
Thursday, September 8, 2011

JAPAN ADB-JSP Scholarships at Kobe University


JAPAN ADB-JSP Scholarships for international students wishing to pursue higher education at Kobe University, Japan. In the Academic Year 2012 beginning in October 2012, GSICS will accept Master's Program students sponsored by the ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP).

1. Eligibility Requirements and Conditions for Application

1-a. Eligibility Requirements for Master's Program

The applicant must satisfy the eligibility criteria as follows:

(1) The applicant must be a national of an ADB borrowing member country (applicants from countries that are no longer borrowing from ADB are not eligible for the ADB-JSP Scholarship: Hong Kong, China; the Republic of Korea; Singapore; and Taipei, China).

(2) The applicant for Master's Program must have a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from an accredited/recognized university. In addition, applicants should have completed 16 years of formal education or should have received equivalent education. Those with a bachelor's degree but with less than 16 years of formal education must inquire at the Academic Affairs Office (GSICS) to check their eligibility by December 19, 2011.

(3) At the time of application, the applicant must have at least two years of full-time professional working experience acquired after obtaining their university degree.

(4) The applicant must not be more than 35 years old at the time of application.

(5) Applicants must have a good command of English for graduate studies. Applicants whose undergraduate programs were not carried out in English are recommended to submit their TOEFL or IELTS scores together with their application documents.

(6) The applicant must be in a good health.

(7) The applicant living or working in a country other than his/her home country is not eligible for the Scholarship.

(8) Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, officials and staff of ADB, as well as their close relatives, are not eligible for the scholarship.

(9) The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second master's degree.

(10) Accepted applicants will be required to present themselves at the GSICS by October, 5, 2012.

1-b. Conditions

(1) In accepting the ADB-JSP Scholarship, scholars must commit themselves to return to, and work in, their home countries for a period of at least 2 years after completion of their studies under the program or when dismissed from the school.

(2) In accepting ADB-JSP Scholarship, scholars consent to the employment restriction policy of the ADB-JSP and acknowledge that they will not be able to work at ADB for two years after completion of their academic programs.

(3) A Scholarship may be terminated upon the recommendation of the GSICS at any time for one or more of the following reasons: failure of a scholar to make satisfactory academic progress; failure to comply with the laws of Japan; misconduct; and/or breaches of the conditions of the ADB-JSP or Student Visa.

2. Admission Openings Special Course for Development Policy: A total of up to five students can be accepted.

3. Filing Period

Any applications arriving after the following dates will not be considered for processing.

Applications will be accepted during the period from January 4 (Wednesday) to January 13 (Friday), 2012, by registered mail only (Applications MUST arrive at the office by January 13, 2012).

4. Required Documents for Master's Program. The following documents should be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University by registered mail.

(1) Application form [MSWord] [PDF]

(2) Transcript/Certificate of Academic Grades

(3) Certificate of Graduation from the applicant’s last university

(4) 3 copies of Research Proposal (about 2,000 words)

(5) Two confidential letters of recommendation [MSWord] [PDF] : One of them should be obtained from a person who is familiar with the applicant’s previous academic work.

(6) Letter of Consent [MSWord] [PDF] : A letter of consent must be obtained from one of the teaching staff of GSICS.

(7) 3 portrait-size (4.5cm × 3.5cm) photographs of the applicant, taken within the last three months

(8) Copy of Family Resister or Certificate of Citizenship

(9) TOEFL or IELTS Score Sheet (if applicable)

(10) Information Sheet of ADB-JSP [MSWord] [PDF]

(11) Certificates to show your own income and that of your parents or family

Note: If the incomes are not clearly certified, the applicant may be excluded from selection. Please submit authorized certificates issued by public agencies.

Please enclose all application materials with the application form when sending the documents to the Academic Affairs Office. The application and all enclosed materials, including those that arrive at GSICS after the deadline, become the property of GSICS and will not be returned.

If you have questions regarding any of the information above, please contact the Academic Affairs Office by December 19, 2011.

5. Payment of entrance examination fee

The candidates are required to pay the entrance examination fee of 30,000 yen by April 13, 2012. Failing to pay it until the due date will be regarded as withdrawal from the procedure. Those who are required to pay the entrance examination fee will be notified through the Academic Affairs Office of GSICS in early April 2012.

6. Selection Procedures

The GSICS and Asian Development Bank will jointly select scholarship recipients. The successful candidates will be notified through the Academic Affairs Office of GSICS, Kobe University in early May 2012.

Note: The recipients of ADB-JSP must undertake in writing that they will return to their home countries immediately after the completion of their program of study or when dismissed from the school.

7. Scholarship Coverage and Period

The following expenditures will be covered by the scholarship: full tuition, medical and accident insurance obtained through Kobe University, a monthly stipend including subsistence and housing allowance for one person (for the Year 2011, the monthly stipend is 154,000 yen; this may be changed for the Year 2012), a book allowance, other miscellaneous expenses and economy class airfare for one person covering the trip from the scholar’s place of residence to Kobe University and the return journey at the end of the study program.

8. Scholarship Period

The initial scholarship period is one year from October 2012 – September 2013. The extension of the scholarship for the second year of the program shall be conditional on the scholar maintaining a satisfactory level of academic performance.
Note that the scholarship will be provided for two years at maximum.

9. Contact Information

Please send all documents or correspondence to:

Academic Affairs Office, GSICS, Kobe University
2-1, Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe City, 657-8501 Japan
E-mail: adb-jsp[at]port[dot]kobe-u[dot]ac[dot]jp
Fax: 81-78-803-7297

* Please write “Application for ADB-JSP Scholarship” on the front of envelope.

Additional Information concerning Japanese Language Proficiency: Although applicants are not required to have Japanese language proficiency for selection, the ability to communicate in Japanese in daily life situations will be helpful.

Please quote on your application when applying for ADB scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator