The advertised doctoral position is partly financed by and integrated into a larger research programme, Regulating Markets and Labour – Nordic, European and Global Perspectives (ReMarkLab). The research programme ReMarkLab is led by Professor Niklas Bruun at the Faculty of Law at Stockholm University and Associate Professor Mia Rönnmar (intended main supervisor) is one of the members of the research programme.
The doctoral project and its subject shall be conducted and situated within the research programme, starting from the ongoing globalisation of the economy and the internationalisation of law itself. The content of labour law at national level is decided through a complex interplay between different actors (legislators, courts, social partners, multinational companies etc.) at different levels (national, regional and global), and the tension between labour law and economic law and the market is increasingly important.
Labour law research encompasses studies of individual labour law (regulation of the employment relationship) and collective labour law (regulation of the relationship between the employer/employers’ organisation and the trade union/workers’ representatives) as well as, for example, non-discrimination regulation. Today, the role of international and EU/European law and fundamental rights is prominent. Comparative labour law research approaches are valuable, as is the integration of wider political, economic, societal and industrial relations perspectives.
Type of employment: Limit of tenure, equivalent to four years of full-time studies
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Law, Lund
First day of employment: 2011-12-01 or upon mutual agreement
Official Records Number: JPA 2011/72
Job assignments
Those appointed to doctoral studentships shall primarily devote themselves to their studies.
Those appointed to doctoral studentships may, however, work to a limited extent with educational tasks, research and administration. Before a doctorate has been awarded, however, duties of this kind may not comprise more than 20 per cent of a full time post. (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 section 2)
Eligibility/Entry Requirements
Only those who are or have been admitted to third-cycle courses and study programmes at a higher education may be appointed to doctoral studentships. (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 section 3)
A person meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if he or she:
1. has been awarded a second-cycle qualification,
2. has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or
3. has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
(Higher Education Ordinance chapter 7 section 39)
The special requirements are fulfilled by those who have completed a law programme and obtained the degree Master of Laws (juris kandidatexamen/juristexamen). The special requirements may also be fulfilled by those who can demonstrate other educational or particular professional experience where this is judged to provide the necessary qualification for doctoral studies comparable to that provided by the degree of Master of Laws (juris kandidatexamen/juristexamen regarding both the subject for doctoral study and general legal education of importance for that subject.
Applicants with Swedish juristexamen/juris kandidatexamen degrees must have attained a grade average of Ba in the compulsory courses of the undergraduate programme. Applicants holding other degrees must have attained in principle an equivalent grade average in comparable portions of the degree programme. Only where very special circumstances apply may the Faculty Board approve exemption from this rule.
The applicant must have obtained the degree of Master of Laws or the equivalent no later than 22 September 2011.
Basis of Assessment
For regulations concerning employment of Doctoral Students etc, see Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 sections 1-7. For regulations concerning admission to third-cycle courses and study programmes, see Higher Education Ordinance chapter 7 sections 34-41 §§. Admittance of a doctoral student is based on an assessment of the candidate’s ability to benefit from third-cycle studies. The applicant’s ability to benefit from third-cycle studies and research will be assessed primarily with reference to the selection criteria stated in the general study plan for third-cycle studies at the Faculty of Law. Particular focus will be placed on the applicant’s ability to deal with legal issues and identify and formulate relevant research tasks in writing.
For further information please contact:
Mia Rönnmar, Associate Professor
+ 46 46 222 10 92
Helena Josefsson, Assistant Head of Administration Office
+ 46 46 222 10 95
Labour union
SACO: Andreas Lundin
+46 46 222 93 64
OFR/S: Rita Nilsson
+46 46 222 93 62
Last Day of Applying
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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