. Successful applicants will normally have a first or upper second class honours primary degree or equivalent. If final examination results are not known at the time of application, IRCSET may make a provisional Scholarship offer on condition that the final results achieved are consistent with (or better than) those indicated on the application form.

The Award

Successful applicants may be offered the Scholarship as follows:

Masters 12 months €24,000 18 months
Integrated Masters/ Ph.D. 18 months €36,000 18 months
Ph.D. 36 months €72,000 48 months

Steps to completing an application for the EMBARK Initiative:

- Prior to registering on the online grants management webpage, locate and select a relevant supervisor to work with in your chosen Higher Education Institution.
- Discuss your application with the supervisor and begin drafting responses to questions in application form (see section on ‘Application Questions’ below)
- When the online application system opens on the IRCSET website (January 12 th 2011),
register your details and download ‘Guide to Using the Online Application System’ (
- Make sure that the email address is marked as a safe email address in your email software; this also applies to your supervisor and referees; this is the email which issues usernames, passwords, etc.
- Do not, however, direct queries to this address (; enquiries concerning the
Embark Initiative should be sent to and enquiries concerning postgraduate
participation in the Enterprise Partnership Scheme should be sent to
- Complete all parts of the online application form; remember, you can save your data and
return as many times as you like prior to the deadline
- When your work is complete, submit your application. You can monitor the progress of your supervisor and referees by logging on to the online application system
- The deadline for submission is exactly 5.00 pm (GMT/UTC) on the 16 th February 2011.
- IRCSET strongly encourages applicants to submit well in advance of the closing day of the competition

- Your supervisor must register as a supervisor with the online application system. Supervisors do not register through the IRCSET webpages but must contact the Research Office in their research institution to register. Supervisors who have previously registered do not have to do so again.
- When your supervisor has registered, you can find their details on the system and can associate them with your application form
- Referees do not register with the online application form; applicants must enter the name and contact details of their referees (please ensure that your nominated referees are available to complete the references during the time allocated)
- Referees will be sent automated emails requesting them to complete references on your

Contact detail

Queries regarding the scheme which have not been addressed in the scheme documentation or
the relevant FAQ section of can be forwarded to

Please kindly mention when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator