
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The United States Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders program for students from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka


The Study of the United States Institutes (SUSI) for Student Leaders program on the Topic of New Media FY – 2011

The American Center of the U.S. Embassy, Dhaka, is pleased to announce the Study of The United States Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders program, for students from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The Institute will take place over the course of five weeks in May and June of 2011.

The Study of the U.S. Institutes Program has focused the Student Leaders Program on Journalism and New Media. It will examine major topics in journalism, including the changing landscape of traditional and new forms of media. The program will underscore the impact of digital journalism, and give participants new skills such as uploading original audio/visual content; 'twittering;' publishing blogs; utilizing social networking websites; and other new media platforms. The Institute will also explore the concept of a free press, First Amendment rights, the media's relationship to the public interest, and media business models. The Institute will include a media field placement component, providing participants with hands-on experience covering various aspects of journalism: researching, writing, editing, and reporting with particular emphasis on new forms of digital media.

All students with interest in New Media are encouraged to apply. We expect applications to come from students in diverse fields, including but not limited to: Journalism, Media, Literature, Graphic Design, Information Technology or Computer Science, International Relations and Photography.

The Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders is an intensive academic program whose purpose is to provide groups of undergraduate student leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States, while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills. The institute will consist of a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations and lectures. The coursework and classroom activities will be complemented by educational travel to other parts of the United States, local site visits, and volunteer opportunities. The institutes will include an academic residency component of approximately four weeks and a domestic travel component of approximately one week that will conclude with a 2-3 day program in Washington, D.C.

The participants are expected to be highly motivated and exemplary undergraduate students from colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education. While all candidates will have a strong interest in new media, their fields of study might vary, and can include disciplines such as Graphic Design, photography, Public Relations, Information Technology or Computer Science, International Affairs, Journalism, Literature and Media.

Candidates nominated for this program will:
- have a strong interest in new media;
- be fluent in English;
- be typically under 25 years of age;
- be in their second or third year of studying in a bachelors/honors program;
- be committed to returning to their home universities following completion of their institute program;
- demonstrate strong leadership qualities and potential in their university and community activities;
- indicate a serious interest in learning about the United States;
- have a sustained high level of academic achievement, as indicated in grades, awards, and teacher recommendations;
- have demonstrated commitment to community and extracurricular university activities;
- have had little or no prior study or travel experience in the United States or elsewhere outside of their home country;
- be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful and inquisitive;
- be willing and able to fully participate in an intensive academic program, community service, and educational travel program; and,
- be comfortable with campus life, prepared to share living accommodations, and able to make adjustments to cultural and social practices different from those of their home country.

Please find attached application forms, which candidates can copy and fill out in typed script or clear handwriting. Please note that each application must include a letter of recommendation from either the Department Head or the Faculty Dean and a passport size photograph. The application form is available at the following link: Application Form (DOC 62.5KB).

Application form:

The deadline for submission of completed applications to the American Center is Sunday, December 12, 2010. For further information, please contact Ms. Tahnia Shahid at the American Center, Momenshahi House, House# 110 Road# 27 Banani, Dhaka 1212 Telephone: 883 7150-4 Email:

Please kindly mention when applying for this scholarship

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Eugeannes Journal Trip on April 9, 2012 at 1:09 AM said...

That is one mouthful offer. I know that some are not that fortunate to avail even an educational travel, and it is a really big thing for this opportunity come up. It is important for a student to experience this kind of thing.

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