
Friday, January 13, 2012

AUN/SEED-Net Master Scholarships in Engineering


The AUN/SEED-Net Project with support from Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA) provides scholarships to highly qualified young teaching staff and graduating
students/young graduates (i.e., potential future faculty staff) of Member Institutions to acquire
master’s degrees in the following nine engineering fields at respective Host Institutions in
other countries:

• Chemical Engineering at De La Salle University (DLSU)
• Civil Engineering at Chulalongkorn University (CU)
• Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Chulalongkorn University (CU)
• Environmental Engineering at University of Philippines-Diliman (UP)
• Geological Engineering at Gadjah Mada University (UGM)
• Information and Communication Technology at King Mongkut’s Institute of
Technology, Ladkrabang (KMITL)
• Manufacturing Engineering at University of Malaya (UM)
• Materials Engineering at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
• Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at Institute of Technology Bandung

In order for AUN/SEED-Net students to produce high quality thesis research of international
standard and to ensure the completion of the master’s degree within two years, AUN/SEEDNet provides vital support, in terms of financial and academic, through joint thesis research
supervision, to AUN/SEED-Net Master’s students at all Host Institutions. The joint thesis
research supervision will be carried out through the Collaborative Research Program,
which has been created by each Host Institution for a few well-defined research themes (or
research umbrellas) in consultation with Japanese Field Coordinating University, each of
which is a collection of interrelated and progressively conducted thesis research topics. Each
AUN/SEED-Net student (including doctoral sandwich student) shall conduct thesis research
under one of these research themes.

Besides, according to AUN/SEED-Net Students’ Mobility scheme which is promoted to
enable students to benefit educationally and culturally from the experience of learning at other
Member Institution(s), Master’s students may be supported to take a course(s) or conduct
research at other Member Institution(s) for a short period. Students are advised to consult with
their advisors and Host Institution on the necessity, possibility and procedures of their

Those who complete this Master’s Degree Program with outstanding thesis research are
encouraged to pursue a doctoral degree in one of the above nine fields either at Japanese
Supporting Universities under the “Doctoral Degree Program in Japan”, or at Host
Institutions (in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand) under the “Doctoral
Degree Sandwich Program” with co-supervision by Japanese professors, or at the two
Singaporean universities (NTU & NUS) under “Doctoral Degree Program in Singapore” .

2. Objectives

(1) To increase the number of high quality Master’s degree holders in engineering at
Member Institutions which would be necessary to contribute to a sustainable industrial
development of ASEAN countries.
(2) To strengthen the Master’s degree programs at the Host Institutions so that the
production of high quality Master’s degree holders in engineering needed for the region
is materialized within the region in collaboration with the Member Institutions and
Japanese Supporting Universities.
(3) To strengthen human networking among teaching staff of Member Institutions and
Japanese Supporting Universities.

3. Eligibility of Applicants

(a) Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate discipline of engineering, or
to be awarded the Bachelor’s degree before starting the Master’s degree program.
(b) Applicants should be ranked within top 10% of the class, or have the grade point average
of 3.0 or higher from the grade point system of 4.0 in their undergraduate study.
(c) Applicants must be young faculty staff of Member Institutions, or graduating students, or
young graduates of Member Institutions who are strongly motivated to pursue a
professional career as faculty staff at Member Institutions.
(d) Applicants should be not over the age of 30 at the time of application and capable of
carrying out independent research.
(e) Applicants who have already received another equivalent major award, scholarship or a
salary to undertake a proposed course are not eligible for scholarships.

