Junior Research Fellowships 2011
The Governing Bodies of the three colleges propose to elect in co-operation up to eleven Junior Research Fellows, in Arts and Science, according to an agreed allocation of subjects between the colleges. The current salary is £20,938. The fellowships are tenable either from 1st October 2011 or, exceptionally, from 1st September 2011
Research Fellows are expected to undertake original research in some branch of arts, science or education. They may, with the permission of the appropriate Governing Body, undertake a limited amount of teaching. Depending upon their field of study, successful candidates will be based at one of Christ Church, Merton College or St John's College.
The fellowships are normally awarded to those who are approaching the end of their doctoral research or who have begun postdoctoral study. The successful candidate must have a good Honours degree (either First or 2:1), or an equivalent qualification. They must also have research expertise in their chosen field as demonstrated by a completed doctoral thesis and/or published or forthcoming books, or articles in refereed journals, as relevant to the candidate's field; or promise of such achievement, as relevant to the candidate's field.
Application forms, together with further particulars, and details of the allocation of subjects, may be obtained at www.chch.ox.ac.uk/general-information/employment
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 10th December 2010.
The colleges concerned are committed to conducting themselves as equal opportunities employers (details can be found in the further particulars).
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this scholarship
Junior Research Fellowships 2011
The Governing Bodies of the three colleges propose to elect in co-operation up to eleven Junior Research Fellows, in Arts and Science, according to an agreed allocation of subjects between the colleges. The current salary is £20,938. The fellowships are tenable either from 1st October 2011 or, exceptionally, from 1st September 2011
Research Fellows are expected to undertake original research in some branch of arts, science or education. They may, with the permission of the appropriate Governing Body, undertake a limited amount of teaching. Depending upon their field of study, successful candidates will be based at one of Christ Church, Merton College or St John's College.
The fellowships are normally awarded to those who are approaching the end of their doctoral research or who have begun postdoctoral study. The successful candidate must have a good Honours degree (either First or 2:1), or an equivalent qualification. They must also have research expertise in their chosen field as demonstrated by a completed doctoral thesis and/or published or forthcoming books, or articles in refereed journals, as relevant to the candidate's field; or promise of such achievement, as relevant to the candidate's field.
Application forms, together with further particulars, and details of the allocation of subjects, may be obtained at www.chch.ox.ac.uk/general-information/employment
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 10th December 2010.
The colleges concerned are committed to conducting themselves as equal opportunities employers (details can be found in the further particulars).
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this scholarship
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