
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Summer Junior Resident Fellowship Program in Cambodia for U.S. citizens


The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) is offering 5 American undergraduates an exciting opportunity to join Cambodian and French students on a 6 weeks (starting June 20, 2012) Summer Junior Resident Fellowship Program in Cambodia. The program provides a unique experience allowing students to live and study alongside others from different backgrounds and cultures while learning about the history and society of today’s Cambodia. During their residency students will be based at the CKS campus in Siem Reap, which is situated in the beautiful grounds of Wat Damnak, one of the town’s largest Buddhist pagodas, only minutes away from the famous Angkor World Heritage Site with its enigmatic temples. It has a full range of study and research facilities, including the largest publicly accessible research library outside of Phnom Penh with over 12,000 books, journals and other reading materials in English French and Khmer, study carrels for up to twenty fellows, a spacious seminar room and conference hall. Resident fellows will also spend time studying in Cambodia’s capital city Phnom Penh.

What to expect?

CKS has been running a Summer Junior Resident Fellowship Programs in Cambodia since 2004. The program is intended for those individuals who have a genuine interest in Cambodia and Southeast Asia, and who may be considering graduate studies or careers in the region. With this in mind the focus is on striking a balance between academic rigor and extra curricula activities and field visits designed to give students a better understanding of contemporary Cambodian society. Cambodian history and culture cannot be fully understood without considering the influence of powerful regional neighbors such and Thailand, Vietnam and China, and international powers, like France, the United States, and more recently the United Nations. The program, therefore, will also focus on Cambodia’s past and present relationships with its neighbors and its place within the region.

How is the Program structured?

The program is led by a qualified instructor who has extensive teaching and research experience in Cambodian and Southeast Asian Studies. It is structured around interactive classroom sessions from Monday-Friday (2 hours in length) held in the CKS conference and seminar facilities in Siem Reap, and classroom in Phnom Penh. Select field trips will include visits to historical and cultural sites in and around Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, and interactions with national and international NGOs. Classroom sessions will begin by briefly covering Cambodia’s ancient past before examining major social, political, economic and cultural change since the country gained independence form France in the early 1950s. Particular attention will be paid to how Cambodia has come to terms with the horrors of its more recent past after the Khmer Rouge, and the ways it is re-engaging with regional and international communities. Outside of the classroom, in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh fellows will the have opportunity to go on field trips and interact with organizations working in the areas of development, education, democracy promotion, human rights and Journalism. Total contact time is 45 hours, this does not include time spent on field trips.


The language of instruction is English. All fellows are expected to have sufficient English language skills to be able to participate in classroom discussions. The American and French fellows will also receive instruction in the Khmer Language, and the Cambodian fellows will be required, if necessary, to attend English language reading writing and speaking skills seminars.
Program Requirements

Fellows are required to attend all classes, including language, all field trips and participate in classroom discussions. They will also conduct a short research project of (10-15 pages) on a related topic of their choice, which they will present at the end of the program (15 mins, max).

Application and Eligibility and Requirements:

Candidates must be registered as undergraduate students in a United States university at the time of application and must hold United States citizenship. Graduating seniors are eligible.
Applicants should provide the following, preferably electronically:

1. Application form (download English) or (download French)
2. Two page statement of research topic and research plan.
3. Scanned university transcripts with cumulative GPA (scale 1- 4) (Because of limited internet service please ensure your transcripts are sent using the smallest files available).
4. Two (2) recommendations from professors (these can be submitted electronically directly from professor from university/professional email address)
CKS covers the costs of tuition, accommodation (bed and breakfast), local transportation whilst taking part in program activities, books and study materials, and some field trip expenses such as entrance fees to historical and cultural sites. CKS has also made available small program grants, worth up to $800, to help with international air fares, visas, and medical insurance. All other living and personal expenses will be incurred by the individual fellows.
For further information or to submit an application, please email The Center for Khmer Studies Summer Fellowship Program, Tith Srey Pich, at or write to PO Box 9380 – Wat Damnak Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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