
Friday, February 19, 2010

Japan Travel Program for Future US Leaders 2010-2011


Travel to Japan next August, sponsored by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP) in partnership with APSIA. Goal: fostering a new generation of US leaders interested in achieving a greater understanding of Japan and its roles in global affairs, and in engaging in dialogue and interchange with their counterparts in Japan.

The Program will invite approximately twelve (12) second-year graduate students, no more than two from each U.S.-based APSIA school, to Japan as a group for a period of approximately ten (10) days in August, 2010. The group will consist of students who currently are or previously have been engaged in Japan studies as well as those who successfully demonstrate a serious interest in Japan but may not have had previous exposure to the country.

- Meet experts in politics, economics and civil society
- Visit government ministries, think tanks, policy institutes, businesses and nonprofits
- One day in Tokyo for individual, self-organized research activities
- Cultural excursions

Eligible Candidates

All applicants must be 1) US citizen or permanent resident, 2) full-time student at an APSIA school (that includes HHH) who is returning for study in fall 2010 (i.e., you can't be graduating before December 2010 at the earliest), 3) able to demonstrate a serious interest in Japan and its role in and impact on the international arena, and 4) once selected as an invitee, agree to provide a substantial written report at the end of the trip.

Application process and deadline

There are 2 parts to the selection process: an internal selection of 2 candidates by the Humphrey Institute and a final review and selection of 12 participants by CGP and APSIA.


Submit 2 items as Word attachments to Lynne Schuman at
1) Resume
2) Statement of Purpose (3 pages maximum) addressing the following questions in a clear and concise manner:

a. In your opinion, what role(s) should Japan proactively pursue in this globalized world? Identify promising areas for U.S.-Japan collaboration in such a context.

b. Elaborate on your future career goals both in the short term (5 years after graduation) and the mid-long term. Discuss how they would potentially associate with Japan in a broader spectrum respectively.

c. Given that you have only one day on your own in Tokyo to conduct interviews/meetings based on your current study interests, how do you envision such an itinerary? Please provide, to the greatest extent possible, concrete suggestions on agencies, organizations, and names of individuals you are interested in contacting.

The Institute will review applications and select its 2 candidates by March 3. The quality of the essay will be central to determining the best candidates.


If you are selected as one of the 2 candidates to be nominated by HHH, you will need to provide the following additional materials:

A letter of recommendation from a professor or former work supervisor who is able to provide input on the candidate's character as well as future professional abilities

Official transcripts in sealed envelopes from current academic program plus universities previously attended [Note: Even though you don't know if you will be a nominee when you apply to HHH, make the request for these official transcripts immediately. They may take a while to get, and it's always good to have them on hand for future applications.]

A message from last year's Humphrey Institute participant, Sarah Berke (

As you encourage people to apply for the Japan Travel Program, you might want to direct them toward this link.

Please kindly mention when applying for this opportunity

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