VLIR-UOS (Flemish Interuniversity Council – University Development Cooperation) is responsible for managing and making policy on the university development cooperation funds of Belgium’s Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC). VLIR-UOS funds and facilitates academic cooperation between Flemish higher education institutions and their partners in developing countries through programmes and projects that share and develop knowledge and expertise.
Programme content
The programme curriculum is characterised by a multidisciplinary, interuniversity and international approach reflecting the high diversity, complexity and biological specialisation of nematodes.
The objective is to provide the participants with a thorough basis, practical skills and updated knowledge in all aspects of plant and insect parasitic nematodes, as well as free-living aquatic and soil nematodes (human and vertebrate parasites which belong to the disciplines of medical doctors and veterinarians are not dealt with).
The Master course includes training and research. Emphasis is put on the acquisition of microscopy techniques and accurate identification skills aided by the availability of a virtually complete taxonomic library, crop protection, biocontrol, use of nematodes as bio-indicators for quality assessment of terrestrial soils and aquatic sediments, latest techniques for control of nematode pests, such as genetic manipulation. The study programme lasts two years: the first year consists of several courses and practical exercises, the second consists of a few additional courses, networking and seminars, and the dissertation. The programme offers compulsory courses, three elective modules (Nematology Applied to Agro-ecosystems, Nematology Applied to Natural Ecosystems, Nematode Systematics (Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity) and additional elective courses. Detailed information on each subject can be found at the website of Ghent University: www.UGent.be > English > Education and study > Overview of all courses> Course catalogue> Course catalogue 2009-2010 > English > Study Programmes per Faculty > Faculty of Science > Master’s programmes> Master of Nematology.
Number of VLIR-UOS Scholarships: 12
Target countries
Only residents and nationals of the following countries are eligible for a VLIR-UOS scholarship:
Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Palestinian Administered Areas, Philippines, Vietnam
Latin America
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru, Surinam
Admission requirements
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in zoology, botany, biology, agriculture or a closely related field. Each application file will be screened by the Nematology Educational Committee.
You can apply for this scholarship by clicking hereApplication for this scholarship is possible from 01/10/2009 until 01/02/2010 If you apply through this link (you have to fill in all fields), VLIR-UOS will prescreen your file. When the evaluation is negative you will receive an e-mail with the reason why. When the evaluation is positive you will receive an e-mail with a link to the application form from the host university where the programme is organised. More detailed information and some documents are asked through this form for the second evaluation. YOU WILL RECEIVE THE E-MAIL WITHIN TWO WEEKS AFTER YOU FILLED IN THIS PRE-SCREENING FORM. Notice that YOU CAN APPLY FOR ONLY ONE Training OR ONE Master Programme FOR THE COMING ACADEMIC YEAR, so choose carefully!
Application is open from 01/10/2009 until 01/02/2010
Mrs N. Smol
Postgraduate International Nematology Course (PINC)
Ghent University
T + 32 (0)9 264 52 16
F + 32 (0)9 264 53 44
http://www.pinc.ugent.be; www.icp-itp.ugent.be/ICP/Nema.htm
Source: http://www.scholarships.vliruos.be
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this scholarship
VLIR-UOS (Flemish Interuniversity Council – University Development Cooperation) is responsible for managing and making policy on the university development cooperation funds of Belgium’s Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC). VLIR-UOS funds and facilitates academic cooperation between Flemish higher education institutions and their partners in developing countries through programmes and projects that share and develop knowledge and expertise.
Programme content
The programme curriculum is characterised by a multidisciplinary, interuniversity and international approach reflecting the high diversity, complexity and biological specialisation of nematodes.
The objective is to provide the participants with a thorough basis, practical skills and updated knowledge in all aspects of plant and insect parasitic nematodes, as well as free-living aquatic and soil nematodes (human and vertebrate parasites which belong to the disciplines of medical doctors and veterinarians are not dealt with).
The Master course includes training and research. Emphasis is put on the acquisition of microscopy techniques and accurate identification skills aided by the availability of a virtually complete taxonomic library, crop protection, biocontrol, use of nematodes as bio-indicators for quality assessment of terrestrial soils and aquatic sediments, latest techniques for control of nematode pests, such as genetic manipulation. The study programme lasts two years: the first year consists of several courses and practical exercises, the second consists of a few additional courses, networking and seminars, and the dissertation. The programme offers compulsory courses, three elective modules (Nematology Applied to Agro-ecosystems, Nematology Applied to Natural Ecosystems, Nematode Systematics (Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity) and additional elective courses. Detailed information on each subject can be found at the website of Ghent University: www.UGent.be > English > Education and study > Overview of all courses> Course catalogue> Course catalogue 2009-2010 > English > Study Programmes per Faculty > Faculty of Science > Master’s programmes> Master of Nematology.
Number of VLIR-UOS Scholarships: 12
Target countries
Only residents and nationals of the following countries are eligible for a VLIR-UOS scholarship:
Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Palestinian Administered Areas, Philippines, Vietnam
Latin America
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru, Surinam
Admission requirements
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in zoology, botany, biology, agriculture or a closely related field. Each application file will be screened by the Nematology Educational Committee.
You can apply for this scholarship by clicking hereApplication for this scholarship is possible from 01/10/2009 until 01/02/2010 If you apply through this link (you have to fill in all fields), VLIR-UOS will prescreen your file. When the evaluation is negative you will receive an e-mail with the reason why. When the evaluation is positive you will receive an e-mail with a link to the application form from the host university where the programme is organised. More detailed information and some documents are asked through this form for the second evaluation. YOU WILL RECEIVE THE E-MAIL WITHIN TWO WEEKS AFTER YOU FILLED IN THIS PRE-SCREENING FORM. Notice that YOU CAN APPLY FOR ONLY ONE Training OR ONE Master Programme FOR THE COMING ACADEMIC YEAR, so choose carefully!
Application is open from 01/10/2009 until 01/02/2010
Mrs N. Smol
Postgraduate International Nematology Course (PINC)
Ghent University
T + 32 (0)9 264 52 16
F + 32 (0)9 264 53 44
http://www.pinc.ugent.be; www.icp-itp.ugent.be/ICP/Nema.htm
Source: http://www.scholarships.vliruos.be
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this scholarship
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