The programme is offered by the MALLL Consortium of three European universities and an Australian university:
- The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Institute of Education, University of London, London, United Kingdom
- University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
- Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia
This Erasmus Mundus consortium have pooled their expertise to provide an individually oriented perspective for the teaching and learning process, with a global approach and strong focus on quality of research.
European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management offers double or multiple degrees, depending on the mobility path, leading to:
- Master of Arts (MA) in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management (Aarhus University)
- European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management (University of London)
- Máster Universitario Europeo en Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida: Politicas y Gestion (University of Deusto).
Category A Scholarships (for third-country students)
The European Commission offers a limited number of Erasmus Mundus Category A scholarships for 3rd country (non-EU) students. A Category A scholarship is €48,000 which covers two-year tuition fee of Euro 16,000 and living allowances to study the MALLL programme.
Category A scholarships can be awarded to students from all countries other than the 27 EU member states and EEA/EFTA states: Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. Furthermore, you must comply with the 12 months rule: You must not be a resident nor have carried out main your activity (studies, work, leisure time etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
To find out if your contry is considered to be a 'third-country', please use the following link:European Member States
The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications for the academic year 2012-2013 is:
16 January 2012
- Application form (will be available before the end of June 2011)
- Guidelines
Your application including the following documents must arrive at the Danish School of Education in Copenhagen by the above deadline:
- Application form
- Certified copies of academics transcripts (translated into English)
- English language proficiency test certificate
- An academic qualification essay based on research literature on any aspect of lifelong learning
- One passport-size photograph (in an envelope)
- Two recommendation letters from former/current supervisors of which one must be academic referee.
Category B Scholarships (for European students)
The European Commission offers a limited number of Erasmus Mundus Category Bscholarships for European students. To find out if your country is considered to be an EU-member state or EEA/EFTA state, please use following link: European Member States Category B scholarships can be awarded to any student who do not fullfil the criteria for aCategory A scholarship i.e nationality requirement and 12 months rule. The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications for academic year 2012-2013 is:
Your application including the following documents must arrive at the Danish School of Education in Copenhagen by the above deadline:
MALLL Administration
The Danish School of EducationAarhus UniversityRoom A 124Tuborgvej 1642400 Copenhagen NVDenmark
Tel.: +45 8888 9000Email: (for students)
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