
Monday, January 4, 2010

Europe: The Ma­rie Cu­rie In­iti­al Trai­ning Net­work (ITN) fun­ded by the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­si­on


The Ma­rie Cu­rie In­iti­al Trai­ning Net­work (ITN) EX­ACT is an EU wi­de Ph.D. and pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning pro­gram­me for young re­se­ar­chers, aca­de­mics and pro­fes­sio­nals in the field of EU Ex­ter­nal Ac­tion fun­ded by the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­si­on.

EX­ACT pro­vi­des the op­por­tu­ni­ty to rea­li­se an in­di­vi­du­al re­se­arch pro­ject lea­ding to a dou­ble Ph.D. ("co-tu­tel­le") is­sued by two uni­ver­si­ties.

Star­ting in Oc­to­ber 2010 EX­ACT pro­vi­des trai­ning for 12 par­ti­ci­pants for a pe­riod of th­ree years in­clu­ding lo­cal and net­work-wi­de ac­tivi­ties pro­vi­ded by the part­ner in­sti­tu­ti­ons of the net­work.
The pro­gram­me of­fers aca­de­mic and pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning as well as a net­work of con­ta­cts th­roug­hout aca­de­mia and the pri­va­te sec­tor.

Who can apply?

Being awa­re of the re­le­van­ce and the de­mand for ex­perts on EU Ex­ter­nal Ac­tion, EX­ACT tar­gets par­ti­ci­pants of any na­tio­na­li­ty and age from dif­fe­rent re­le­vant di­sci­plines dea­ling with EU for­eign po­li­cy, such as po­li­ti­cal sci­ence, law, and eco­no­mics.

EX­ACT is de­si­gned to train uni­ver­si­ty gra­dua­tes, who ha­ve ob­tai­ned their first de­gree (Mas­ter or equi­va­lent) en­t­it­ling her/him to em­bark on a doc­to­ra­te no ear­lier than May 2008. In other words, ap­p­li­cants ha­ving gra­dua­ted be­fo­re May 2008 are not eli­gi­ble, wi­t­hout any ex­cep­ti­on. Ap­p­li­cants must ha­ve pro­fi­ci­ent know­ledge of Eng­lish and must not ha­ve ob­tai­ned a Ph.D. al­re­a­dy.

Conditions of Nationality and Mobility of Researchers

Re­se­ar­chers are re­qui­red to un­der­ta­ke trans-na­tio­nal mo­bi­li­ty (i.e. mo­ve from one coun­try to ano­ther) when ta­king up their ap­point­ment. Two ge­ne­ral ru­les ap­p­ly to the ap­point­ment of re­se­ar­chers in the EX­ACT net­work:
Re­se­ar­chers can be na­tio­nals of any coun­try other than the coun­try of the pre­mi­ses of the host or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on whe­re they will car­ry out the fi­nal pha­se of the EX­ACT pro­gram­me.

Ex­amp­le: A Czech na­tio­nal is not al­lo­wed to car­ry out the EX­ACT fi­nal pha­se (April 2012 - Sep 2013) at the Charles Uni­ver­si­ty Pra­gue.

Re­se­ar­chers must not ha­ve re­si­ded or car­ried out their main ac­tivi­ty (work, stu­dies, etc.) for mo­re than 12 months in the coun­try of the uni­ver­si­ty of the EX­ACT fi­nal pha­se (April 2012 - Sep 2013) in the pe­riod from March 2009 to Sep­tem­ber 2010.

Ex­amp­le: A Ger­man na­tio­nal, who has stu­died for mo­re than 12 months in the UK bet­ween March 2009 and Sep­tem­ber 2010, is not al­lo­wed to car­ry out the fi­nal pha­se of the EX­ACT pro­gram­me at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh.

How to apply

Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons are to be writ­ten in Eng­lish and sub­mit­ted to the EX­ACT In­iti­al Trai­ning Net­work elec­tro­ni­cal­ly and as a hard co­py
EX­ACT Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on Form (plea­se use the of­fi­ci­al tem­pla­te);
Eu­ro­pass Cur­ri­cu­lum Vi­tae (CV);

Let­ter of mo­ti­va­ti­on (up to two pa­ges), lin­king pre­vious stu­dies/work and ca­re­er as­pi­ra­ti­ons to the trai­ning pro­gram­me;

Draft out­li­ne of the en­vi­sa­ged Ph.D. the­sis in li­ne with EX­ACT’s field of re­se­arch (up to 2000 words in­clu­ding state­ments about the re­se­arch ques­ti­ons, the pro­po­sed hy­po­the­ses, the en­vi­sa­ged me­tho­do­lo­gy, a pro­vi­sio­nal sche­du­le for the re­se­arch, and a brief over­view of the exis­ting li­te­ra­ture in the field);

Cer­ti­fi­ca­te (TOEFL or equi­va­lent) of pro­fi­ci­en­cy in Eng­lish;

Co­py of first de­gree cer­ti­fi­ca­te gran­ting ac­cess to doc­to­ra­te stu­dies and/or con­fir­ma­ti­on of en­rol­ment;

The at­tach­ments (al­so lis­ted in the check­list at the end of the ap­p­li­ca­ti­on form) are to be sub­mit­ted as one PDF file con­for­ming to the above men­tio­ned or­der.

Plea­se use the fol­lo­wing sys­tem for spe­ci­fy­ing the file: “EX­ACT_APPL_[ap­p­li­cant NA­ME_ap­p­li­cant FIRST­NA­ME]”, e.g. EX­ACT_APPL_­CU­RIE_­MA­RIE;

Two con­fi­den­ti­al let­ters of re­com­men­da­ti­on (aca­de­mic and/or pro­fes­sio­nal), using the EX­ACT tem­pla­te, must be sent di­rect­ly to the EX­ACT In­iti­al Trai­ning Net­work by re­fe­rees to ar­ri­ve by dead­line of Ja­nu­a­ry 31, 2010. Fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on can be found in the of­fi­ci­al tem­pla­te.

All of­fi­ci­al EX­ACT do­cu­ments and tem­pla­tes re­qui­red can be found he­re:'

EX­ACT Call for Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on
EX­ACT In­for­ma­ti­on on Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on
EX­ACT Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on Form
EX­ACT Let­ter of Re­com­men­da­ti­on

The dead­line for ap­p­li­ca­ti­on ma­te­ri­al, in­clu­ding let­ters of re­com­men­da­ti­on, is Jan 31, 2010.

Plea­se send your ap­p­li­ca­ti­on ma­te­ri­al to the fol­lo­wing ad­dres­ses:


Hard co­py:
EX­ACT In­iti­al Trai­ning Net­work
c/o Jean Mon­net Chair for Po­li­ti­cal Sci­ence / Prof. Wes­sels
Uni­ver­si­ty of Co­lo­gne
FAO: Wulf Rei­ners
Gott­fried-Kel­ler-Str. 6
D-50931 Co­lo­gne

Please kindly mention when applying for this opportunity

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator