
Monday, January 10, 2011

ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship


The ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme is supported by the Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND) of the European Commission.

Who can apply?

The Fellowships are available for PhD holders from all over the world.

What is the duration?

Fellowships are generally of 24 months duration, spent in two of the ERCIM institutes.

A fellowship of 12 months duration spent in one institute might be offered.

How to apply?

Only online applications are accepted.

The application form will be online one month prior to the application deadline

Which topics/disciplines?

The programme focuses on topics defined by the ERCIM working groups and projects administrated by ERCIM from which you can choose on the Application Form. See also the detailed list of topics. In addition, applications are also welcome for other areas in which ERCIM institutes are active (see scientific fields of competence).

Where are the fellows hosted?

Only ERCIM members can host fellows. For information about the possible hosting institutes, see "ERCIM members" and follow the links to the homepages of the individual members, or contact the national contact for the ERCIM Fellowship Programme for a specific insitute.

When an ERCIM member is a consortium (such as AARIT, CRCIM, PEG, PLERCIM, SARIT, SpaRCIM, Irish Universities Association) the hosting institute might be any of the consortium's members.

When an ERCIM Member is a funding organisation (FNR for Luxembourg; FWO/FNRS for Belgium), the hosting institute might be any of their affiliates.
Fellowships are proposed according to the needs of the member institutes and the available funding.

What are the conditions?

•have obtained a PhD degree during the last 8 years (prior to the application deadline) or be in the last year of the thesis work with an outstanding academic record
•be fluent in English
•be discharged or get deferment from military service
•the fellowship is restricted to two terms (one reselection possible)
•have completed the PhD before starting the grant (a proof will be requested).
We encourage not only researchers from academic institutions to apply, but also scientists working in industry.

In order to encourage mobility:

•a member institute will not be eligible to host a candidate of the same nationality.
•a candidate cannot be hosted by a member institute, if by the start of the fellowship, he or she has already worked in this institute for a total of 6 months or more, during the last 3 years.

This allowance/salary will be transferred to the fellow's personal bank account.

Current allowances:

Country Institute Monthly allowance (net) in euro Contract type
Austria AARIT to be defined working contract
Belguim FWO/FNRS 1800 or more (depending on the hosting institute) stipend
Czech Republic CRCIM 1300 stipend
Finland VTT stipend 2630
France INRIA 2138 working contract
Luxembourg FNR to be defined working contract
Germany Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft 2380 stipend
Greece FORTH 2000 stipend
Hungary SZTAKI 1230 stipend
Italy CNR 1980 stipend
Ireland IUA 2600 stipend
The Netherlands CWI 2400 stipend
Norway NTNU 3050 stipend
Poland PLERCIM 1100 stipend
Portugal PEG (INESC, Univ. of Porto and Technical Univ. Lisbon) 2245 stipend
Spain SpaRCIM 2200 at minimum working contract
Sweden SICS 2550 stipend
Switzerland SARIT ranging from 2700 to 3200 depending on the hosting institute working contract
UK STFC 2446 stipend

Why to apply for an ERCIM Fellowship?

The Fellowship Programme enables bright young scientists from all over the world to work on a challenging problem as fellows of leading European research centers. In addition, an ERCIM fellowship helps widen and intensify the network of personal relations and understanding among scientists. The programme offers the opportunity to ERCIM fellows:

•to work with internationally recognized experts
•to improve their knowledge about European research structures and networks
•to become familiarized with working conditions in leading European research centres
•to promote cross-fertilization and cooperation, through the fellowships, between research groups working in similar areas in different laboratories.

How are the fellows selected?

Each application is reviewed by one or more senior scientists in each ERCIM institute. ERCIM representatives decide on the candidates to whom Fellowships are offered, taking into account the following criteria:

•Scientific expertise of the applicant
•Quality of scientific publications
•Relevance of the fellowship research agenda
•Interest/ added-value for the consortium
•Previous mobility / professional experiences
The number of available positions varies from call to call and depends mainly from the needs of the member institutes and their available funding.

Equal Opportunities

ERCIM is committed to ensuring equal opportunities and promoting diversity. People seeking employment within the ERCIM consortium are not discriminated against because race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status or disability.

Next deadline for application: 30 April.

Further information

For general questions about the Fellowship Programme, please contact

Contacts for questions about a particular hosting institute:

AARIT Edgar Weippl + 43 1 5053688
CNR Brunella Falchi +39 050 3152878
CRCIM Vaclav Matyas 420 549 495 165
CWI Dick Broekhuis +31 20 592 4188
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG) Bettina Touré +49 2241 14 2271
FNR Ulrike Kohl +352 26 19 25 32
FORTH-ICS Dimitris Plexousakis +30 2810 391637
FWO/FNRS Jean-Jacques Quisquater +32 10 47 25 41
INRIA Michel Loyer
+33 1 3963 5339
Irish Universities Association Stephen Blott (UCD) +353 1700 5984
NTNU Lena Haugen +47 73 59 34 18
PLERCIM Daniel Adamiak +48 22 55 44 297
(INESC, Univ. of Porto and Technical Univ. Lisbon) João Falcão e Cunha + 351 225 082 133
SARIT Beat Hirsbrunner + 41 (0)26 300 84 67
SICS Janusz Launberg +46 8 633 1504
SpaRCIM Javier Larrosa +34 93 413 78 72
STFC Michael Wilson +44 1235 446619
SZTAKI László Monostori +36 1 279 61 59
VTT Sanna Downing +358 20 722 6040

Please kindly mention when applying for this scholarship

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