Scholarships are available for foreign citizens to pursue a doctorate in natural sciences, technology or medicine in Slovenia. Scholarships are awarded from the 2011/2012 academic year onward for the duration of the programme.
The subject of this call for applications are scholarships for foreign citizens pursuing doctoral studies in natural sciences, technology or medicine at higher educational institutions in the Republic of Slovenia from academic year 2011/2012 onward, till the end of studies.
The following categories fall into fields of natural sciences, technology and medicine as per this call:
Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, Engineering, Production Technologies and Civil Engineering, Agriculture, Forestry, Fischery and Veterinary Science,Health, Transportation Services and Environmental Studies.
Interdisciplinary and other study programmes will be classified based on the study programme.
The scholarship is granted for:
- annual tuition up to 3,000.00 EUR per academic year and
- living expenses in the total amount of 8.400,00 EUR for each year.
The public call includes full information about the conditions, documentation, application and procedure applicants must meet. The public call (incl. unnoficial translation to English, application form and other) is available vila links on the right side.
Application deadline is 22. September 2011.
- Public Call (SI)
- Unofficial translation of the Public Call (EN)
- Application Form
- Power of Attorney
- Statement
Ms Doris Sattler
+386 (0)1 434 58 92
Office hours:
Mon./Fri.: 9am to noon
Wed.: also 2pm to 4pm
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
ZA LEPŠI NASMEH! 50% popust na ZOBNI IMPLATANT Durivat Z metal-keramicno kronico ali BREZ + temeljito CIŠCENJE ZOBNEGA KAMNA in ucinkovito POLIRANJE, v ECG dental Reka!
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