2-year special postdoc stipends in tenure track
The application deadline is September 1 2010 at 12:00 noon Danish local time with the intention of starting employment of fellows by January 1, 2011, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Faculty of Science of the University of Copenhagen has observed, over a number of years, a disparity in the gender ratio of candidates receiving its M.Sc. degrees versus the gender ratio of recruits to its permanent academic posts. This observation also holds for other Danish Universities. This disparity leads to a loss of talent during the recruitment of Faculty researchers. To counteract this trend, a number of special, 2 year stipendiates are available to provide role models in fields in which the under-represented sex comprises less than 25% of the permanent staff. The Danish Regulation on ?Initiatives Supporting Equality"
(www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=20835) provides the framework for this fellowship program. The program should be seen as a continuation of the Faculty´s earlier Curie Stipend Program and is financed by funds ear-marked to postdoc positions as part of the National Globalization Agreement from 2006.
A FREJA Fellowship consists of a two-year postdoc stipend in a tenure track and aims thereafter to employ the FREJA Fellow as a tenured Associate Professor. According to Ministerial guidelines on academic positions, employment as a postdoc requires a PhD or equivalent scientific qualifications. At the end of the 2 year period, the FREJA Fellow can arrange to be employed in an open-ended position. This arrangement requires that the FREJA Fellow i. has completed the Faculty´s pedagogy course for Assistant Professors or a corresponding, formal pedagogical course of study, and ii. has been evaluated as qualified at the level of Associate Professor, in which case the FREJA Felloe should request that the Department and the Faculty undertake this evaluation at least 6 months prior to the end of the FREJA stipend.
A start-up sum of 500.000 kr. may be placed at the disposition of the FREJA fellow (salary for students, technician or postdoc, equipment, consumables, travels etc.). A Ph.D. stipend may also be placed at the disposition of the FREJA Fellow, and should be filled with a qualified applicant within the first 6 months of the 2 year period. The FREJA Fellow will function as a co-advisor for such a PhD student with a tenured associate or full professor as senior advisor. To further support the research of the FREJA Fellow, their teaching load is reduced to 50% of that of tenured staff.
Statistics on gender profiles among the Faculty´s conferred M.Sc. degrees and the Faculty´s permanent academic staff between 2005-09 can be downloaded at http://www.science.ku.dk/ansatte/service/regnskab/fakultetsstatistik/statistik.pdf/
(PDF, in Danish only). Since several fields employ relatively many men, women are especially encouraged to apply for the FREJA stipends, although all applications will be considered. The university wishes to reflect the surrounding community and therefore encourages all regardless of personal background to apply.
Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State can be found at http://perst.dk/Publications/2009/Finansministeriets%20lonoversigt.aspx
(in Danish only). The salary is based on seniority and is currently up to DKK 396.852 per year (+ pension up to DKK 67.861). Negotiation for further supplements based on qualifications may be possible.
Evaluation guidelines, pursuant to revisions in English are available at http://cms.ku.dk/admin/nat-sites/fak-sites/natfak/stipendier/evaluation_guidelines_for_scholarship_applications.pdf
Such guidelines include:
•Applicants will be notified of the composition of the evaluation committee.
•Applicants must provide supplementary documentation if requested by the committee.
•Applicants may be summoned for an interview and/or requested to give a trial lecture.
•Each applicant will receive that part of the evaluation relating to her/himself.
For further information, enquiries can be made to, e-mail FREJA@science.ku.dk.
Applications must be emailed as a single PDF file to nat-fak@science.ku.dk (Subject line: FREJA/211-0286/10-5801 ) and include in the following order:
◦A research plan (max. 3 pages),
◦CV (incl. the applicant´s email-address),
◦Publication list with max. 10 publications marked by the applicant as particularly relevant,
◦Proposed budget for the use of up to DKK 500,000 available for start-up
◦Documentation of teaching experience and other qualifications.
◦Requests for a PhD student stipend associated with the Fellow must be accompanied by i. a short description of 1-2 possible research plans for such a student and ii. the names of tenured staff would might be the senior advisor for the PhD student.
◦A signed letter of support from the Head of the Department at which the Fellow intends to perform their research. Departmental contacts are:
Department of Biology:
Head of Dept. Karsten Kristiansen, kk@bio.ku.dk
Department of Chemistry:
Head of Dept. Mikael Bols, I-leder@kemi.ku.dk
Department of Computer Science:
Head of Dept. Martin Zachariasen, martinz@diku.dk
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences:
Head of Dept. Else Trangbæk, etrangbaek@ifi.ku.dk
Department of Geography and Geology:
Head of Dept. Lars Stemmerik, institutleder@geo.ku.dk
Department of Mathematical Sciences:
Head of Dept. Erik Kjær Pedersen, erik@math.ku.dk
Department of Natural Science Didactics:
Head of Dept. Jens Dolin, dolin@ind.ku.dk
Natural History Museum of Denmark:
Managing Director Morten Meldgaard, mmeldgaard@snm.ku.dk
Niels Bohr Institute:
Head of Dept. John Renner Hansen, renner@nbi.dk
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this scholarship
2-year special postdoc stipends in tenure track
The application deadline is September 1 2010 at 12:00 noon Danish local time with the intention of starting employment of fellows by January 1, 2011, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Faculty of Science of the University of Copenhagen has observed, over a number of years, a disparity in the gender ratio of candidates receiving its M.Sc. degrees versus the gender ratio of recruits to its permanent academic posts. This observation also holds for other Danish Universities. This disparity leads to a loss of talent during the recruitment of Faculty researchers. To counteract this trend, a number of special, 2 year stipendiates are available to provide role models in fields in which the under-represented sex comprises less than 25% of the permanent staff. The Danish Regulation on ?Initiatives Supporting Equality"
(www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=20835) provides the framework for this fellowship program. The program should be seen as a continuation of the Faculty´s earlier Curie Stipend Program and is financed by funds ear-marked to postdoc positions as part of the National Globalization Agreement from 2006.
A FREJA Fellowship consists of a two-year postdoc stipend in a tenure track and aims thereafter to employ the FREJA Fellow as a tenured Associate Professor. According to Ministerial guidelines on academic positions, employment as a postdoc requires a PhD or equivalent scientific qualifications. At the end of the 2 year period, the FREJA Fellow can arrange to be employed in an open-ended position. This arrangement requires that the FREJA Fellow i. has completed the Faculty´s pedagogy course for Assistant Professors or a corresponding, formal pedagogical course of study, and ii. has been evaluated as qualified at the level of Associate Professor, in which case the FREJA Felloe should request that the Department and the Faculty undertake this evaluation at least 6 months prior to the end of the FREJA stipend.
A start-up sum of 500.000 kr. may be placed at the disposition of the FREJA fellow (salary for students, technician or postdoc, equipment, consumables, travels etc.). A Ph.D. stipend may also be placed at the disposition of the FREJA Fellow, and should be filled with a qualified applicant within the first 6 months of the 2 year period. The FREJA Fellow will function as a co-advisor for such a PhD student with a tenured associate or full professor as senior advisor. To further support the research of the FREJA Fellow, their teaching load is reduced to 50% of that of tenured staff.
Statistics on gender profiles among the Faculty´s conferred M.Sc. degrees and the Faculty´s permanent academic staff between 2005-09 can be downloaded at http://www.science.ku.dk/ansatte/service/regnskab/fakultetsstatistik/statistik.pdf/
(PDF, in Danish only). Since several fields employ relatively many men, women are especially encouraged to apply for the FREJA stipends, although all applications will be considered. The university wishes to reflect the surrounding community and therefore encourages all regardless of personal background to apply.
Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State can be found at http://perst.dk/Publications/2009/Finansministeriets%20lonoversigt.aspx
(in Danish only). The salary is based on seniority and is currently up to DKK 396.852 per year (+ pension up to DKK 67.861). Negotiation for further supplements based on qualifications may be possible.
Evaluation guidelines, pursuant to revisions in English are available at http://cms.ku.dk/admin/nat-sites/fak-sites/natfak/stipendier/evaluation_guidelines_for_scholarship_applications.pdf
Such guidelines include:
•Applicants will be notified of the composition of the evaluation committee.
•Applicants must provide supplementary documentation if requested by the committee.
•Applicants may be summoned for an interview and/or requested to give a trial lecture.
•Each applicant will receive that part of the evaluation relating to her/himself.
For further information, enquiries can be made to, e-mail FREJA@science.ku.dk.
Applications must be emailed as a single PDF file to nat-fak@science.ku.dk (Subject line: FREJA/211-0286/10-5801 ) and include in the following order:
◦A research plan (max. 3 pages),
◦CV (incl. the applicant´s email-address),
◦Publication list with max. 10 publications marked by the applicant as particularly relevant,
◦Proposed budget for the use of up to DKK 500,000 available for start-up
◦Documentation of teaching experience and other qualifications.
◦Requests for a PhD student stipend associated with the Fellow must be accompanied by i. a short description of 1-2 possible research plans for such a student and ii. the names of tenured staff would might be the senior advisor for the PhD student.
◦A signed letter of support from the Head of the Department at which the Fellow intends to perform their research. Departmental contacts are:
Department of Biology:
Head of Dept. Karsten Kristiansen, kk@bio.ku.dk
Department of Chemistry:
Head of Dept. Mikael Bols, I-leder@kemi.ku.dk
Department of Computer Science:
Head of Dept. Martin Zachariasen, martinz@diku.dk
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences:
Head of Dept. Else Trangbæk, etrangbaek@ifi.ku.dk
Department of Geography and Geology:
Head of Dept. Lars Stemmerik, institutleder@geo.ku.dk
Department of Mathematical Sciences:
Head of Dept. Erik Kjær Pedersen, erik@math.ku.dk
Department of Natural Science Didactics:
Head of Dept. Jens Dolin, dolin@ind.ku.dk
Natural History Museum of Denmark:
Managing Director Morten Meldgaard, mmeldgaard@snm.ku.dk
Niels Bohr Institute:
Head of Dept. John Renner Hansen, renner@nbi.dk
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this scholarship
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