
Friday, March 4, 2011

Pre-doctoral Fellowship in U. S. Naval History


The Naval History and Heritage Command, Department of the Navy, using non-appropriated funds, is offering one pre-doctoral fellowship in U.S. naval history for the academic year 2011-2012. The fellowship is named in honor of Rear Admiral John D. Hayes, USN, for his enthusiastic encouragement of naval scholars and his own significant contributions to the field. The Naval History and Heritage Command will provide financial and scholarly aid for dissertation research and writing. The subject matter of dissertations supported should significantly enhance knowledge of U.S. naval history.

The Naval History and Heritage Command - The headquarters of the Naval History and Heritage Command are located in the Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC. The library, archival, and museum resources of the command are extremely rich, and are augmented by proximity of the U. S. National Archives and the Library of Congress. If the fellow's outline of research calls for substantial research in the collections held at the command's Washington headquarters, the Fellow will be provided desk space. The location of other work on the project is at the recipient's discretion.

Stipend - A stipend of $10,000 for the fellowship year (September 2011- June 2012) will be provided in two payments. The first half of the grant will be paid in September 2011. The second half will be paid in January 2012, on the dissertation director's certifying that satisfactory progress had been made since October.

Travel Grant – The successful applicant will be asked to travel twice to NHHC's Washington headquarters, once at the beginning of the fellowship period to meet with command historians, and once at the end of the fellowship period to make a presentation on the progress on the dissertation. A single travel grant of up to $2,500 will be made to finance these two visits.

Eligibility Requirements - Applicants must be citizens of the United States, not on active duty in the armed forces; be enrolled in a recognized graduate school; have completed requirements for the Ph.D. except the dissertation by June 30, 2011; and have an approved dissertation topic in the field of U.S. naval history.

Renewal of Fellowship - Current fellows applying for continuation of the fellowship for a second year will be considered on an equal competitive basis with other applicants.

Documents to be Submitted - Applicants should submit a completed and signed application with supporting data attached, including a copy of an approved dissertation outline. Additionally, candidates must arrange for submission of official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate course work, and letters of recommendation as specified on the application form. Allow sufficient lead time so that all supporting documents are received by the Naval History and Heritage Command in advance of the March 31, 2011, deadline date.

Evaluation and Selection - Applications will be screened by the professional staff of the Naval History and Heritage Command. Recommendations on those applicants considered best qualified will be submitted to the Director of Naval History, who will make the final selection. All awards are based on merit, regardless of race, color, creed, or sex.

Applications - Applications may be obtained from the Naval History and Heritage Command, Senior Historian, 805 Kidder Breese St., SE, Washington, DC 20374-5060


Application and Award Dates - Deadline for filing applications and all supporting documents is March 31, 2011. Candidates are responsible for insuring that completed applications are received before the closing date. The Director of Naval History will notify all applicants of final action by an award notice or letter on or about May 15, 2011.

Send Application Form to:

Naval History & Heritage Command
Senior Historian
805 Kidder Breese SE
Washington, DC 20374-5060

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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venba on May 31, 2013 at 4:49 AM said...

Thanks for providing really nice information

PHD Naval

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