
USA: Harvard Academy Scholars Program

The Academy Scholars Program identifies and supports outstanding scholars at the start of their careers whose work combines disciplinary excellence in the social sciences (including history and law) with a command of the language, history, or culture of non-Western countries or regions. Their scholarship may elucidate domestic, comparative, or transnational issues, past or present. The Academy Scholars are [read more..]

USA: Yale World Fellows Program

The Yale World Fellows Program seeks applications from mid-career emerging leaders who have distinguished themselves within their own professions, regions, countries, or at an international level. Successful applicants uniformly possess the extraordinary qualities of mind and character that strong leadership requires. Candidates for the Fellowship must demonstrate themselves to be driving forces [read more..]

2013-2014 Scholarships

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

UK: LyondellBasell Cambridge MBA Scholarship


The LyondellBasell scholarship offers up to £33,000 to one candidate per intake. The scholarship is open to anyone with a process engineering background, including candidates who have worked in pharma and oil and gas.
Why a Cambridge MBA gives high return on investment for candidates:
  • The strong focus on practical project work in our MBA programme allows candidates to gain first-hand experience of many roles and sectors during the 12 month programme - a valuable opportunity for those seeking a career switch.
  • Practical projects also bring MBAs into contact with our global network of business and non-profit supporters around the world - useful for sourcing new career opportunities.
  • The chance to tailor your MBA learning through our 'concentrations' allows candidates to hone skills and contacts in particular sectors.
  • Our smaller class size allows for greater collaboration with classmates and also a more personalised teaching and careers support experience.
  • As a Cambridge MBA graduate, you will also join the esteemed network of Cambridge University alumni around the world.

Eligibility criteria

Candidates need to have accepted an offer of admission from the Cambridge MBA programme, have a high GMAT score, and have attended a top university.


The deadline for interested applicants to submit their applications is 16 May 2012 for the class beginning in September 2012.

Further details

For further details, please contact the MBA Admissions staff »

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UK: Cardiff University Jameel Scholarships


Key Studentship Information

The Islam-UK Centre at Cardiff University is pleased to invite applications for the Cardiff University Jameel Scholarships. Founded in 2005, the Islam-UK Centre works towards the promotion of better understanding of Islam and the life of Muslims in Britain, through high quality teaching and research. Its activities address issues which are central to the situation of Muslims in contemporary Britain. The Centre provides unique training and research opportunities for those seeking onward employment in a range of academic and non-academic careers.
Cardiff University Jameel MA Scholarships – 4 scholarships available for the MA in Islam in Contemporary Britain (September 2012 start):
We are seeking exceptional UK resident applicants with a first or upper second class honours degree. Candidates should also have applied online for admission to the MA in Islam in Contemporary Britain.


Each successful Cardiff University Jameel Scholar has full UK/EU tuition fees paid and receives a generous stipend equivalent to an AHRC stipend plus access to a travel & conference allowance. Full-time MA awards will provide funding for one year.


We are seeking exceptional UK resident applicants with a first or upper second class honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject from a recognised university.
Candidates should also demonstrate:
  • A first class or very high upper-second class honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject from a recognised university
  • Full awards are open only to UK and EU nationals who satisfy UK residency requirements
  • Evidence of a clear ambition to develop an academic research career in the area of Islam and Muslims in Britain
  • Priority will be given to candidates with a proven track-record of interest in, and/or enthusiasm for, working with British Muslims

Cardiff University Jameel Scholarships (Master's Studentship)

Reference Number: P383
Closing Date:10/04/2012
Duration:1 year full-time
Funding Amount:UK/EU Fees plus stipend
Level of Study:Postgraduate Taught

How to Apply

All applicants are required to complete the following:
1. Cardiff University Postgraduate online application for the MA in Islam in Contemporary Britain.
This can only be completed by using the Cardiff University Student Information and Management System (SIMS) where applicants will need to register as a ‘New User’. In order to do this, the applicant first needs to go to the Applicant's Portal and follow the instructions for applying for the MA Islam in Contemporary Britain: Full-time. Applications must be made by 10th April 2012.
2. An MA Jameel Scholarships Application Form, all sections of which must be completed in full. MA Jameel Scholarships Application Forms are available to download on the right. Completed forms must be submitted as an email attachment with the heading ‘MA Jameel Scholarships’ to Marina Peters by10th April 2012.
3. Two references, of which AT LEAST one, must be from a University from which the applicant has graduated. References should be completed on a Referee Report Form which should be sent as an email attachment to Marina Peters. References must be received by 10th April 2012.
The MA Referee Report Form is available to download here. Applicants should follow instructions given on the MA Referee Report Form. Please note that it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that references are received by 10th April 2012. Failure to do so will compromise the application.
Application forms can be found here.
Checklist for applicants
1. Submit Cardiff University online application by 10th April 2012.
2. Submit Jameel Scholarships Application Form as an email attachment to Marina Peters by 10th April 2012.
3. Request each referee (2) to submit an MA Referee Report Form as an email attachment to Marina Peters by 10th April 2012.
Interviews for short-listed candidates will be held in the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Humanities Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU in July.
Full application instructions are available online
Application Deadline: 10th April 2012. Interviews will be held week beginning Monday 30th April 2012.

