Czech Government Scholarships are now open for students from developing countries. Scholarship Awards within the Foreign Development Assistance Programme - offer for the academic year 2012/2013
General information on the scholarship programme:
The Government of the Czech Republic offers a number of scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance Programme in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.
These so called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study:
1) in Bachelor/Master study programmes plus one-year preparatory course of the Czech language (which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from upper secondary schools who can enrol only in study programmes in which they follow instruction in the Czech language. Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to take entrance examinations at the respective institution of higher education. The scholarship award is conditional upon a successful passing of entrance examinations;
2) in follow-up Master study programmes or Doctoral study programmes. Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates of Bachelor or Master study programmes, respectively, who enrol in study programmes with instruction in the English language.
Study Areas Available in English:
1) Economics
- follow-up master study programme Economics, Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague (http://ies.fsv.cuni.cz/cs/node/47);
- doctoral study programme Economic Theories, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University in Prague (http://www.cerge.cuni.cz/phd/default.asp);
2) Informatics
- follow-up master study programme Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague;
- follow-up master study programme Information Management, Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové (http://www.uhk.cz/eng/fim/applicant/36);
3) Agriculture
- follow-up master study programme Natural Resources and Enviroment, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (http://www.af.czu.cz/en/?r=1238&i=1859);
- follow-up master study programme Forestry, Water and Landscape Management, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (http://fld.dev.webcore.czu.cz/en/?r=3837&i=5470);
- follow-up master study programme Technology and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (http://www.tf.czu.cz/en/?r=1158);
- doctoral study programme Chemistry (Agriculture Chemistry), Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno (http://www.af.mendelu.cz/en/studium/doktorske?lang=en;tag=67).
Czech Government Scholarships
The scholarship covers the necessary costs of living and studying in the Czech Republic. The amount of scholarship is continuously adjusted. Currently, students of Bachelor’s, Master’s or Follow-up Master’s program receive 9.000, – CZK per month, students of Doctoral programs receive 9.500, – CZK per month.The amount of scholarship already includes the amount intended to cover accommodation costs.The scholarship holders cover the costs of accommodation, meals and public transport from the scholarship amount under the same conditions as students – citizens of the Czech Republic. Any possible extraordinary medical care must be paid from the student’s own resources.
Travel to the Czech Republic and back to their homeland after termination of study is to be paid by the party that proposed the student for the study in the Czech Republic, or the student himself/herself.
Upon arrival to the Czech Republic, students must be prepared to bear initial expenses of approximately CZK 3000 to 5000,- for administrative fees associated with the study, or any other expenses according to their needs (e.g. clothing, translation and recognition of documents, etc.).
The precondition for admission to the Master’s program following on a Bachelor’s program is a successful completion of the Bachelor’s program.
The precondition for admission to the Doctoral program is a successful completion of the Master’s program.
To be granted the Government scholarship to study in English, the applicant must have a good knowledge of English.
If possible, the applicant proves his/her knowledge of English with an internationally recognised certificate (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, APIEL etc.). Each applicant is required to undergo an initial interview and an English language test, which will be held at the embassy of the Czech Republic. If an applicant for scholarship has a long-term residence at the time of application, the interview and test will take place in the Centre of International Services of the MoEYS.
Required Documents
Applicants shall submit the following documentation, in two copies (two identical folders):
a) the Application form (the Questionnaire) with a glued-in photograph, completed fully and legibly, preferably in English or Czech, machine printed or hand-written in capital letters, which includes the applicant’s permanent addresses for at least 2 years back, the specification of the study plan and curriculum vitae, which shall contain information about all studies commenced and completed by the applicant, including addresses of the educational institutions, data on employment (company name, address, position and job description), a list of foreign stays and trips abroad in the past five years and a photocopy of the applicant’s passport, if issued.
b) Statement of reading the Instructions for the award of scholarships of the Government of the CR (Annex 1).
c) Statement of reading the Terms of health care and acquisition of travel medical insurance (Annex 2),
d) For the purpose of admission to full-time study of:
da) Follow-up Master's degree program:
- certified copy of a diploma, certificate or similar proof of proper completion of a Bachelor's degree program
- certified copy of the Supplement to Diploma or a completed listing of lectures and passed examinations, including their scope and results of examinations),
- additional information proving that the study program was carried out by an institution authorised to provide tertiary education
- additional information about the contents of university education completed abroad
- certified translations of documents referred to in point da) (the best option is a translation into Czech verified by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic)
db) Doctoral program
- certified copy of a diploma, certificate or similar proof of proper completion of a Master's degree program,
- certified copy of the Supplement to Diploma or a completed listing of lectures and passed examinations, including their scope and results of examinations),
- additional information proving that the study program was carried out by an institution authorised to provide tertiary education,
- additional information about the contents of university education completed abroad,
- certified translations of documents referred to in point db) (the best option is a translation into Czech verified by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic)
- and:
- overview of publications,
- outline of the technical issues, that the applicant intends to focus on during
his/her doctoral program,
- outline of the topic of the applicant’s dissertation (3 - 5 pages),
- two letters of recommendation from professors of academic institutions,
- and any other evidence of qualification and previous professional/scientific
e) a certified copy of the birth certificate translated into Czech and verified by the embassy of the Czech Republic (needed when applying for personal birth number),
f) a medical certificate on the applicant’s health status not older than two months, with an official translation into English or Czech.
g) an internationally recognised certificate proving the knowledge of English.
Application Instructions
Students who, at the time of application, stay in the Czech Republic may submit the respective documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Co-operation, by 31 December of the preceding year at the latest.
Foreign nationals who have been granted permanent residence in the Czech Republic are not eligibleto apply for Government scholarships.
A limited number of scholarships is offered to students from developing countries who file their applications with the respective National UNESCO Commissions. For contact information on individual local offices see http://www.unesco.org/ (and search under the heading Communities, National Commissions).
Applications sent directly to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport will not be processed.
Prospective applicants are advised to address their inquiries concerning, among others, their eligibility and closing date for applications to the Czech Embassies in their countries.
Detailed information on the terms and conditions of scholarship awards is provided in the binding“Instructions regarding the Scholarship Award Scheme of the Government of the Czech Republic” issued in Czech, English and Spanish (click below to download in PDF or Word format):
The prospective applicants are advised to peruse the instructions before applying.
Scholarship application forms may be obtained from the respective Czech Embassies or downloaded here in PDF or Word format:
For the list of required attachments see part 2.1, 3.1 of the Instructions.
Attachment f) “Medicate Certificate” must be issued on the official form that is available at the respective Czech Embassies and can be also downloaded here in Czech (PDF, Word), English (PDF, Word) or Spanish (PDF, Word).
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Karmelitska 7
118 12 Prague 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 234 811 111
fax:+420 234 811 753
e-mail: info@msmt.cz
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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