Two PhD researchers are sought for a project on the interaction between national and international criminal law, more particularly the divergence in the adjudication of international crimes. The project aims to conduct systematic and comparative research into international criminal law as applied by national courts and into liability theories developed by international courts with the ultimate purpose of drawing up (i) guidelines that can inform national judges to what extent they need to adopt an 'internationalist approach' and (ii) to develop a body of 'harmonized' substantive international criminal law.
The research will be part of the project 'Dealing with Divergence - national adjudication of international crimes.' This project is funded by a VIDI research award from the Netherlands
Scientific Organisation, the NWO.
The candidates will be required to engage in research leading to publications in academic journals and a PhD degree.
The candidates should have a degree in law and/or criminology. Specialisation in international law and a masters degree would be welcome. The candidates' academic record should evidence ability and an interest in international criminal law.
Further particulars
The successful candidate will be a member of the Department of Criminal Law within the department of Criminal Law & Criminology of the Faculty Law. The initial appointment will be for a period of 12 months. After satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment it will be extended for a total duration of 4 years. You can find information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment at www.workingatvu.nl
The gross monthly salary is € 2.042,- per month in the first year up to € 2.612,- in the fourth year (salary scale 85), based on a full-time employment.
For more information you can contact E. van Sliedregt, project leader, phone number
+31 (0)20 59 86231, e-mail: e.vansliedregt@rechten.vu.nl
Send your application before 15 March 2010, to the VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, attn. Dr. Y.K.M. Kops, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It is also possible to apply by e-mail to: vacatures@rechten.vu.nl. Please mention the vacancy number in the e-mail header or at the top of your letter and on the envelope
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this scholarship
Two PhD researchers are sought for a project on the interaction between national and international criminal law, more particularly the divergence in the adjudication of international crimes. The project aims to conduct systematic and comparative research into international criminal law as applied by national courts and into liability theories developed by international courts with the ultimate purpose of drawing up (i) guidelines that can inform national judges to what extent they need to adopt an 'internationalist approach' and (ii) to develop a body of 'harmonized' substantive international criminal law.
The research will be part of the project 'Dealing with Divergence - national adjudication of international crimes.' This project is funded by a VIDI research award from the Netherlands
Scientific Organisation, the NWO.
The candidates will be required to engage in research leading to publications in academic journals and a PhD degree.
The candidates should have a degree in law and/or criminology. Specialisation in international law and a masters degree would be welcome. The candidates' academic record should evidence ability and an interest in international criminal law.
Further particulars
The successful candidate will be a member of the Department of Criminal Law within the department of Criminal Law & Criminology of the Faculty Law. The initial appointment will be for a period of 12 months. After satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment it will be extended for a total duration of 4 years. You can find information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment at www.workingatvu.nl
The gross monthly salary is € 2.042,- per month in the first year up to € 2.612,- in the fourth year (salary scale 85), based on a full-time employment.
For more information you can contact E. van Sliedregt, project leader, phone number
+31 (0)20 59 86231, e-mail: e.vansliedregt@rechten.vu.nl
Send your application before 15 March 2010, to the VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, attn. Dr. Y.K.M. Kops, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It is also possible to apply by e-mail to: vacatures@rechten.vu.nl. Please mention the vacancy number in the e-mail header or at the top of your letter and on the envelope
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this scholarship
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