Additional Information

Enquiries: If you would like to talk in more detail about your application, please email JameelScholarships leaving your name and telephone number, and addressing your enquiry to Dr Saira Malik. Please make clear that you are enquiring about the Jameel MA Scholarships.

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship


USA: International Scholars Program


Each year the Society for the History of Technology designates up to four International Scholars for a two-year term. The International Scholars program is administered by the International Outreach Committee.
Background and Mission
In 1992 the Society for the History of Technology inaugurated the International Scholars program with these goals:
  1. Foster a stronger international community for the study of the history of technology
  2. Strengthen the society's role as an international society for the history of technology
  3. Identify and help non-U.S. historians of technology participate in the meetings and governance of the Society
  4. Provide formal recognition for the work of non-U.S. historians of technology so that their respective governments and national academic communities might provide greater support for their society-related activities
  5. Afford special recognition for younger, non-U.S. scholars as they begin their careers in the history of technology
  6. Foster an international network of scholars in the history of technology that will benefit all members of the society
Nowadays the mandate of the International Outreach Committee is slightly different. More attention is given to scholars from countries outside the U.S. and Western Europe, not only to foster their individual careers but also to support local networks and activities for and by scholars working on the history of technology. International
Scholars shall act as ambassadors for the Society in their countries and regions, both by informing the Society about the state and developments of the history of technology in their regions, and by helping to disseminate information about the Society and its activities.

Eligibility and Selection Process

To become a SHOT International Scholar, you must reside and work in underrepresented countries at the time of selection. Graduate students, post-docs, and visiting scholars who are living and working in the United States or Western Europe are not eligible to become International Scholars; however, they are eligible to apply once they return to their home countries. Of these potential candidates, anyone at any rank, from graduate student up through senior scholar, is eligible to become an International Scholar.
Individuals may be nominated as International Scholars by any member of the Society, and we also encourage self-nomination. To nominate yourself or someone else as an International Scholar, please send a letter and a brief curriculum vitae to EACH member of the International Outreach Committee and to SHOT secretary Bernie Carlson Letters must include:
  • why you would like to be an International Scholar,
  • how you plan to advance the mission of the International Scholar program
  • the current state of history of technology research in your home country and your home institution, and
  • how your research will enrich existing knowledge in the field.
Each year in March a call will be send out to recruit new International Scholars. The deadline for nominations is set towards the end of April. In consultation with the President and Secretary, and in accordance with criteria established by the Executive Committee, SHOT’s International Outreach Committee shall be responsible for the selection of the International Scholars, with the selection to be approved by SHOT’s Executive Council. New candidates will be selected beginning of June.
Benefits and Support
International Scholars shall receive regular SHOT membership at no cost during their two-year term. At each annual meeting, SHOT will host a special gathering to welcome current International Scholars, introduce them to SHOT officers, and discuss with them SHOT’s international outreach and the international intellectual dimensions of our field.
International Scholars will participate in an email discussion list of all current International Scholars and the International Outreach Committee. Through the list International Scholars can seek support in writing paper abstracts for SHOT's annual meeting and other activities in their task as ambassadors for the Society.
As a condition of appointment, SHOT requires International Scholars to submit at least one paper proposal for SHOT's annual meeting during their two-year term. While paper proposals from International Scholars will not automatically be accepted for the annual meeting, SHOT encourages the program committee to give these proposals special consideration.
SHOT also requires International Scholars to submit a travel grant application for each of the two SHOT annual meetings during the two years of their appointment. International Scholars receive highest priority for SHOT funding. Travel grant funds will help pay for travel expenses for International Scholars to attend the annual meeting and for basic conference registration, although not for lodging. For more information, please check the SHOT Travel Grant information page, available by link from either the SHOT annual meeting web page or the SHOT awards web page.
To inform the SHOT community about the state and developments of the history of technology in their regions, progress in disseminating information about the Society and stimulating scholarly activities in the history of technology, International Scholars commit themselves to at least one publication in the SHOT Newsletter or on the SHOT web site. 
The deadline for nominations has been extended to 30 May.
2012 International Outreach Committee
Michael Adas (2011-2013)
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Francesa Bray (2012-2014)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Dagmara Jajesniak-Quast (2010-2012)
Universität Leipzig
Leipzig, Germany
Antonio Pérez Yuste
Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Jahnavi Phalkey, Chair
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
Imperial College London, UK
Hong Hong Tin
For more information, please contact the committee chair or Bernie Carlson, SHOT Secretary, 434.987.6230,

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UK: MSc Conservation and Biodiversity scholarships, University of Exeter


The Centre for Ecology and Conservation is pleased to offer an annual fees-only scholarship to one student from each of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
These are highly competitive awards: students must demonstrate an extremely high academic standard and must show prior commitment to the field of biodiversity conservation. Evidence must be produced as to means of self support during the one year period of study.
All completed applications to the MSc Conservation and Biodiversity received by 2 April 2012 will be considered. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted after the deadline and further information will be requested. For further information, including how to apply to the programme, contact


Application deadline:2nd April 2012
Value:Full tuition fees
Duration of award:for 1 year

How to apply

Awards will be allocated according to merit. All eligible individuals who submit an application to the programme by 2 April 2012 will automatically be considered for an award.

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2012-2013 French Government Scholarships for Cambodia - Bourses du Gouvernement Français


Bourses du gouvernement français - Appel à candidatures 2012-2013 ( French Government Scholarships for Cambodian Students, Government Officials and Researchers/Scholars)

L’Ambassade de France au Cambodge a le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de sa nouvelle campagne de bourses du gouvernement français pour l’année universitaire 2012-2013.

Deux types de bourses sont attribués :
- Les bourses de Master, d’une durée de 9 à 24 mois,
- Les bourses de Doctorat, de 3 à 27 mois, qui peuvent s’étendre jusqu’à trois ans, sous la forme de trois séjours dont la durée dépend des besoins de la recherche.
Cet appel à candidatures est ouvert à tous les étudiants et à tous les jeunes chercheurs de nationalité cambodgienne qui désirent effectuer un séjour d’études ou de recherche dans une université ou une grande école française.
Les disciplines suivantes seront privilégiées :
- droit, sciences économiques
- sciences de l’ingénieur, mathématiques
- sciences de l’éducation, linguistique, Français Langue Etrangère
- tourisme, journalisme
- architecture, archéologie.
Le formulaire de candidature peut être retiré auprès du Service de coopération de l’Ambassade de France au Cambodge ou peut être téléchargé directement sur le site Internet de l’Ambassade (cliquer ici). La date limite de dépôt des dossiers est fixée au vendredi 23 mars 2012, à 18 heures.

Contact : Mlle Stéphany Hillenbrand, chargée de mission Coopération universitaire et ONG : Tél. +855 (0) 23 430 032, courriel :

En savoir plus :
- Pour plus d’informations sur le programme de bourses du gouvernement français, consulter la notice explicative 2012 (cliquer ici).
- Pour plus d’informations sur les études et la vie pratique en France, vous pouvez consulter les sites Internet suivants :
  • Campus France / Edufrance : Comment se loger en France, gérer son argent, obtenir un visa ? Des conseils pratiques pour faciliter l’accueil des étudiants et chercheurs internationaux en France
  • Centre national des œuvres universitaires et scolaires (C.N.O.U.S.) : Présentation détaillée du mode de vie des étudiants en France :


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Australia: 2012 International Undergraduate Scholarships


In recognition of the significant contribution made to the University of Melbourne by international students, and the University’s commitment to equity and diversity, the University is proud to award undergraduate scholarships to international students commencing study in an undergraduate degree.

These scholarships are open to all international students who accept an offer of a place in an undergraduate degree at the University.

In 2011 scholarships were awarded to students from over 15 countries such as Mexico, Singapore, Bangladesh, China, Mauritius, Sweden, Malaysia, USA and India.


  • up to 10 x 50% fee remission scholarships
  • up to 10 x 100% fee remission scholarships
  • up to 30 x $10,000 fee remission scholarships


The scholarships provide:
  • a 50% remission from tuition fees for the normal duration of an undergraduate course OR
  • a 100% remission from tuition fees for the normal duration of an undergraduate course OR
  • a one off $10,000 fee remission from tuition fees in the first year of an undergraduate degree.
These do not cover Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). 


