The DFG Research Training Group 1411 “The Economics of Innovative Change” is an outstanding international research programme, jointly hosted by the Friedrich Schiller University and the Max Planck Institute of Economics, both in Jena, Germany. The Research Training Group is funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) and is integrated in an environment of related graduate programmes in social sciences. It currently hosts about 40 exceptional PhD candidates, 6 post-doctoral researchers, and 10 senior faculty members.
The mission of the Research Training Group is to provide an internationally competitive research training for young economists. The official language is English. Allowing for a broad concept of "innovation" we address a wide range of topics: industrial dynamics; entrepreneurship; innovation decisions and behaviour; competition, cooperation and strategic interaction in innovation; innovation in the development of consumption and consumer behaviour; human capital, skills and employment; innovation and regional development; innovation and economic dynamics of developing countries; energy, environment and innovation; innovation policy, and innovation management. The analytical approaches we pursue range from theoretical and empirical modeling, game theory, simulation analysis to experimental economics.
We search for candidates with excellent past performance in economics and business administration, or closely related fields. The candidates should have interest in pursueing research in at least one of the above-mentioned fields. They should have completed a Master's degree or equivalent (e.g. Diplom). The scholarship positions require a permanent and active participation in the study and the research programme of the Research Training Group. Therefore all scholarship holders are expected to choose Jena as their place of residence.
We are offering
- DFG-funded scholarships of about €1,300 per month with duration of up to three years
- a lively international research and social environment hosting top-level researchers in economics and related fields,
- financial support for attending conferences and stays abroad,
- an office and access to all facilities and library resources of the Friedrich Schiller University and the Max Planck Institute of Economics.
To apply please send
- the application Form,
- your CV,
- a copy of your BA, Diploma, MA, MSc, or comparable academic certificates, (originals are provided if admitted)
For your final grades, please indicate the range of the grading system, the highest and the lowest possible grade.
- a copy of your master thesis of equivalent,
- writing sample in English (about 10 pages)
- 2 letters of recommendation from academic teachers,
- a letter of motivation (about one page) where you describe the expected benefits from participating in the programme.
Please send all your documents as pdf files to the spokesman of the doctoral programme:
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Department of Economics
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
D-07743 Jena
e-mail: uwe.cantner@uni-jena.de
Applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis.
Please quote Scholarization.blogspot.com on your application when applying for this scholarship
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