The prestigious Fulbright Flinders University Distinguished Chair in American Political Science provides a unique opportunity to undertake collaborative research into issues of importance to both Australia and the United States, for four to five months at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. The scholarship includes a generous stipend, travel allowances for travel to and from as well as within Australia, and accommodation. Applications are due on August 2, 2010 for the 2011 award.
Scholars working on projects relating to politics and governance of the United States, including political thought, comparative politics, foreign relations, foreign policy and security studies, and relevant topics in related disciplines such as history, law and economics are encouraged to apply. Applications are especially encouraged from scholars working in areas of interest to both Australia and the United States. This position is an exciting opportunity to forge meaningful relationships between Australia and the United States that will result in innovative research of mutual benefit. Flinders University is a dynamic and supportive place to conduct your research, and Adelaide is a beautiful beachfront city in Southern Australia.
For more information please contact Professor Don DeBats (don.debats@flinders.edu.au) or visit the Fulbright Distinguished Chair website (http://www.flinders.edu.au/sabs/sis/fulbright.cfm). You may also wish to contact Dr. Joe Hlubucek, Executive Director of the Australian-American Fulbright Commission (joe.hlubucek@fulbright.com.au). Application and further information can be found at http://www.fulbright.com.au/scholarships/american/distinguishedchair_award.htm.
Professor Don DeBats, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia: don.debats@flinders.edu.au. You may also wish to contact Dr. Joe Hlubucek, Executive Director of the Australian-American Fulbright Commission: joe.hlubucek@fulbright.com.au
Email: don.debats@flinders.edu.au or joe.hlubucek@fulbright.com.au
Visit the website at http://www.flinders.edu.au/sabs/sis/fulbright.cfm
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this opportunity
The prestigious Fulbright Flinders University Distinguished Chair in American Political Science provides a unique opportunity to undertake collaborative research into issues of importance to both Australia and the United States, for four to five months at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. The scholarship includes a generous stipend, travel allowances for travel to and from as well as within Australia, and accommodation. Applications are due on August 2, 2010 for the 2011 award.
Scholars working on projects relating to politics and governance of the United States, including political thought, comparative politics, foreign relations, foreign policy and security studies, and relevant topics in related disciplines such as history, law and economics are encouraged to apply. Applications are especially encouraged from scholars working in areas of interest to both Australia and the United States. This position is an exciting opportunity to forge meaningful relationships between Australia and the United States that will result in innovative research of mutual benefit. Flinders University is a dynamic and supportive place to conduct your research, and Adelaide is a beautiful beachfront city in Southern Australia.
For more information please contact Professor Don DeBats (don.debats@flinders.edu.au) or visit the Fulbright Distinguished Chair website (http://www.flinders.edu.au/sabs/sis/fulbright.cfm). You may also wish to contact Dr. Joe Hlubucek, Executive Director of the Australian-American Fulbright Commission (joe.hlubucek@fulbright.com.au). Application and further information can be found at http://www.fulbright.com.au/scholarships/american/distinguishedchair_award.htm.
Professor Don DeBats, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia: don.debats@flinders.edu.au. You may also wish to contact Dr. Joe Hlubucek, Executive Director of the Australian-American Fulbright Commission: joe.hlubucek@fulbright.com.au
Email: don.debats@flinders.edu.au or joe.hlubucek@fulbright.com.au
Visit the website at http://www.flinders.edu.au/sabs/sis/fulbright.cfm
Please kindly mention Scholarization.blogspot.com when applying for this opportunity
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