Eligible students must:
  • have received an unconditional offer for an undergraduate course in 2012
  • have achieved excellent final year school results to be considered for a scholarship such as: 4 A grades in the GCE A Levels; ATAR of 99.9 in the Australian year 12 program or 98% in an approved Foundation program
  • be a citizen of a country other than Australia and New Zealand and not a permanent resident of Australia. Australian citizens and permanent residents and New Zealand citizens are not eligible;
  • have not previously undertaken any tertiary studies (excluding extension studies completed as part of a year 12 program)
  • not be receiving any other scholarship for tuition


    Selection is made by International Admissions based on academic merit. Scholarships are allocated on a competitive basis subject to quotas by course and region.  There are five selection rounds with a designated number of scholarships available for each round.
    Selection Round**Commencement
    NovemberSemester 1 or 2 of the following year
    DecemberSemester 1 or 2 of the following year
    JanuarySemester 1 or 2 of the current year
    AprilSemester 2 of the current year
    JuneSemester 2 of the current year
    **Notes: scholarships may be offered outside of selection rounds

    Application process

    • There is no separate application for the scholarship program
    • All eligible students who have submitted a course application will automatically be considered and ranked against other international applicants on the basis of academic merit.


    Successful students will be notified within two weeks of the selection round being held.
    Unsuccessful students will not be notified.

    Deferring your scholarship

    These scholarships cannot be deferred into the following year.

    For further information

    Contact Us

    Phone: 13 MELB (13 6352)
    +61 3 9035 5511 (overseas)
    Fax: + 61 3 9349 1740

    Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship


    Monday, February 27, 2012

    2012-2013 ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) Scholarship

    1. Overview

    In line with the Cha-am Hua Hin Declaration on Strengthening Cooperation on Education to Achieve an ASEAN Caring and Sharing Community, the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) is looking into encouraging regional cooperation by providing scholarships in selected ASEAN universities for students wishing to study programs relating to business and technology. The ASEAN-BAC Scholarship program aims to foster "ASEAN youths with ASEAN hearts'', and is a way for the private sector of ASEAN to continually contribute towards the enhancement of "People-to-People Connectivity' (P2P).

    This initiative has received the fall support of ASEAN Leaders when it was presented as one of the key recommendations provided by ASEAN-BAC during its annual dialogue session with the ASEAN Leaders held on the sidelined of the 19th ASEAN Leaders Summit in Bali, Indonesia.

    As a start, ASEAN-BAC has agreed to work with Tan Tao University (TTU) in Viet Nam to offer scholarships for 50 students from throughout ASEAN Member States, worth up to USD 27,500 per student, in the 2012 and 2013 school year. It is hoped that this pilot project between ASEAN-BAC and TTU will spur other universities in the region to offer similar programs for students ASEAN-wide.

    2. ASEAN-BAC and Tan Tao University

    TTU is a new private university located in Tan Duc Educational City, Long An Province, and 12 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City. It is unique among the Vietnamese universities because it follows the American liberal arts model and has nonprofit status.
    The University's mission is to produce graduates who will be:
    • Expert in their fields
    • Conunitted to life-long learning
    • Adept in the use of creative and critical thinking
    Students who have lived and studied at Tan Tao University will exemplify in their lives personal integrity, civic responsibility, and personal and professional leadership. As educated citizens, they will be prepared to make many contributions to the well-being of the communities and their respective country.
    The educational philosophy of TTU is based on the liberal arts model of higher education that is found in many leading universities in the United States. All academic programs at TTU have a curricuhun and requirements comparable to those at outstanding American universities. Programs at TTU follow the contemporary best practices in higher education recommended by accrediting agencies in the United States.
    TTU aspires to become an internationally recognized institution. It offers excellence in education; close attention to the development of student knowledge, skills and leadership abilities; a commitment to advancing knowledge through research; and service to the people of the surrounding communities, Asia and the world.

    3. Academic programs at TTU
    At fall operation, there will be 9 schools within the University. By 2011, there are 3 schools:
    • School of Business and Economics
    • School of Engineering and Computer Science
    • School of Humanities and Languages
    And offers 8 majors:
    • Civil Engineering
    • Electrical engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Finance—Banking
    • Accounting
    • International Business
    • Business Management
    • English Language
    The second and third phases of growth at TTU will see the introduction of an additional 6 schools, inducing:
    • School of Social Sciences
    • School of Communications
    • School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
    Academic programs at TTU normally require 120 units of credit, or about four years of academic work. Engineering will require additional units of credit. The faculty — Vietnamese and international — have been selected for their strong academic credentials and the quality of their teaching. Many have had extensive experience teaching in the universities around the world. 70% of the faculty students are international and 30% local.
    With the exception of the required political and language cotirsework, your instruction will be in a 100% English language environment. 'ITU offers students state-of-the-art technology that promotes learning in the classroom and enhances student life on campus.

    4. ASEAN-BAC / Tan Tao University Scholarship
    Scholarships value: $27,500
    ASEAN-BAC Scholarships will be based on academic performance and will include:
    • Free U—PUP (University Prep Semester) with an opportunity to practice English, learn valuable study skills, and prepare for top quality university education.
    • Free tuition for the first academic year
    • Modern dormitory and healthy meals
    • Health care during TTU career.
    • The ASEAN-BAC Scholarship will not include airplane tickets and will not be paid in cash.
    The scholarship for the next year will be based on the academic performance that is calculated upon the American 4-point scale
    • Over 3.5/4.0: 100% Scholarship.
    • From 3.0 to below 3.5: 75% Scholarship.
    • From 2.5 to below 3.0: 50% Scholarship.
    • Below 2.5: 0% scholarship.
    TTU Economic Research Center will provide support to students upon a Student Loan Scheme at no interest or provide part time jobs for students who desire to pay the tuition fee.
    After receiving the agreement from ASEAN-BAC, Tan Tao University will be pleased to offer 50 scholarships for 50 students from ASEAN, worth up to USD 27,500 per student. Students who want to apply to TTU can send a package of application form (see below under Admission procedure for students who want to apply for ASEAN-BAC Scholarship).

    5. Requirements
    • Cumulative GPA of 10th, 11th and 12th grades: over 3/4 or 7.5/10 (or equivalent)
    • English level:
      • For technical majors: TOEFL PBT of 550 or TOEFL CBT of 243 or TOEFL iBT of 97
      • For business and finance majors: TOEFL PBT of 580 or TOEFLE CBT of 257 or TOEFL iBT of 102

    6. Admission procedure
    In order to apply to Tan Tao University for ASEAN-BAC Scholarship, students must send a package of documents to Admission Office at Tan Tao University, Tan Tao University Avenue, Tan Duc Ecity, Duc Hoa. District, Long An Province, Vietnam (see below underContact us).
    The package must include:
    1. Completed ASEAN-BAC Scholarship Registration Form
    2. 01 copy of notarized academic transcripts of Grades 10, 11, and 12
    3. Certificate of English Proficiency: TOEFL (CBT or PBT or iBT)
    4. Written Essay (topic to be provided by TTU)
    5. Letters of recommendation (2 letters from Teachers)
    6. 01 copy of notarized Identification Card
    7. Certificate of Extra-curricular Activities (if available)
    8. Copy of Passport
    9. Copy of notarized Certificate of High school Diploma
    10. Other Certificates (list only, if any)
    11. 6 passport photos of 30 mm x 40 mm

    • 31st May 2012, Deadline for applicant to send the Package to Admission Office at Tan Tao University, Tan Tao University Avenue, Tan Duc Ecity, Duc Hoa District, Long An Province, Vietnam.
    • 15th — 30th June, Interview via Skype.
    • 15th — 20th July, candidate will receive a package of documents that includes: letter of acceptance, Scholarship announcement and other documents for candidate to fill in for admission preparation and visa application.
    • 31st July, deadline for Candidate to complete the visa application form and send back to TTU. If cleared by the Immigration Bureau, TTU will send notification of approval to applicant. This document will be the official approval document of admission for the candidate.
    • 15th — 20th August, TTU will send back Certificate of Eligibility immediately to candidate so that they can apply for visa at the Vietnam Embassy at their country.
    • 1st September, Reporting day
    • 5th September: Opening Ceremony

    7. Scholarship Allocation
    NoCountryNumber of Scholarship
    1Brunei Darussalam03

    8. Application Form (Appendix 1)
    Click here to download the Application Form.
    9. Contact us
    Tan Tao University:
    Tan Tao University Avenue, Tan Duc Ecity,
    Duc Hoa District, Long An Province,
    Telephone: +84 72 376 9216
    Ms. Ha Bui
    Telephone: +84 43 7756792
    Mr. Alex Nguyen
    Telephone: +84 43 7756792

    Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship


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    Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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    Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator