The aim of the European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP) programme is to provide a high-level, multinational, research-oriented education in fusion-related engineering physics, in close relation to the research activities of the partners, together with a well-integrated language and cultural experience. The combined and harmonized teaching & research of the 5 universities offers a broad range of competences in the field of fusion science and engineering physics. The Joint European Masters Programme offers a genuine European opportunity for Master level studies in a field which is of crucial importance to solving the urgent and vital problem of world energy supply.
The Joint European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP ) is offered by the following partners:
o Universiteit Gent, Belgium (coordinator)
o Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France
o Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
o Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
o Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Admission Criteria
The European Master FUSION-EP offers admission to applicants who appear to have the highest potential for graduate study and who, with the benefit of a graduate education, are the most likely to contribute substantially to their academic or professional fields through teaching, research, or professional practice.
The minimum graduate admission requirements are:
(1) A bachelor's degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution (minimum 3 years study)
(2) Sufficient undergraduate training to do graduate work in the chosen field
(3) A satisfactory scholastic average
The FUSION-EP is open to all students who have a Bachelor's degree or a recognized equivalent academic degree of minimum 3 years study in
- physics
- engineering
Applicants with another degree but with experience or knowledge in one of these fields can be admitted on decision by the FUSION-EP Managing Board on the basis of CV and other evidence.
Category A students (non-European)
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship
Scholarship scheme:
- Amount I (Contribution to the student’s travel, installation and other personal costs) will have to be paid:
o For Category A scholarships will be distributed over 2 years with a higher starting month allowance in September of 2800 EUR and 1200 over the remaining 11 months
- Amount II (Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs - including insurance coverage)
will be collected by the EMMC consortium directly on the condition that the student has signed a
“student agreement” with the consortium in which the amount and the costs covered by it have been clearly indicated.
- Amount III (Monthly allowance) will be paid on a monthly basis to the student’s personal bank account together with amount I.
Amount | Type | Scholarship |
I | Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs | € 4000 per academic year* (on student account) or € 8000 for two years |
II | Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage) | € 4000 / semester or € 8000** per academic year or € 16.000 for two years. (tuition fee and insurance) |
III | Monthly allowance | € 1000 / month*** (on student account) (24 months) = 2 x € 12.000/year |
TOTAL | Per academic year | € 24.000 (€ 16.000 on account of which € 2800 after arrival and € 1200 per month) |
** this amount is transferred directly to the consortium account.
*** this amount will be 2800 in september and 1200 in the other months because it includes the installation fee.
For the academic year 2011-2012, the FUSION-EP Erasmus Mundus consortium can select a limited number of students to be granted a scholarship. Without prejudice to the respect of high academic standards, in order to ensure a geographical balance across third-country students, the FUSION-EP consortium shall respect the following basic criteria when selecting third-country students:
- no more than 2 of the selected third-country students should come from the same country.
- students with an advanced physics and math curriculum.
- good English knowledge in speaking, reading and writing.
Below you can find links to organisations where you can apply independently for a scholarship:
Third Country Students
The FUSION-EP considers as "Third Country students" (category A):
- Nationals coming from all other countries than:
Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Cyprus,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,
Slovenia,Spain,Sweden and United Kingdom,
the EEA-EFTA states:
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway
- People who have not carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the above countries.
Application Procedure
Your application file will consist of:- The next preregistration:
- A scan of a recent photograph.
- Three letters of recommendation using the standard form under sealed enveloppe. You will find this form once you started the application at tab 'Documents'.
- Certified copies of diplomas and a translation in English ( only if the language is different from French, Spanish, German, Swedish or Dutch)
- Certified copies of diploma supplements stating courses followed and scores obtained per course and a translation in English ( only if the language is different from French, Spanish, German, Swedish or Dutch)
- Certified copies of language tests scores and language certificates(IELTS or TOEFL): without it you will not be allowed !! (TOEFLE PAPER:550 TOEFLE CBT: 213 TOEFLE IBT 95 IELTS:6,5)
- After your complete application please PRINT out the application, date and sign it before sending by surface mail.
- A scan of a passport of the page containing your names and passport number and valid period.
Remark that the posted application file becomes property of the FUSION-EP secretariat. Therefore no original official documents should be sent. Upon admission to FUSION-EP, certified copies of diplomas, certified copies of language tests and certified copies of certificates will be required.
Application files should be posted to:
Prof. G. Van OostFUSION-EP Secretariat - Application FUSION-EP
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Applied Physics
J.Plateaustraat, 22
B - 9000 Ghent
Category B students (European)
- Amount I (Contribution to the student’s travel, installation and other personal costs) will have to be paid:
3000 EUR only in case of mobilty towards a non-European destination
- Amount II (Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs - including insurance coverage)
will be collected by the EMMC consortium directly on the condition that the student has signed a
“student agreement” with the consortium in which the amount and the costs covered by it have been clearly indicated.
- Amount III (Monthly allowance) must be paid on a monthly basis to the student’s personal bank account.
Amount | Type | Scholarship |
I | Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs | € 3000 - only if the EMMC includes a mobility period to a Third-Country partner (so NOT within Europe) |
II | Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage) | € 2000 / semester or € 4000* per academic year or € 8.000 for two years. (tuition fee and insurance) |
III | Monthly allowance | € 500 / month (on student account) (24 months) = 2 x € 6000/year |
TOTAL | Per academic year | From € 10 000 without mobility to a Third Country. One sum of € 3000 can be added for mobility over two years. Over two years : 2 x 6000 + 2 x 4000 + 3000 = € 23.000 |
Application Procedure
Your application file will consist of:- Preregistration :
- A scan of national ID or a passport of the page containing your names and passport number and valid period.
- A scan of a recent photograph.
- At least 1 letter of recommendation using the standard form under sealed enveloppe. You will find this form once you are IN the application procedure.
- Certified copies of diplomas and a translation in English ( only if the language is different from French, Spanish, German, Swedish or Dutch)
- Certified copies of diploma supplements stating courses followed and scores obtained per course and a translation in English ( only if the language is different from French, Spanish, German, Swedish or Dutch)
- Certified copies of language tests scores and language certificates(IELTS or TOEFL). Without it you will not be allowed !!
- After your complete application please PRINT out the application, date and sign it before sending by surface mail.
Remark that the posted application file becomes property of the FUSION-EP secretariat. Therefore no original official documents should be sent. Upon admission to FUSION-EP, certified copies of diplomas, certified copies of language tests and certified copies of certificates will be required.
Application files should be posted to:
Prof. G. Van OostFUSION-EP Secretariat - Application FUSION-EP
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Applied Physics
J.Plateaustraat, 22
B - 9000 Ghent
Deadline for application (Category A and B): will be January 1, 2012 (electronic), January 15, 2012 (paper)
For further information, please contact
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Applied Physics
J.Plateaustraat, 22
B - 9000 Ghent
Fax: +32 (0)9 264.3834
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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