
Monday, September 19, 2011

Erasmus Mundus (FUSION-EP) Scholarships for International Students


The aim of the European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP) programme is to provide a high-level, multinational, research-oriented education in fusion-related engineering physics, in close relation to the research activities of the partners, together with a well-integrated language and cultural experience. The combined and harmonized teaching & research of the 5 universities offers a broad range of competences in the field of fusion science and engineering physics. The Joint European Masters Programme offers a genuine European opportunity for Master level studies in a field which is of crucial importance to solving the urgent and vital problem of world energy supply.

The Joint European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP ) is offered by the following partners:

o Universiteit Gent, Belgium (coordinator)
o Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France
o Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
o Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
o Universität Stuttgart, Germany

Admission Criteria

The European Master FUSION-EP offers admission to applicants who appear to have the highest potential for graduate study and who, with the benefit of a graduate education, are the most likely to contribute substantially to their academic or professional fields through teaching, research, or professional practice.
The minimum graduate admission requirements are:
(1) A bachelor's degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution (minimum 3 years study)
(2) Sufficient undergraduate training to do graduate work in the chosen field
(3) A satisfactory scholastic average

The FUSION-EP is open to all students who have a Bachelor's degree or a recognized equivalent academic degree of minimum 3 years study in

- physics
- engineering

Applicants with another degree but with experience or knowledge in one of these fields can be admitted on decision by the FUSION-EP Managing Board on the basis of CV and other evidence.

Category A students (non-European)


Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

Per academic year a limited number of Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for FUSION-EP students from third countries.

Scholarship scheme:

  • Amount I (Contribution to the student’s travel, installation and other personal costs) will have to be paid:

o For Category A scholarships will be distributed over 2 years with a higher starting month allowance in September of 2800 EUR and 1200 over the remaining 11 months

  • Amount II (Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs - including insurance coverage)

will be collected by the EMMC consortium directly on the condition that the student has signed a
“student agreement” with the consortium in which the amount and the costs covered by it have been clearly indicated.

  • Amount III (Monthly allowance) will be paid on a monthly basis to the student’s personal bank account together with amount I.
IContribution to travel,
installation and any
other type of costs
€ 4000 per academic year* (on student account) or € 8000 for two years
IIMaximum contribution
to the EMMC
participation costs
(including insurance
€ 4000 / semester or € 8000** per academic year or € 16.000 for two years. (tuition fee and insurance)
IIIMonthly allowance€ 1000 / month*** (on student account) (24 months) = 2 x € 12.000/year
Per academic year€ 24.000 (€ 16.000 on account of which € 2800 after arrival and € 1200 per month)
* this amount will not be paid the first month but distributed over the year with a higher payment on arrival.
** this amount is transferred directly to the consortium account.
*** this amount will be 2800 in september and 1200 in the other months because it includes the installation fee.

For the academic year 2011-2012, the FUSION-EP Erasmus Mundus consortium can select a limited number of students to be granted a scholarship. Without prejudice to the respect of high academic standards, in order to ensure a geographical balance across third-country students, the FUSION-EP consortium shall respect the following basic criteria when selecting third-country students:

  • no more than 2 of the selected third-country students should come from the same country.
  • students with an advanced physics and math curriculum.
  • good English knowledge in speaking, reading and writing.
Other Scholarship Opportunities
The FUSION-EP network is also actively searching for other scholarship opportunities.

Below you can find links to organisations where you can apply independently for a scholarship:

Third Country Students

The FUSION-EP considers as "Third Country students" (category A):

- Nationals coming from all other countries than:

Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Cyprus,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,
Slovenia,Spain,Sweden and United Kingdom,

the EEA-EFTA states:

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway
- People who have not carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the above countries.

Application Procedure

Your application file will consist of:
  1. The next preregistration:
  1. A scan of a recent photograph.
  2. Three letters of recommendation using the standard form under sealed enveloppe. You will find this form once you started the application at tab 'Documents'.
  3. Certified copies of diplomas and a translation in English ( only if the language is different from French, Spanish, German, Swedish or Dutch)
  4. Certified copies of diploma supplements stating courses followed and scores obtained per course and a translation in English ( only if the language is different from French, Spanish, German, Swedish or Dutch)
  5. Certified copies of language tests scores and language certificates(IELTS or TOEFL): without it you will not be allowed !! (TOEFLE PAPER:550 TOEFLE CBT: 213 TOEFLE IBT 95 IELTS:6,5)
  6. After your complete application please PRINT out the application, date and sign it before sending by surface mail.
  7. A scan of a passport of the page containing your names and passport number and valid period.

Remark that the posted application file becomes property of the FUSION-EP secretariat. Therefore no original official documents should be sent. Upon admission to FUSION-EP, certified copies of diplomas, certified copies of language tests and certified copies of certificates will be required.

Application files should be posted to:

Prof. G. Van Oost
FUSION-EP Secretariat - Application FUSION-EP
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Applied Physics
J.Plateaustraat, 22
B - 9000 Ghent

Category B students (European)


  • Amount I (Contribution to the student’s travel, installation and other personal costs) will have to be paid:

3000 EUR only in case of mobilty towards a non-European destination

  • Amount II (Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs - including insurance coverage)

will be collected by the EMMC consortium directly on the condition that the student has signed a
“student agreement” with the consortium in which the amount and the costs covered by it have been clearly indicated.

  • Amount III (Monthly allowance) must be paid on a monthly basis to the student’s personal bank account.
IContribution to travel,
installation and any
other type of costs
€ 3000 - only if the EMMC includes a mobility period to a Third-Country partner (so NOT within Europe)
IIMaximum contribution
to the EMMC
participation costs
(including insurance
€ 2000 / semester or € 4000* per academic year or € 8.000 for two years. (tuition fee and insurance)
IIIMonthly allowance€ 500 / month (on student account) (24 months) = 2 x € 6000/year
Per academic yearFrom € 10 000 without mobility to a Third Country. One sum of € 3000 can be added for mobility over two years.
Over two years : 2 x 6000 + 2 x 4000 + 3000 = € 23.000
*this amount is transferred directly to the consortium account.

Application Procedure

Your application file will consist of:
  1. Preregistration :


  1. A scan of national ID or a passport of the page containing your names and passport number and valid period.
  2. A scan of a recent photograph.
  3. At least 1 letter of recommendation using the standard form under sealed enveloppe. You will find this form once you are IN the application procedure.
  4. Certified copies of diplomas and a translation in English ( only if the language is different from French, Spanish, German, Swedish or Dutch)
  5. Certified copies of diploma supplements stating courses followed and scores obtained per course and a translation in English ( only if the language is different from French, Spanish, German, Swedish or Dutch)
  6. Certified copies of language tests scores and language certificates(IELTS or TOEFL). Without it you will not be allowed !!
  7. After your complete application please PRINT out the application, date and sign it before sending by surface mail.

Remark that the posted application file becomes property of the FUSION-EP secretariat. Therefore no original official documents should be sent. Upon admission to FUSION-EP, certified copies of diplomas, certified copies of language tests and certified copies of certificates will be required.

Application files should be posted to:

Prof. G. Van Oost
FUSION-EP Secretariat - Application FUSION-EP
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Applied Physics
J.Plateaustraat, 22
B - 9000 Ghent

Deadline for application (Category A and B): will be January 1, 2012 (electronic), January 15, 2012 (paper)

For further information, please contact

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Applied Physics
J.Plateaustraat, 22
B - 9000 Ghent
Fax: +32 (0)9 264.3834

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator