The Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) Master is an initiative of 47 european institutions from 8 different European countries that aims to:
- a European standard for research-oriented studies in TCCM.
- Prepare experts in the use and development of computational techniques in molecular sciences, to work with innovative pharmaceutical, petrochemical and new-materials industries.
- Prepare students for doctoral studies in Chemistry, Physics, Life or Material Sciences.
- Promote international mobility of research students.
- Offer to students from a wide range of countries (including non-European ones) a highly qualified title at the post-bachelor level.
The master can be accessed by students having a Bachelor in Chemistry, in Physics or in Material Science or any equivalent level if authorized by the legislation of the corresponding European Country. Other scientific bachelors can be accepted, provided the student takes complementary levelling courses, under the supervision of his local Tutor.
At the end of the Master the students will be prepared to apply and develop new methods and computational codes, and to follow future doctoral studies in Chemistry, Physics, Life Sciences or Materials Science. They will be also able to develop professional activities as experts in molecular design in the pharmaceutical, petrochemical and new-materials industry, or in any company as computational experts.
Who can apply?
The requirements to be accepted in the TCCM Master are:
• Bachelor in Chemistry, Physics or Material Science,1 or any equivalent level if authorized by the legislation of the corresponding European Country. Other scientific bachelors can be accepted, provided the student takes complementary levelling courses, under the supervision of his/her local Tutor.
• Internationally recognized English proficiency certificate equivalent to a TOEFL score of at least 213/500, 65/120 or 513/677, an IELTS score of at least 6, First Cambridge Certificate or B2.
The same criteria apply to students coming from European and from third countries.
For students coming from third countries or having a Bachelor different from those mentioned above, the possession of the following (or equivalent) subjects at the level of the Chemistry Eurobachelor needs to be certified:
Chemical Bonding, Atomic and Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Interactions, General Physics, Mathematics, General Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Spectroscopy.
Some deficiencies may be remedied through the levelling course. However, if there are deficiencies in more than two of the aforementioned areas, the applicant will not be accepted.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus scholarships to perform Master studies in TCCM will be available annually for Third Country (category A scholarships) and European students (category B scholarships). Both types of grants cover tuition fees of the awardees and category A grants include also an insurance for the two years of the Master. Students will receive a monthly payment amounting, per year, to 6000 € for European students and 12000 € for Third Country* students, who will be also supported for travelling from the origin country and installation in the destination.
How to apply?
Interested students should fill and submit the corresponding on-line application form that will be published each year in the web page of the Master, for both Category A and B Erasmus Mundus scholarships (Third Country and European students). The required supporting documentation shall be sent by electronic mail toemtccm@uam.es
The admission of students and selection of Erasmus Mundus Scholarship holders is carried out by the TCCM International Committee. The evaluation is made according to the information provided in the application form, supported by the following documents:
1. A letter of motivation
2. A CV, including full academic information (degree, matters studied indicating the marks obtained, level of English and all the information the applicant may consider relevant).
3. An English transcription of the academic record (and a document describing the subjects studied in the university degree and the marks obtained, with special attention on the ones listed above, for Bachelors not awarded in Europe or different from Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science).
4. English transcription of the degree certificates to be considered(1).
5. An internationally recognized English level test.
6. A copy of the passport
7. A letter on the conformity with the call guidelines (template to be provided)
8. The names, address and electronic mail of 2 Professors/researchers who may be contacted for references
9. All students must enroll at one of the seven Universities in the TCCM Consortium:
AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MADRID, Spain (Co-ordinating institution)
Hence they must provide a list with their preferences rating a minimum of four of them, from 1 (top preference) to 4 (lowest preference).
All this information should be sent electronically to the Coordinator of the Master (emtccm@uam.es) before January 31st for both, Third Country and EU-EEA students, according to the procedure established for each call in the web page of the Master.
Please note that if the applicant is admitted in the Master, he/she will need to provide mandatorily, the corresponding certified copies of the academic record and degree certificates (legalized accordingly with the applicable legislation between the origin and host country) and English proficiency certificate.
Should you have any question please contact the coordinator of the Master (Prof. Manuel Yáñez) at the following address:
Manuel Yáñez
Autonomous University of Madrid
28049 MADRID - Spain
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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