4. Selection of Host Institution(s)

(a) Each Host Institution is assigned to host one or two Engineering fields. Applicants must
choose to apply to the Host Institution(s) that offer(s) their proposed field of study.
(Please see list of Host Institutions and their host fields in Attachment 1, and visit our
website at for application forms.)
(b) Each Host Institution has drawn up research umbrellas or themes under Collaborative
Research Program. It is advised that all applicants should be well aware of research areas
that each Host Institution can offer to AUN/SEED-Net students before selecting Host
Institution(s), by carefully studying Collaborative Research umbrellas and choose their
tentative thesis research topics accordingly.
(For details on Collaborative Research umbrellas of each field, please visit our website at )
(c) In addition, possible research areas of study will also be expanded to cover five
interdisciplinary areas, namely Biotechnology, Disaster Mitigation, Global
Environment, Natural Resources/Materials, and New/Renewable Energy. In case an
applicant proposes a research topic under these research areas, one is still expected to
choose one of the Host Institutions, depending on the focus of the research topic (e.g., if
the topic is Mechanical Engineering related renewable energy, applicants should choose
ITB. If the topic is Manufacturing Engineering related disaster mitigation, applicants
should choose UM. If the topic is Electrical and Electronic Engineering related
biotechnology, then the applicants should choose CU)

5. Target Number of Scholarships

Around 45 scholarships for the Japanese Fiscal Year 2012 will be supported (approximately
five scholarships for each host field at Host Institutions in Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines and Thailand).

6. Coverage of Scholarships

The scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, health insurance, visa fee and airport tax,
and a round-trip air ticket, in accordance with the AUN/SEED-Net Project regulations. There
may be partial support(s) from concerned Host and Sending Institution.

7. Commencement and Duration of Scholarships

The commencement of scholarship should be within the Japanese Fiscal Year 2012; that is,
awarded students should commence their study within April 2012 – March 2013.
The duration of the scholarship is strictly two years, counting from the day of arrival at a Host
Institution. Students who need more than two years to acquire a degree will be expected to
self-finance during period of extension.
Note: The AUN/SEED-Net Project, in consultation with the Host Institution, will terminate
the award of any student who fails to maintain satisfactory progress at the Host Institution.

8. Application and Screening Procedure
It is advisable for applicants to study and follow the application procedure below. (Please see
Attachment 2 for a flow chart of the procedure.)
(1) Applicants submit one set of AUN/SEED-Net’s Application Form (for scholarship) and
two sets of Host Institution(s)’ Application Form(s) (for university admission), along with
other required documents to the contact person at Member Institutions (as Sending
Institutions) to which the applicants belong. The list of names of contact persons at
Member Institutions (or Sending Institutions) is given in Attachment 3.
(2) The contact person of each Sending Institution sends a collection of Application Forms to
AUN/SEED-Net, together with an endorsement letter from the Dean or designated person
endorsing the applications. Please note that sending application directly to AUN/SEEDNet without the endorsement letter will not be accepted. (Sending Institutions may submit
the collection of application forms more than once within the deadline.)
(3) AUN/SEED-Net will check all required documents and request missing documents from
applicants through Sending Institution, if necessary.
(4) AUN/SEED-Net forwards the collection of Host Applications to respective Host
Institutions for admission screening.

(5) Host Institutions screen applicants for admission and identify potential advisor(s), then
inform the admission result to AUN/SEED-Net.
(6) AUN/SEED-Net starts its screening for scholarships and informs the result to respective
Sending Institutions.
Note: At the time of admission and scholarship screening, Host Institutions and
AUN/SEED-Net may contact Sending Institutions and/or applicants for missing documents or
further information.
(7) Sending Institutions inform their successful applicants to confirm their acceptance of
scholarships via Reply Form and submit missing documents, if any, to AUN/SEED-Net.
Contractual matters between Host Institutions and AUN/SEED-Net begins.
9. Submission Deadline of the Application Form
Applications for the Master’s Degree Program should be submitted, in printed forms, to the
AUN/SEED-Net Project by January 31, 2012.
10. Scholarship Allocation
The scholarships, in principle, should be distributed across fields and across Sending

Application to be submitted to:

AUN/SEED-Net Project
(Master’s Degree Program)
Faculty of Engineering Building 2, Room 109-110
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok 10330, THAILAND

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarships In India on April 3, 2012 at 12:26 AM said...


Engineering students who want to look beyond scholarships offered by their college or university can compete for a number of national scholarships to help finance their education. Thanks a lot...

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator