
Thursday, January 20, 2011

StuNed Scholarships for Indonesian Students to Study in the Netherlands


StuNed, Studeren in Nederland, is a scholarship programme focusing on mid-career professionals, as part of the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. The scholarship programme aims to contribute to the development of Indonesia through strengthening the human resources of Indonesian organisations. Individual applicants may apply for master degree or short courses in the Netherlands, whilst institutions may apply through the StuNed Group Application and/or for refresher courses.

The StuNed programme is supporting the Dutch policy for development co-operation with Indonesia and aims to contribute to the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals in 2015. The framework for the bilateral relations between the Netherlands government with Indonesia is laid down in the Multi-Annual Strategic Plan 2008-2011 (MASP). The overall objective is to strengthen bilateral relations and to support Indonesia in realizing its medium term development goals. The MASP aims to achieve the the following four strategic goals:

1. Improved democracy, stability, human rights and governance, resulting in a just and safe society;

2. Improved economic governance, resulting in sustainable economic growth and an equal distribution of growth through society, in order to decrease poverty more rapidly;

3. Improved environmental and climate policy and implementation, resulting in increased use of renewable energy, sustainable management of natural resources, reducing emissions of greenhouse gas and adaptation to climate change;

4. Intensified bilateral relations through a 'comprehensive partnership framework'.

The StuNed programme focuses on generating and strengthening institutional capacity in support of the above mentioned strategic goals. Related study fields are: education, rural development, environment, water management and sanitation, trade, good governance and human rights, gender, and culture.

Candidate's profiles

The target group for the StuNed scholarships programme will be Indonesian mid-career professionals. Priority will be given to candidates from Indonesian partner organisations of the Dutch Embassy:

1. Ambon State Polytechnic: Faculty of Fishery and Agriculture
2. Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Department of Statistics
3. Casindo
4. Cendana University, Kupang: Faculty of Fishery; Forestry; Animal Husbandry; Natural Sciences (Biology); and Agriculture
5. Cendrawasih University, Jayapura: Faculty of Engineering; Natural Sciences (Biology & Chemistry); Social & Political Sciences (Anthropology)
6. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)
7. Constitutional Court (MK)
8. Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
9. Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
10. General Attorney Office
11. House of Representative (expert staff only Commission I, III, IV and VI)
12. Indonesia Trade Unions
13. Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (PPATK)
14. Indonesian Heritage Trust (BPPI)
15. Indonesian National Forces (TNI)
16. Indonesian National Intelligence (BIN)
17. Indonesian National Police (Polri)
18. Indonesian Palm Oil Commission (IPOC)
19. Indonesian Press Council
20. Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
21. Jakarta Art Institute
22. Judicial Commission (KY)
23. Khairun University, Ternate
24. Kupang State Polytechnic
25. Kupang State Polytechnic for Agriculture: Faculty of Fishery and Agriculture
26. Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG)
27. Ministry of Agriculture
28. Ministry of Culture and Tourism
29. Ministry of Defence
30. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
31. Ministry of Environment
32. Ministry of Finance
33. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
34. Ministry of Forestry
35. Ministry of Home Affairs
36. Ministry of Law and Human Rights: Dir.Gen. of Legislation; Dir.Gen of Immigration; Directorate for International Law; Directorate for Human Rights; and Directorate for Correctional Services
37. Ministry of Marine and Fishery
38. Ministry of National Education
39. Ministry of Public Works
40. Ministry of Trade
41. National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM)
42. National Archive (ANRI)
43. National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (BAKOSURTANAL)
44. National Development Planning Board (BAPPENAS)
45. Partnership for Governance Reform
46. Pattimura University, Ambon: Faculty of Fishery; Natural Sciences; Engineering; Law; Economics; Social & Political Sceinces; and Teachers Training.
47. Pertamina (Geothermal Energy)
48. State Audit Board (BPK)
49. State Secretary
50. Supreme Court (MA)
51. Tual State Polytechnic for Fishery
52. University of Mataram: Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Animal Husbandry
53. University of Papua, Manokwari: Faculty of Agriculture, technology and agricultural products; Forestry; Animal Husbandry;Natural Sciences; Marine & Fishery; and Literature

The ideal StuNed candidates is strongly committed to develop human resources in Indonesia; to increase the institutional capacity of the Indonesian partner organizations; to strengthen the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands, and the effectiveness of the existing cooperation projects.

Eligible courses

In general, all international training and degree courses offered by Dutch providers are eligible, as long as the chosen programme is in line with the priority areas as mentioned in the Multi Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) 2008-2011. An overview of these courses can be found in

StuNed for Master Degree Programmes

Main requirements to apply:

- be an Indonesian national;
- have earned a S1 or Bachelor's degree or its equivalent at a recognized university in Indonesia; be able to provide evidence of the academic achievements (minimum G.P.A. score 2.75):
-relevant work experience for at least two years;
- have an academic or professional background that is related to the subject of the course;
- be full time available for the entire period of the study programme or course and be able to participate in and complete all courses;
- IBT TOEFL 79/80, or ITP 550, IELTS 6
- be admitted to one of the courses or programmes offered by Institutes of Higher Education in the Netherlands for the academic year 2011;
- no age limit, but priority will be given to mid-career professionals.

Eligible study programmes

All master courses in with a duration of less then two years, and with a clear relation to the objectives of the StuNed programme.

Deadline : 31 Maret 2011

Application form can be download here

StuNed for Short Courses

Main requirements to apply:

- be an Indonesian national
- have earned a S1 or Bachelor's degree or its equivalent at a recognized university in Indonesia; be able to provide evidence of the academic achievements (minimum GPA score 2.75)
- relevant work experience for at least two years
- have an academic or professional background that is related to the subject of the course;
- be full time available for the entire period of the study programme or course and be able to participate in and complete all courses
- have a high level of English proficiency, TOEFL 520
- be admitted to one of the courses or programmes offered by Institutes of Higher Education in the Netherlands for the academic year 2011
- no age limit, but priority will be given to the mid-career professional

Eligible study programmes

All short courses with a duration of more than 6 weeks and less then 6 months with a clear relation to the objectives of the StuNed programme.


For courses starting between 1 July – 31 December 2011, the deadline is 1 March 2011

For courses starting between 1 January – 31 June 2011 the deadline is 1 October 2010

Application form can be download here

StuNed for Tailor-Made Training Programmes

Institutions, consortia and functional networks (hereafter called institutions/networks) may submit a collective application for staff upgrading. Training needs can consist of existing master courses (including the Dutch part of a double degree programmes) and short courses or tailor made programmes.

Priority will be given to the Indonesian partner organisations of the Dutch Embassy. Institutions and other organization related to the development sectors which are mentioned in the MASP are also eligible.

Tailor made programmes are defined as short courses of which the starting date, location and/or time frame is adjusted to the institutions requirements. The programme may take place entirely or partly in Indonesia or the Netherlands.

Detailed information on procedures, deadlines and guidelines for proposals and forms, please contact:

Refresher Courses

The refresher course is designed for the Dutch alumni and StuNed alumni in particular. The aim of refresher courses is to refresh and up-date the alumni with the latest knowledge and skill in their fields. Priority will be given to issues relate to the MASP.

Proposal may be requested by the institutions where the alumni work for. The entirely programme will be held in Indonesia for two weeks.

For more information on refresher course please e-mail:

Please kindly mention when applying for this scholarship

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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Vitom Chea Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator
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Scholarship Team: Ph.D Scholar Krisstofferson Joniel Scholarship Adviser, PhD Scholar Chea Vitom Scholarship Adviser and Senior Lecturer, PhD Scholar Rebecca T. Dalisay Scholarship Adviser, Ph.D Student Jiao Wang Scholarship Coordinator, MSc Student Dennise Maricel Scholarship Coordinator